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He can legally do virtually whatever he wants.

He can’t even be indicted by virtue of being the sitting President. He should have never been let within a hundred miles of the Oval Office... he should be behind bars.

But we voted him to be President.

Report: Trump Bragged About Popularity, Sought to Avoid ‘Difficult’ Exhibits During Visit to African-American History Museum

President Donald Trump bragged about his popularity and sought to be sheltered rom “difficult” exhibits during his 2017 visit to the National Museum of African-American History and Culture, according to the soon-t0-be-released memoir A Fool’s Errand: Creating the National Museum of African American History and Culture in the Age of Bush, Obama and Trump by former Smithsonian Secretary Lonnie G. Bunch III.

Per excerpts of the book published in the Washington Post, Bunch, the founding director of the NMAAHC, escorted Trump on a private tour of the newly opened museum and witnessed first-hand the president’s sometimes disconnected and tone deaf reactions to it.

Upon Trump’s arrival, Bunch writes that he was told the president “was in a foul mood and that did not want to see anything ‘difficult.'” Despite this guidance, the Smithsonian secretary said he did not sugarcoat the museum’s message. “It was not my job to make the rough edges of history smooth.”

During one section where the museum explores the role the Dutch played in the global slave trade, Bunch recalls Trump lingering over the exhibit. “As he pondered the label I felt that maybe he was paying attention to the work of the museum,” the Post quotes, from Bunch’s book. “He quickly proved me wrong. As he turned from the display he said to me, ‘You know, they love me in the Netherlands.’ All I could say was let’s continue walking.”

Though Trump became animated at the museum’s exhibits about Dr. Ben Carson — his own HUD Secretary, who was also on the tour — and legendary boxer Muhammad Ali, Bunch writes that the rest of the president’s visit was an anti-climactic letdown. “There is little I remember about the rest of the hour we spent together. I was so disappointed in his response to one of the greatest crimes against humanity in history,” Bunch writes. “Here was a chance to broaden the views and the understanding of the incoming president and I had been less successful than I had expected.”

Pro-Trump Super PAC Paid $900K To Parscale-Owned Digital Data Firm

The President’s flagship political action committee paid more than $900,000 to a digital data firm connected to President Donald Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale, according to reports from ABC News and CNN Friday evening.

Citing campaign finance records, ABC News reported that the pro-Trump super PAC America First Action has paid Red State $909,871 with much of that money spent on midterm congressional candidates ahead of the 2018 midterms.

Parscale told ABC News, who first reported the finding, that the contractor, called Red State Data and Digital, LLC, was not a secret and that the firm complied with election laws. Parscale added that it was primarily working to support congressional candidates during the 2018 midterms.

“Complaints about Red State are simply another attempt to smear President Trump by attacking those who work for him,” Parscale said.

ABC News notes that Parscale had not previously discussed his interest in the firm Red State Data and Digital, LLC, which began doing website development and digital fundraising work for America First Action, Inc., in March 2018 — only weeks after Parscale started his position as the campaign manager for Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign.

Parscale told ABC News that the firm is an offshoot of Parscale Strategy LLC and said his wife has long served as a bookkeeper for his businesses. Parscale and his wife Candice later told CNN that he owns the company even though she is listed on legal paperwork.

Parscale also told CNN that he hadn’t originally wanted to disclose his ownership publicly because there are no available records connecting him to the company.

“Red State is a valued vendor that provides us with digital consulting services at a competitive rate,” America First Action spokesperson Kelly Sadler told ABC News. “America First strictly complies with FEC rules and regulations and any suggestion otherwise is patently false.”

It is legally required for campaigns to avoid coordinating their messages and spending with political action committees. Parscale told ABC News that he was aware of legalities when he created Red State to take over work that Parscale Strategy had been doing for the pro-Trump super PAC.

“This is a perfectly legal and appropriate arrangement, which is firewalled, with zero chance for coordination,” Parscale said. “There could not possibly be coordination because the ads placed were for other candidates in the 2018 midterms.”

Tiffany Trump Posts Pointed Quote After POTUS Personal Assistant Drama

Tiffany Trump, President Donald Trump’s fourth child, on Saturday pointedly posted a certain poem on Instagram following the drama around her father’s former personal assistant.

The assistant, Madeleine Westerhout, was fired last week after she bragged to reporters during an off-the-record dinner that she was closer to the President than Tiffany and Ivanka Trump. Westerhout also reportedly told the journalists that Trump didn’t want to be photographed with Tiffany because he believed her to be too overweight.

The youngest Trump daughter posted a poem by Rumi several days later, which read in part: “Study me as much as you like, you will never know me. For I differ a hundred ways from what you see me to be.”

On Saturday, Trump tweeted that he had forgiven Westerhout.

“I love Tiffany, doing great!” he added.
