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House Judiciary Schedules Wednesday Vote On Bill Barr Contempt Resolution

The House Judiciary Committee has scheduled for Wednesday a committee vote on a report recommending that Attorney General Bill Barr be held in contempt for failing to turn over an unredacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report. If the recommendation passes, the next step — if Democrats seek to move forward with holding Barr in contempt — would be a vote on a contempt resolution on the House floor.

“Although the Committee has attempted to engage in accommodations with Attorney General Barr for several months, it can no longer afford to delay, and must resort to contempt proceedings,” the Judiciary Committee report released on Monday reads.

Democrats have issued a subpoena for the full report and the underlying evidence. Barr has not complied with the subpoena and has said that federal law prohibits him from removing some of the redactions in the public version, such as the redactions for grand jury materials. He has offered certain members of Congress an opportunity to view a version that has other redactions removed.

House Judiciary Committee Jerry Nadler (D-NY) said in a statement with the announcement of the vote that, “If the Department presents us with a good faith offer for access to the full report and the underlying evidence, I reserve the right to postpone these proceedings.”

The top Republican on the committee, Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) called the Democrats’ move “illogical and disingenuous,” and accused Democrats of launching “a proxy war smearing the attorney general when their anger actually lies with the president and the special counsel, who found neither conspiracy nor obstruction.”

The Mueller investigation did not find evidence establishing a Trump criminal conspiracy with Russia, but the special counsel did not come to a conclusion one way or another whether President Trump committed criminal obstruction.

New NRA President Says McBath Only Won Race Because She’s A ‘Minority Female’

Carolyn Meadows, the new president of the National Rifle Association who harkens from Georgia, was dismissive of freshman Rep. Lucy McBath’s (D-GA) victory in her 2018 race, saying McBath only won due to her status as a “minority female.”

“There will be more than one person in the race, but we’ll get that seat back,” Meadows said of the sixth district seat, per the Marietta Daily Journal. “But it is wrong to say like McBath said, that the reason she won was because of her anti-gun stance. That didn’t have anything to do with it — it had to do with being a minority female. And the Democrats really turned out, and that’s the problem we have with conservatives — we don’t turn out as well.”

McBath’s office did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The new congresswoman ran on a platform largely inspired by the shooting of her son, Jordan, who was slain by a man who felt he was playing music too loudly.

McBath’s district leans significantly Republican, and went for President Donald Trump in 2016. McBath inched ahead of her competitor, Republican Karen Handel (who has said she’ll run again), with 50.5 percent of the vote in 2018.

Meadows has taken the helm of the splintering organization amidst intensive turmoil, with her predecessor Oliver North abruptly stepping down after a well publicized fight with CEO Wayne LaPierre.


In Response To Contempt Proceedings, DOJ Invites Nadler To Negotiation

The Department of Justice is responding to House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler opening contempt proceedings against Attorney General William Barr by inviting the chairman to a negotiation.

“We are prepared to discuss the matters raised in your letter, including your request to provide greater access to the less-redacted version of the report to additional Members of Congress and staff, as well as prioritizing review and possible disclosure of certain materials cited in the Special Counsel’s report, provided that such access and disclosure is done lawfully and in a manner that protects long-established Executive Branch confidentiality interests,” Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd wote in a letter to Nadler Monday.

“To that end, we invite members of your and the Ranking Member’s staff to the Department on the afternoon of Wednesday, May 8, 2019 to negotiate an accommodation that meets the legitimate interests of our coequal branches of government,” he added.

Nadler began the process of charging Barr Monday morning when the attorney general missed a deadline to turn over an unredacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), the ranking member on the Judiciary Committee, confirmed that he would be in attendance.

“The attorney general continues to offer accommodations to Chairman Nadler. After far exceeding what the regulations require and offering to field questions from Congress, the attorney general faces demands from Democrat leadership who refuse to read the information he’s offered,” Collins said in a statement. “I appreciate the respect Attorney General Barr is showing our committee by responding to a deluge of perverse demands. So far, he has honored Congress by being faithful to the laws we have enacted, and I look forward to a productive, bipartisan meeting this Wednesday.”

Betsy DeVos Scolds Journalists For Doing Their Job

You won’t believe what Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said about the media!

Politico reported that DeVos lashed out at journalists on Monday.

“I don’t enjoy the publicity that comes with my position,” she said while giving a speech at the National Education Writers Association conference. “I don’t love being up on stage or on any kind of platform.”

“As much as many in the media use my name as clickbait or try to make it all about me, it’s not,” she continued.

It’s true that the secretary has made lots of headlines during her tenure in the Trump administration, though whether her refusal to forgive student loans, her rollback of Obama-era protections for transgender students and her attempt to slash funding for the Special Olympics count as mere “clickbait” are up for debate.

Anyway, click here to watch DeVos try to flee from reporters, only to be forced to wait for a slow elevator to come rescue her.

400 Ex-Prosecutors: DOJ Could Charge Trump With Obstruction If He Wasn’t POTUS

Nearly four hundred former federal prosecutors have put their thumb on the scale in favor of President Trump’s obstruction conduct being criminal.

Based on the conduct outlined by special counsel Robert Mueller, the Justice Department would have been able to indict Trump, had he not been a sitting president, they said in a statement Monday.

Their assessment contradicts that of Attorney General Bill Barr, who claimed that the evidence Mueller produced was not “sufficient” to bring charges — a conclusion that Barr said stood separate from the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel memo barring the indictment of sitting presidents.

“[T]o look at these facts and say that a prosecutor could not probably sustain a conviction for obstruction of justice — the standard set out in Principles of Federal Prosecution — runs counter to logic and our experience,” the ex-prosecutors’ statement said.

“As former federal prosecutors, we recognize that prosecuting obstruction of justice cases is critical because unchecked obstruction — which allows intentional interference with criminal investigations to go unpunished — puts our whole system of justice at risk,” the statement continued. “We believe strongly that, but for the OLC memo, the overwhelming weight of professional judgment would come down in favor of prosecution for the conduct outlined in the Mueller Report.”

The letter, which was first reported by the Washington Post, included signatures from a number of former DOJ prosecutors from administrations of both parties. Several former U.S. attorneys also signed the letter, as did former officials who had held top posts at main Justice. Alumni of the Watergate investigation also signed the letter.

As of the publishing of this TPM story, 396 former Justice Department lawyers had signed onto the letter. More than 100 of them had at least 20 years of experience at the Department of Justice.

The organization Protect Democracy helped organize the letter — a Protect Democracy representative said that some of the former prosecutors had approached the organization about assembling the letter.