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The Official World Politics Thread

Lemme start from the top. Sorry if I say anything you already kno'

So the EU is a trading bloc that the UK is currently apart of and so follows its rules and regulations so we can use its single market and all the other benefits of membership. Its been 30+ years so the UKs economy and pretty much everything else is entangled with the EU so leavin' without agreein' access to these benefits will fuck up the UKs economy (and the rest of the world too probably)

Boris and his rich chums wants a no deal Brexit so they can avoid regulations and tax laws which we would def need to follow if we had a deal.
All other politicians know that will fuck us up so they don't want that.

We've all been under the belief that if the UK and EU can't agree a deal by the 31st of October then we leave with no deal by default.

Boris was tryna make it so Parliament couldn't stop this from happening by askin' the Queen to close the parliamentary session. That's called proroguing.

The EU doesn't want a no deal Brexit and the deadline of the 31st was only put in place to make Britain hurry up. Now its gone so Boris' proroguing of government is moot.

Ah ha! So that's what it boils down to...not wanting to deal wit those tax laws & regulations.

Does that also mean if there's a no deal...then that also gives Boris...his cronies...and TRUMP an excuse to come up with THEIR OWN rules that'll benefit their rich buddies?
Ah ha! So that's what it boils down to...not wanting to deal wit those tax laws & regulations.

Does that also mean if there's a no deal...then that also gives Boris...his cronies...and TRUMP an excuse to come up with THEIR OWN rules that'll benefit their rich buddies?
Yep we will be America junior