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This more about how “centrism” is a political institution used to prop up the establishment on both sides: Republican and Democrat.

It despises but tolerates Trump - because he’s good for business. But it loathes anyone or anything progressive because people like Bernie actually want to change things and help people.

That’s bad for business.

You got it tho
I'm not knocking what you're saying I just think it's so much more important to vote if you're part of the Blue Wave to get these Republicans out in red and purple states so the electoral college can be affected
Let’s give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they are idiots and voted for Trump in 16’ without knowing he was a racist.

Put your pseudo intellectual concerns aside for one moment and explain to me how you can vote for Trump in 2020 and not condone racism.

No smoke and mirrors. Just answer that question. I really want to hear the argument you are making. And if you are not making that argument, you have to stop citing that position as an absurd position to take just because it might hurt someone’s feelings.
Im not making that my point. My point was exactly what i stated. Saying "Vote blue or ur enabling a racist!!" Towards non voters. Thats extreme. Thats my point.

What non voters did do is help elect a racist into office. Thats empirically true.

Whether that makes people in the group foolishly idealistic, ignorant, negligent or racist - I’ll leave that up to you.
More of that bullshit. Republicans sat. Dems sat even tho their state went blue. This very quote shows such huge bias toward ur own views that i know every post between each other is beyond pointless. Get your smug head out ur ass.

But if nothing else, please explain what you mean by “preserve a balance”.

It sounds like a very reasonable and moderate thing to say on the surface.

But what are you proposing we balance?
And to what end?
Like better balance between socialism and capitalism. Stricter gun laws while preserving gun rights.

Shit like border control. Build the wall is a terrible idea but so is open borders.

Keeping out racists, thought police, political witch hunts etc

McConnell Complains ‘Moscow Mitch’ Moniker Is ‘Over The Top’

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) doesn’t care for his new nickname.

During a radio interview Tuesday on “The Hugh Hewitt Show,” McConnell said it was “unbelievable” for a “Cold Warrior like me” to be mocked as a Kremlin ally for repeatedly blocking both Democratic and bipartisan bills aimed at curbing Russian election interference.

“It’s an effort to smear me,” the Kentucky Republican told Hewitt
. “You know, I can laugh about things like the Grim Reaper, but calling me Moscow Mitch is over the top.”

McConnell also repeated his previous complaint that the moniker was “modern day McCarthyism.”

“This is what we’re up against with the hard left today in America,” he said.

Even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) referred to McConnell as such in August when she was ripping him for killing legislation from the House.

“Moscow Mitch says that he is the ‘grim reaper,'” Pelosi said during a Democratic event in Illinois. “Imagine describing yourself as the ‘grim reaper,’ that he’s going to bury all this legislation.”

Dead give away for what exactly?

He posted a tweet about "far left, far right, centrists"

Im referring to extremism on either side not just ur average repub or dem
We live in white spracy
Dead give away for what exactly?

He posted a tweet about "far left, far right, centrists"

Im referring to extremism on either side not just ur average repub or dem

We live in white supremacy anything that deviates from the norm is radical...aka far left these two things are not comparable
I'm not knocking what you're saying I just think it's so much more important to vote if you're part of the Blue Wave to get these Republicans out in red and purple states so the electoral college can be affected

I respect this. And the latter part of your post is 200% correct.

I just disagree. I think everyone should vote for the best viable candidate in their eyes every time.
I respect this. And the latter part of your post is 200% correct.

I just disagree. I think everyone should vote for the best viable candidate in their eyes every time.
I wasn't disputing voting for the best viable candidate I just feel like the only way a difference can happen is by inspiring those who live in the opposite party state or a mixed state to get out and vote and not sit down because they are the ones that can make a difference in the Electoral College
Im not making that my point. My point was exactly what i stated. Saying "Vote blue or ur enabling a racist!!" Towards non voters. Thats extreme. Thats my point.

In the case in 2016 it wasn’t “extreme”.
It was simply a fact.

If I throw a spade on the table ... it’s a spade regardless of how you feel.

More of that bullshit. Republicans sat. Dems sat even tho their state went blue. This very quote shows such huge bias toward ur own views that i know every post between each other is beyond pointless. Get your smug head out ur ass.

Please do me a favor and identify the evidence of the “huge bias towards my own views” that you found in my argument. Much appreciated.

The Dems that sat weren’t just in blue states. You have to have known that.

Republicans have the electoral college gift wrapped to them unless a Democratic Candidate is supported in force eg. Obama.

Republican votes weigh more than Democratic votes. This has been proven repeatedly throughout history. Plainly put, Democratic voters can’t afford to waste their votes ... it’s not my opinion. It math.

Moreover, there is the philosophy.

The “both sides” narrative perpetuated by the media and cultivated online (you were a part of that) affected not just strategically convenient voters - it affected apathetic millions across the country. Social Media and the Main Stream Media are not selective with how they deliver their messages. If you have a TV and a Smartphone - you heard it. That’s a big part of the problem.

And my “views” are supported by empirical evidence.

You talk about my “bias” but you will either ignore or dismiss the data presented below.

It’s called cognitive dissonance.

Trump won the electoral college by roughly 100,000 votes across swing states. That’s 0.09 percent of all votes cast in this election.

.09% was margin of victory Republicans won the White House by...

More than 75,000 Michigan Democratic voters did not bother to show up in 2016.
(They did not become Trump voters – they simply stayed at home.)

If even a fraction of them had turned out, Michigan would have stayed blue.

Wisconsin tells the same numbers story, even more dramatically. Trump received exactly the same number of votes in Michigan as the last Republican candidate.

But Democrats showed up to the tune of 230,000 less than they did in 2012.

This pattern is national. The black voter turnout dropped more than 11 percent compared to 2012. It wasn’t black voter support that made the difference - (87 percent supported Hilary) it was the voter turnout. Almost two million black votes cast in 2012 were not cast in 2016.

The Hispanic and minority percentage of non voters also rose. As well as the percentage of younger people that refused to cast a ballot.

You are being completely disingenuous if you continue to pretend that there isn’t the slightest suggested correlation between voter apathy and Trump’s election, in the data cited above ... but that’s exactly what you will do.


You are welcome to call it “bullshit” but not voting is a flawed approach that does not accomplish anything positive.

I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable but it is what it is.

Like better balance between socialism and capitalism. Stricter gun laws while preserving gun rights.

Shit like border control. Build the wall is a terrible idea but so is open borders.

Keeping out racists, thought police, political witch hunts etc

We could have an entire discussion about the myth of “socialism” but I’ll leave that for another time.

You do realize that everything you mentioned is considered a “far left” position, tho? Right

(Aside from the “open borders” comment No one in Washington DC or possibly the entire country is for “open borders”.

Massive straw man argument. In saying that you are acting as a mouthpiece for the Republican establishment.)

The Republican platform is miles to the right of what you just described. Just like they are with virtually every issue...

How are you proposing we enact this grand centrist comprise you were referring to?

How exactly do we achieve “balance” with the personification of greed and insanity?

Or do you also think it is hyperbolic to call some of the core views espoused by the Republican platform as “greedy” or “Insane”

Pardon me.

I guess because I am on the left, I should try not to speak out of turn ...

I need to just try to see things from their perspective. Surely that will get us somewhere different than we have been the last 50 years.
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In the case in 2016 it wasn’t “extreme”.
It was simply a fact.

If I throw a spade on the table ... it’s a spade regardless of how you feel.

Please do me a favor and identify the evidence of the “huge bias towards my own views” that you found in my argument. Much appreciated.

The Dems that sat weren’t just in blue states. You have to have known that.

Republicans have the electoral college gift wrapped to them unless a Democratic Candidate is supported in force eg. Obama.

Republican votes weigh more than Democratic votes. This has been proven repeatedly throughout history. Plainly put, Democratic voters can’t afford to waste their votes ... it’s not my opinion. It math.

Moreover, there is the philosophy.

The “both sides” narrative perpetuated by the media and cultivated online (you were a part of that) affected not just strategically convenient voters - it affected apathetic millions across the country. Social Media and the Main Stream Media are not selective with how they deliver their messages. If you have a TV and a Smartphone - you heard it. That’s a big part of the problem.

And my “views” are supported by empirical evidence.

You talk about my “bias” but you will either ignore or dismiss the data presented below.

It’s called cognitive dissonance.

Trump won the electoral college by roughly 100,000 votes across swing states. That’s 0.09 percent of all votes cast in this election.

.09% was margin of victory Republicans won the White House by...

More than 75,000 Michigan Democratic voters did not bother to show up in 2016.
(They did not become Trump voters – they simply stayed at home.)

If even a fraction of them had turned out, Michigan would have stayed blue.

Wisconsin tells the same numbers story, even more dramatically. Trump received exactly the same number of votes in Michigan as the last Republican candidate.

But Democrats showed up to the tune of 230,000 less than they did in 2012.

This pattern is national. The black voter turnout dropped more than 11 percent compared to 2012. It wasn’t black voter support that made the difference - (87 percent supported Hilary) it was the voter turnout. Almost two million black votes cast in 2012 were not cast in 2016.

The Hispanic and minority percentage of non voters also rose. As well as the percentage of younger people that refused to cast a ballot.

You are being completely disingenuous if you continue to pretend that there isn’t the slightest suggested correlation between voter apathy and Trump’s election, in the data cited above ... but that’s exactly what you will do.


You are welcome to call it “bullshit” but not voting is a flawed approach that does not accomplish anything positive.

I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable but it is what it is.

We could have an entire discussion about the myth of “socialism” but I’ll leave that for another time.

You do realize that everything you mentioned is considered a “far left” position, tho? Right

(Aside from the “open borders” comment No one in Washington DC or possibly the entire country is for “open borders”.

Massive straw man argument. In saying that you are acting as a mouthpiece for the Republican establishment.)

The Republican platform is miles to the right of what you just described. Just like they are with virtually every issue...

How are you proposing we enact this grand centrist comprise you were referring to?

How exactly do we achieve “balance” with the personification of greed and insanity?

Or do you also think it is hyperbolic to call some of the core views espoused by the Republican platform as “greedy” or “Insane”

Pardon me.

I guess because I am on the left, I should try not to speak out of turn ...

I need to just try to see things from their perspective. That will get us somewhere different than we have been the last 50 years.
This is just way too long fam

Why am i not surprised u dont see ur own bias?

Lets get back to the original tweet. The "far left" and "far right" represent political extremes on either side of the aisle.

Of course they arent the same. They are bat shit crazy in their own unique ways.

All that twitter post does is say "our extremism is better than yours!!"

If u cant even detect any forms of extremisms on the side u pledge allegiance to theres no farther reason needed to prove ur bias

CLEARLY the tweet was written by a "left leaning" (that better playmaker?) Person for left leaning ppl to eat up