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By the way, the Establishment Democratic party has its share of flaws.

Those flaws include: widespread corruption from corporate money, bias towards the status quo, refusing to fight blatantly horrific ideology, inaction, and legislation on the other side of the aisle, aversion to bold, progressive legislation, propensity to support bad legislation and/or the wrong decision for politically expedient reasons, politically destructive thirst for obtaining and maintaining power ... and more.

I consider myself a progressive.

But let’s not equate that with the horrific excuse for a political party the Republicans have come to represent.

It’s disingenuous at best to draw a false equivalency between the two.

Pence Office Contradicts Itself On Why Veep Stayed At Trump Club In Ireland

Vice President Mike Pence’s office blamed the uproar over his decision to go more than 100 miles out of his way during his trip to Ireland to stay at a Trump property on “misreporting.”

In a new statement shared by New York Times’ Maggie Haberman on Tuesday evening, Pence’s office said that the vice president wanted to stay near his ancestral hometown while in Ireland and argued the Pence family had stayed at the same property during a visit in 2013, before the Trump Organization acquired it. Pence’s office said the vice president had always planned to stay one night in Doonbeg, but Hurricane Dorian threw a wrench in official plans, the statement said.

“When Hurricane Dorian required our office to change the schedule on short notice, the decision was made to overnight in Doonbeg for two nights to accommodate official business and public events on both coasts,” the statement said. “At no time did the President direct our office to stay at his Doonbeg resort and any reporting to the contrary is false.”

The statement slightly contradicts what Pence’s own Chief of Staff Marc Short told reporters earlier this week.

“I don’t think it was a request, like a command … I think it was a suggestion,” Short said. “It’s like when we went through the trip, it’s like, well, he’s going to Doonbeg because that’s where the Pence family is from. It’s like, ‘Well, you should stay at my place.'”

Trump Administration To Halt Shift Toward Energy-Saving Light Bulbs

In yet another hit to efforts to combat climate change, President Donald Trump’ administration announced on Wednesday that it was rescinding conservation rules requiring energy-saving light bulbs.

The Department of Energy’s policy changes will halt the shift toward LED light bulbs, which help save energy and reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions.

Under the new policy, manufacturers are no longer required to meet energy conservation standards for several types of light bulbs, such as candle-shaped and reflector bulbs.

The administration’s rollback will be a boon for the light bulb manufacturers who opposed the regulations, though it could lead to further greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change.

The rule will go into effect on October 5.

The Trump administration is also rolling back key regulations on methane emissions, another contributor to climate change.


Trump Shows Hurricane’s Path With Apparent Doctored Bubble To Include Alabama

President Donald Trump on Wednesday displayed a map of Hurricane Dorian’s path that appeared to feature a bubble scribbled on to include Alabama, a state which Trump had earlier insisted, against direct proof, would be hit.

For reference, here’s a zoomed-in picture of Trump’s map:


“It was going to be hitting directly, and it would have affected a lot of other states,” Trump said in the Oval Office Wednesday, alongside Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan. “But that was the original chart. You see, it was going to hit not only Florida, but Georgia. It was going toward the Gulf. That was what was originally projected.”

And here’s Dorian’s official path from the National Hurricane Center website (though the storm moves, it never crosses Alabama’s border and there is no black bubble):

National Hurricane Center

Since Sunday morning, Trump repeatedly and emphatically insisted that Hurricane Dorian could hit Alabama, even as meteorologists from the local and federal level — aka his own weather service — refuted the claim.

After railing against the “phony” reporting denying the accuracy of his statement, Trump ultimately blamed his statements on “certain original scenarios” that never came to be.

The latest National Hurricane Center advisory for Dorian shows the storm veering to the East:

National Hurricane Center

Neither the White House nor the NHC immediately responded to requests for comment.

He can legally do virtually whatever he wants.

He can’t even be indicted by virtue of being the sitting President. He should have never been let within a hundred miles of the Oval Office... he should be behind bars.

But we voted him to be President.

Wait for the sequel.

So did he?

The prime minister responded by claiming “the article in question … was a strong liberal defense” for allowing adherents of any faith to wear the religious coverings they wish to.

“And I speak as somebody who is not only proud to have Muslim ancestors but to be related to Sikhs such as himself,” Johnson added. “And I’m also proud to say that under this government we have the most diverse cabinet in the history of this country and we truly reflect modern Britain.”