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Lucy McBath Would Like A Different Sort Of Apology From The NRA

Rep. Lucy McBath (D-GA) responded to the National Rifle Association president’s apology on Tuesday by saying the “most acceptable” apology would be the gun group “no longer putting profit over public safety.”

After McBath slammed NRA president Carolyn Meadows for saying the outspoken gun rights activist was only elected because she was a “minority candidate,” Meadows apologized on Monday.

“I apologize to Rep. McBath and her supporters,” she said in a statement to the Washington Post. “My comments were insensitive and inappropriate. I did not intend to discredit the congresswoman or the merits of her campaign — only to reflect my view that the Second Amendment was not a prevailing factor in this election.”

CNN’s Brooke Baldwin asked McBath if she accepted the apology.

“It’s not a matter of me having to accept an apology from her,” the congresswoman said. “The most acceptable apology for me would be if the NRA gun lobby as — if they stop pushing their extremist agenda and that they are no longer putting profit over public safety.”

“That would be the most acceptable apology I could ever receive,” she added.


Stephen Moore Wants A ‘Statute Of Limitations’ On ‘Saying Stupid Things’

Stephen Moore doesn’t know why people are so hung up on his old articles.

When asked about his past misogynistic comments, Stephen Moore asserted on Tuesday that there should be a “statute of limitations on saying stupid things.”

President Donald Trump’s former pick for the Federal Reserve Board appeared on MSNBC Tuesday afternoon, during which anchor Ali Velshi asked Moore whether he thought his columns disparaging women contributed to his nomination withdrawal.

Moore claimed that amid the “scores of women” he knows, “not one of them has made a claim of any kind of misconduct or misbehavior.”


MO GOP Signals It’ll Put Measure Gutting Redistricting Reform On 2020 Ballot

Missouri’s Republican Senate leaders indicated Tuesday that they’ll prioritize getting a measure to gut a recent anti-gerrymandering initiative on the 2020 ballot, as the state’s current legislative session winds to a close.

The Missouri House has already approved the measure, which undoes many of the reforms of the so-called Clean Missouri ballot initiative passed by voters in 2018. But it was an open question whether the Senate would prioritize the measure and push to pass it before its session ends on May 17.

Senate President Dave Schatz (R) and Senate Majority Floor Leader Caleb Rowden (R) have both put their full support behind passing the new measure, the St. Louis Dispatch reported on Tuesday, leading a Senate panel to advance it to the floor in a party-line 5-2 vote.

If put on the ballot and approved by voters, the new measure would more or less return Missouri to its previous system of redistricting, through which maps are drawn by a commission made up of individuals recommended by the legislature and appointed by the governor. Clean Missouri had sought to put a nonpartisan demographer in charge of redistricting. Under that 2018 initiative, the legislature could then make tweaks to the demographer’s plan if they had 70 percent support of the commission.

Missouri Republicans have defended the new measure gutting Clean Missouri by claiming that voters didn’t really know what they were voting for when they voted for the 2018 initiative, which also included several ethics reform provisions. The new measure, if put on the 2020 ballot, will lead with a provision to completely ban lobbyists’ gifts to lawmakers, after Clean Missouri put a $5 limit on them.

In addition to nixing the nonpartisan demographer, the new measure also includes language that observers believe will set the stage for Missouri to try to exclude noncitizens from its redistricting count. That language includes tweaking redistricting standards from being on the basis of “total population” to being based on “one person, one vote.”

Furthermore, Plocher last year sponsored unsuccessful legislation that specifically called for drawing legislative districts on basis of number of citizens rather than total population. That change to the redistricting metric would reduce the political representation given to immigrant-heavy communities, further boosting Republicans’ electoral advantages.

Many believe that was the endgame with the Trump administration’s push to add a citizenship question to the decennial census, which supplies states and localities with the data they use for redistricting. The Supreme Court is currently considering whether the question will remain on the 2020 census.

‘Fox And Friends’ Has The Most Predictable Reaction To Story On Trump Losing Money

This segment went about how you’d expect from President Trump’s favorite TV show.

The hosts of “Fox and Friends” on Wednesday weighed in on a blockbuster New York Times article on Trump’s old tax returns — reporting that showed Trump lost $1 billion over the course of a decade.

The reaction on the Fox couch? Well, it actually makes Trump look good.

“They realize he’s a billionaire,”Ainsley Earhardt said of voters’ possible reaction to the story. “He was campaigning on the trail with his plane behind him that’s as big as a Delta jet, with his name on it. We can’t even fathom that kind of money. So I’m sure — if you have that kind of money you look at tax laws. You buy things to take a loss so that you make more the next year. But that’s not how most of us think.”

She added: “If anything, you read this and you’re like, wow, it’s pretty impressive all the things he has done in his life. It’s beyond what most of could ever achieve.”

The propaganda channel still has Trump’s back...

WH: Trump Asserts Exec Privilege Over ‘Nadler’s Blatant Abuse Of Power’

The Justice Department announced Wednesday that it asked President Trump to assert executive privilege over the full, unredacted Mueller report and its underlying evidence, making good on an earlier threat that the DOJ would do so if House Democrats held the attorney general in contempt.

In a statement, the White House blamed the decision on House Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler’s “blatant abuse of power.”

“The American people see through Chairman Nadler’s desperate ploy to distract from the President’s historically successful agenda and our booming economy. Neither the White House nor Attorney General Barr will comply with Chairman Nadler’s unlawful and reckless demands,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement, just as the House Judiciary Committee met to vote on holding the attorney general in contempt of Congress over his refusal to comply with a subpoena demanding the full and Mueller report and underlying evidence.

The Justice Department piled on the Nadler blaming in a letter to the chairman sent right as the hearing commenced.

“Regrettably, you have made this assertion necessary by your insistence upon scheduling a premature contempt vote,” Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd wrote.

Nadler commenced the committee hearing Wednesday arguing that he doesn’t take a contempt vote “lightly” and offered to continue to “consider any reasonable offer made by the department even after today’s vote.”

“But if a letter I received late last night from the department is any indication, I’m concerned that the department is heading in the wrong direction,” Nadler said in his opening statement. “In response to our latest good faith offer, the department abruptly announced that if we move forward today it will ask President Trump to invoke what it refers to as a protective assertion of executive privilege on all the materials subject to our subpoena. Just minutes ago, it took that dramatic step.”

“Besides misapplying the doctrine of executive privilege, since the White House waived these privileges long ago and the department seemed open to sharing these materials with us just yesterday, this decision represents a clear escalation and the Trump administration’s blanket defiance of Congress’ constitutionally mandated duties,” he continued. “I hope that the department will think better of this last-minute outburst and return to negotiations.”

The two branches of government have been engaged in negotiations, and a very public tit-for-tat, since the redacted version of Mueller’s report was released last month. Nadler and Judiciary Committee Democrats want lawmakers to be able to see an unredacted version of the report, along with the grand jury materials and all the underlying evidence. Attorney General William Barr has claimed that he is unable to release the grand jury materials. The DOJ offered to allow 12 members of Congress and two staffers to view an unredacted version of the document in a secure location, but Nadler has pushed for all members of the House and Senate Judiciary and Intelligence Committees to review it.
i need the goat to help me understand

what the fuck just happened and is it a way around it?

dont congress have some sort of power?

As Gaetz Pontificates At Hearing, Florida Bar Steps Up Probe Of His Cohen Threat

While Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) rails against Democrats in a House Judiciary Committee hearing to possibly hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt, the Florida Bar has decided that further investigation is needed to determine if the lawmaker tried to intimidate Michael Cohen.

According to a Wednesday Tampa Bay Times report, that the Florida Bar is carrying the case past its initial review signals that there are grounds for discipline should allegations against him prove true. An investigator will now reportedly take over the case.

The Bar initially opened the investigation at the end of February.

The possible threat in question came in the form of a tweet Gaetz wrote the day before Cohen was slated to testify before Congress.

“Hey @ MichaelCohen212,” read Gaetz’s now-deleted tweet. “Do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? Maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat. I wonder if she’ll remain faithful when you’re in prison. She’s about to learn a lot…”

He apologized after his comment sparked an outcry.


Falwell Hops On Fox Radio To Deny Deal With Cohen To Handle Racy Photos

Liberty University President and Trump-evangelist Jerry Falwell declined to comment to Reuters when it published a piece on Tuesday about Michael Cohen’s efforts to get rid of some racy photos of evangelical leader.

But he was quick to hop on a Fox Radio program that same day and proclaim his innocence.

During an appearance on Fox Radio’s “Todd Starnes Show” Tuesday, Falwell told listeners of his friendship with Cohen, but said there are “no compromising or embarrassing photos” of him in existence.

“While we have a long-standing friendship with Michael Cohen, we never engaged or paid Cohen to represent us in any legal or other professional capacity, and Cohen did not ever resolve any legal matter on our behalf,” Falwell told the Fox Radio host. “This report is not accurate.”

On Tuesday, Reuters reported that in the months before Falwell issued a shocking endorsement of then-candidate Trump, Cohen, then a fixer and personal lawyer for Trump, helped Falwell deal with a personal matter: someone was trying to blackmail the evangelical leader with racy photos.

Cohen reportedly recounted his work for the Falwells during a conversation with comedian Tom Arnold in March, which he secretly recorded. (In the same recording, Cohen also reportedly disavowed parts of his guilty plea.) Cohen reportedly helped the Falwells negotiate with the blackmailer’s lawyer and destroy the photos — which he described to Arnold as “terrible,” “personal,” the kind “between husband and wife” — in exchange for a Trump endorsement during a pivotal part of the election: just before Iowa caucuses took place.

Falwell’s bearhug of Trump — which included vouching for the thrice-married, ex-abortion supporter’s Christian values — is widely credited as the catalyst that shifted the white evangelical vote away from candidates like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who announced his presidential campaign at Liberty University in 2015, and toward Trump.
