The true great demon
Bruh clinton isnt trump lol just because clinton numbers was good durning and before dont mean jack shit about how trump will fare, were talking about a guy that was an actual president and for the most part popular and well liked impeached on getting his dick sucked vs a person that has zero right anywhere near the office and is comprimised and corrupt as fuck and all around horrible person, the only thing they have in common is impeachement, also i remember alotta conversatives saying the shit about the muller invistigation...and guess what? His numbers are still trash and hes just as hated as he was before it startedNot so much apples and oranges when you think about how much stronger Clinton's presidency was afterwards, the democrats remember that situation, they're afraid the same thing will occur because as everyone has said on here his supporters will support through all his bullshit and fuck ups. He was acquitted and his polling numbers were strong during the whole situation...
And that hate you mentioned by the majority of people does not attest to them mid Western States and a lot of those Southern States though the numbers of people are larger in blue states... Places like Florida and Iowa still exist