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The Official World Politics Thread

I don’t know what no one every challenges these types of statements.

If the article wasn’t truthful, what is the truth?

Which statements from the duly elected Congress woman do you consider to be “racist”?

How is criticizing a sovereign nation and an ally for oprressive, undemocratic behavior qualify as anti Semitic?

If Germany opressed inhabitants of it’s country today, would it be “racist” to call it out, or our fiduciary responsibility? Why is Israel different?

How is it not racist to suggest that four citizens of this country (three of of them born here) “go back to the [disgusting] places they came from?”

How is it not anti Semitic to claim that nazis surrounding a temple with torches screaming “the Jews will not replace us” are “very fine people”

How is it not anti Semitic to explicitly demand dual loyalty among Jewish citizens of America?

How is it not anti Semitic to photoshop the Star of David on a post about your political enemy?

Why are you a raging narcisist and a hypocritical moron?

Clearly tweeted by a leftist for leftists to eat up

But ima let the echo chamber eat

Not gonna argue with you. But I will concede that the post is an over simplification and painting with a broad brush.

But I’d like to see you argue that the spirit of the statement doesn’t have truth to it.


Abortion rights
Black rights
Gay Rights
Immigrant rights etc
Funny shit ^^^^

Extremism on either side is a problem

Which is literally an aversion of centrism

Extremism on one side is 10X more of the problem than it is on the other.

Pretending they are equal is what got us into this mess.

Tell me the long term adverse effects of “Left Extremism”

Basic Rights of Gay people?
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Extremism on one side is 10X more of the problem than it is on the other.

Pretending they are equal is what got us into this mess.

Tell me the long term adverse effects of “Left Extremism”

Basic Rights of Gay people?
Its not about pretending which side is worse. Ppl that swear allegiance to one side do that about the other. Its about at least trying to find and preserve a balance.

But the country is so polarized that the middle ground is getting blurred ppl went from calling u racist for voting for trump to calling u racist for sitting out and not supporting Dems bc u, in turn, allowed a racist to win.

Then mfs start participating or 'fake supporting' just to avoid the backlash.
Its not about pretending which side is worse. Ppl that swear allegiance to one side do that about the other. Its about at least trying to find and preserve a balance.

But the country is so polarized that the middle ground is getting blurred ppl went from calling u racist for voting for trump to calling u racist for sitting out and not supporting Dems bc u, in turn, allowed a racist to win.

Then mfs start participating or 'fake supporting' just to avoid the backlash.

Let’s give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they are idiots and voted for Trump in 16’ without knowing he was a racist.

Put your pseudo intellectual concerns aside for one moment and explain to me how you can vote for Trump in 2020 and not condone racism.

No smoke and mirrors. Just answer that question. I really want to hear the argument you are making. And if you are not making that argument, you have to stop citing that position as an absurd position to take just because it might hurt someone’s feelings.

You completely made up the point about any significant portion of people calling non voters racist. I have never heard that.

What non voters did do is help elect a racist into office. Thats empirically true.

Whether that makes people in the group foolishly idealistic, ignorant, negligent or racist - I’ll leave that up to you.

But if nothing else, please explain what you mean by “preserve a balance”.

It sounds like a very reasonable and moderate thing to say on the surface.

But what are you proposing we balance?
And to what end?
Here ya go with this arguing about voting again... end of the day Hilary won the popular vote and LOST the Electoral College vote...

Need a graph of the non voters and their states to really see where the fuckery happen
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Here ya go with this arguing about voting again... end of the day Hilary won the popular vote and LOSS the Electoral College vote...

Need a graph of the non voters and their states to really see where the fuckery happen

This more about how “centrism” is a political institution used to prop up the establishment on both sides: Republican and Democrat.

It despises but tolerates Trump - because he’s good for business. But it loathes anyone or anything progressive because people like Bernie actually want to change things and help people.

That’s bad for business.

You got it tho
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