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The United States Capitol is under siege by Trump Supporters

idk if i buy into them not knowing how much of a threat radicalized white men are to society at large. I do believe there have been numerous articles stating how dangerous these groups are and numerous instances of them being violent towards others. they just didnt give af because they too are white supremacist organizations

the bold is laughable. white ppl need to police their imagination. lets start there

I feel you.

But think about the racist bias of these mfers.

The last 100 mass shootings in America were done by people that look like them, but they are all terrified of people that look like me.

I could see that same bias being the reason why they thought these protests were gonna be harmless.
I feel you.

But think about the racist bias of these mfers.

The last 100 mass shootings in America were done by people that look like them, but they are all terrified of people that look like me.

I could see that same bias being the reason why they thought these protests were gonna be harmless.

they couldnt have thought these protests would be harmless. no chance in hell.
As the white population continues to shrink in the United States more and more of these terrorists attacks are going to become more prevalent

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NOW the media wants to start calling this shit what we've been saying it is this whole time....domestic terrorism.

How phucking laughable

P.S. And phuck them all with 10 inches of sick dick for aiding, abetting, coddling, covering up, and enabling everyone and everything that got us to this point
i just think they never thought the american white folk would never come at them.

they can prepare for any other group but their own.

Before he resigned/got fired the Capitol Police Chief said they didnt expect or plan for anything more than angry speeches basically because thks was a conservative event and turned down multiple attempts from other agencies, like the Pentagon Police and National Guard, to be there beforehand. Which is why you've seen other law enforcement people from across the country say they were dumb as fuck for ignoring every piece of evidence they had for weeks about how bad this would be.

I didn't even thing about this, but when I went to work a couple of my coworkers were like "You know spies from other countries were out there Wednesday. They pretty much got free access to everything in the capitol building."

It's crazy. Some of the domestic terrorists stole laptops with sensitive information. I think we can pretty much chalk up that at least some of that sensitive info got out to foreigners.

There's no sensitive information that can be taken off of any of those laptops, computers, or phones that were taken.

All Federal phones are encrypted.

The hard drives on all of their laptops and computers are encrypted.

The data on those computers cannot be shared remotely off site without being authorized by the users. So unless they got Nancy Pelosi's password they ain't sharing shit. All of the accounts for those members of congress were locked and shutdown before they breached the building so all of their passwords were changed that day. They're not going to announce that to the public but I will bet my life savings that none of those members left those grounds without changing their passwords. There's not some IT dude in a secret closet in the basement of the building managing their data. It's all being done remotely.

Another thing that people don't realize is that sensitive government information is not on the same public network that we're on now. They use 3 networks.

Regular public network like us

NATO for international

And a SIPR network which is locked down and is a 100% private network that can only talk to other devices on that same private network.

In other words the absolute only way that you're going to get anything sensitive off of Nancy Pelosi's or any other member of Congress computer is if you have another device that is also on that same secret network and you have the credentials to login in.

So we're gonna see a lot of stories about data that was stolen and people gaslighting. Don't believe it.
That's amazing they had unlocked laptops just sitting around.

It's just too much of a coincidence for me to believe this isn't just one big game. I worked at a bank a few years ago and you couldn't do shit without locking your computer first.

If you were caught walking out of view of your computer they'd fire you on the spot, no questions asked. You had to be in view at all times.

You're telling me they don't have kill switches just in case of events like this? FOH

facts we gotta lock our computer everytime we get up