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The United States Capitol is under siege by Trump Supporters

Natural selection takes no days off
That's why newtons first law is relevant...

If you are the strong and able, you chose to be smart in your survival but putting yourself in a holding pattern, and you will continue to remain the strong in survival if you continue to remain still.

However those that are moving in a straight and stupid line that think why they havent been impeded is due to their hubress and not their own lack of understanding of their ignorance in their situation..will at some point this year be met with the same level of action, and speed to bring them to a rest.
Lmao at the shit people get stuck on.

Armed mfers are literally breaking in coming to kill me and im supposed to be like let me lock this laptop before i run out

Nah.... That shit should be part of their muscle memory.

In fact it is indicative of how under prepared they were in the event of a crisis or, if you will, how little they have drilled for a crisis.

They are federal employees, protecting state secrets takes precedence over the preservation of their own lives.

They are the captains and their ship is the Capitol.
Nah.... That shit should be part of their muscle memory.

In fact it is indicative of how under prepared they were in the event of a crisis or, if you will, how little they have drilled for a crisis.

They are federal employees, protecting state secrets takes precedence over the preservation of their own lives.

They are the captains and their ship is the Capitol.

Lets keep in mind that America is far behind other countries when it comes to cyber warfare specifically because these old people run the country and dont understand technology.

These things are related imo
The best part of this is Lindsey Graham came to the realization that he coulda been bodied and none of that conservative defense funding shit he fuels was there to save his life. It was these people own lack of planning and incompetence that saved him. If they took hostages, they absolutely no doubt would have murdered that dude.
Lets keep in mind that America is far behind other countries when it comes to cyber warfare specifically because these old people run the country and dont understand technology.

These things are related imo


That said this should be an eye opener to those that write contingency plans...

Mandatory monthly training needs to take place.
Annual Information Security Audits need to take place as well.

That said this should be an eye opener to those that write contingency plans...

Mandatory monthly training needs to take place.
Annual Information Security Audits need to take place as well.

Facts. Also there has to be a kill button
i just think they never thought the american white folk would never come at them.

they can prepare for any other group but their own.

This is my view too.

The fbi, cia, capitol police and all the other groups looked at what was happening but never felt there was a threat cause they never do from white people.

At this point, minority agents need to be put in charge of intelligence pertaining to white right wingers. Its clear that racial bias wont allow for white people to police other white people.
This is my view too.

The fbi, cia, capitol police and all the other groups looked at what was happening but never felt there was a threat cause they never do from white people.

At this point, minority agents need to be put in charge of intelligence pertaining to white right wingers. Its clear that racial bias wont allow for white people to police other white people.

idk if i buy into them not knowing how much of a threat radicalized white men pose to society. i do believe there have been numerous articles stating how dangerous these groups are and numerous instances of them being violent towards others. they just didnt give af because they too are white supremacist organizations

the bold is laughable. white ppl need to police their imagination. lets start there