Will never happen and no they dont. In a perfect world all companies are financially sound and everyone has no debt. The nature of some businesses dont allow for it. Some businesses are more capital intensive than others and government doesn't want to be in the business of regulating how a business runs, they only want to intervene when absolutely necessary. Like check this, General Electric has hundreds of billions in debt and that's because they have a lot of subsidiaries and different businesses they also own a financing department (GE Capital). It is very very tough to maintain double the amount of assets to debt because A. it's hard to steer a big company like that, B. The operating costs are very high and C. Financial companies that take in loans have to be marked on their books as a liability (even tho banks have a trillion dollars in assets, those loans arent their money so they also owe a trillion dollars as well). Car manufacturers, airlines, energy companies, mining companies, etc. Any capital intensive industry likely can't keep up with that. It's not as easy as saying "well fix your profits and liquidity". Lastly noooo one can predict when a major pandemic is going to come to threaten American business.
Oil and gas companies would also be shit out of luck since they cant control the price of oil, are already hugely capital intensive and many are (or going to) report major losses based on where oil prices are because they themselves can't restructure fast enough to accommodate oil prices.
This is what makes my role as a financial advisor more challenging, I'm always looking for companies whose financial standing is strong and in good shape coupled with good management. Companies like that are few and far in between - let alone selling at a fair price.