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Trump Privately Complains About DeVos, But Won’t Give Her The Boot

Behind closed doors, President Trump complains about his Education Department Secretary Betsy DeVos and insults her intelligence, according to The Washington Post.

But he has no intention of kicking her out of the administration, primarily because he is not passionate about education and DeVos has managed to avoid the brand of scandal that has dismantled many of his other cabinet secretaries.

DeVos reportedly believes she has a good relationship with Trump that involves monthly phone calls, her aides told the Post. But White House officials told the Post that the relationship is less stable, they rarely speak and Trump has been irked in the past by her mistakes, especially her confirmation hearing.

Roy Moore ‘Seriously Considering’ Senate Bid Because Of Kavanaugh’s Survival

Disgraced former judge and Senate candidate Roy Moore is seeking a resurrection.

After he lost his bid to take over former Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ Senate seat to Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL), giving the ruby red state a Democratic senator for the first time in 25 years, Moore has managed to keep himself in headlines by suing a comedian who tricked him into participating in a “pedophile detector” test.

Now Moore is “seriously considering” another Senate bid in 2020, his wife Kayla Moore said in an email sent out to supporters this week, citing Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s survival in the face of sexual assault allegations as proof Roy Moore could make a comeback.

“In 2017, Republicans and Democrats alike conspired to defeat Judge Moore in the U.S. Senate special election. Groups spent upwards of $50 million dollars to spread falsehoods and deceit among Alabama voters. Then there was Kavanaugh,” Kayla Moore wrote. “It was no strange coincidence that only 10 months later these same false and scurrilous tactics would again be used in the midst of a very important Supreme Court nomination process of Brett Kavanaugh in 2018. Judge Kavanaugh would survive to be appointed to that high court.”

Roy Moore has consistently blamed his special election loss on allegations that he molested teenage girls when he was in his 30s that surfaced during his campaign. He’s blamed the media, Democrats and Republicans alike for his demise. Roy Moore has said he’s “seriously considering” a bid before. In March he told Focal Point radio show’s Bryan Fischer that the 2017 race was “stolen” from him.


NAACP Sues Tennessee Over New Law Targeting Voter Registration Drives

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) signed into law Thursday night a GOP proposal increasing the burdens on voter registration drives — and already a lawsuit has been filed challenging it.

The suit, filed in federal court in Tennessee by a coalition of voting rights groups, alleges that the state’s legislation violates the U.S. constitution’s amendments regarding free speech, due process and the right to vote.

The new law imposes fines on voter registration groups for turning in too many “deficient” or “incomplete” applications. It also stiffens penalties — including potential jail time — for paid voter registration workers who violate other rules regarding registration drives in the state.

Voting rights advocates fear that the law signals a new frontier in voter suppression, chilling the efforts of drives that seek to boost access to the franchise among minority and low-income people. The Tennessee law was pushed after the state — which typically has some of the lowest voting rates in the country — saw historic turnout in the 2018 midterms. In the lead-up to that election, county officials in Tennessee also faced a lawsuit for how they handled handled thousands of voter registrations turned in by a black voter group.

The new suit was brought by several groups including the state chapter of the NAACP and the Andrew Goodman Foundation, a nonprofit named after a young civil rights activist who was murdered by the KKK while trying to register African Americans to vote in 1964.

The challengers raise concerns about the law’s vague language regarding “deficient” or “incomplete” applications. The challengers raise the possibility that, under the new law, voter registration groups could be fined if an applicant uses his nickname rather full name on a form; if the applicant lists a business address rather than a home address; or if a college student does not list the full street address of her dormitory.

“In addition, there is no way for a voter registration volunteer to know whether the information provided by the voter is completely correct for each and every voter registered,” the complaint says. “If the Law extends the definition of ‘incomplete’ to include inaccurate information, it is unfair to penalize an individual or organization that has no way of evaluating the accuracy of the information the registrant has included on the form.”

Florida Officially Passes Law Requiring Ex-Felons To Pay Off Huge Fees To Vote

In the final step for what Democrats feel is the complete bastardization of a ballot amendment passed in 2018, the Republican-majority Florida House passed a bill Friday requiring former felons to pay off a host of fines and fees before getting their voting rights back. The measure is now headed for Gov. Ron DeSantis’ (R) desk.

The bill’s passage ends months of impassioned fighting between the parties over how to implement Amendment 4, aka the Voting Rights Restoration for Felons Initiative.

Democrats have maintained that voters don’t want major legislative changes to the provision they overwhelmingly approved. The amendment makes a simple promise to to allow felons — excepting those convicted on murder or felony sex crimes charges — to get back the right to vote after they’ve served their time and paid restitution and court costs.

Republicans have scrambled to add legislative fine print, expanding the definitions of which crimes render felons ineligible for re-enfranchisement and which fees any prospective voter must first pay off.

Opponents of the burdensome financial restrictions — in the form of court fees, fines and restitution — have likened them to a poll tax. Statewide, felons will likely have to pay millions of dollars to get their voting rights back, thanks to the broad parameters in the law’s language and Florida’s unusually high court fees. Critics of the law fear that the Republican-backed provisions will result in lifelong disenfranchisement for poor black ex-felons, even those who committed nonviolent crimes.

The writing was on the wall for the bill by Thursday, when the Senate passed a version of it differing only slightly from the House one that passed last week. The Senate change involves a moderate compromise: a judge can decide whether or not to forgive the money owed, or to convert it into community service hours.

But, as Florida House Democrats Communications Director Marisol Samayoa told TPM, the compromise still falls far short of what Democrats wanted.

“In the House version, you owe money and you cannot vote until you pay it,” she said shortly before the vote Thursday. “In this version, a judge can decide. But there’s no mechanism, no standard for the judge to follow — it’s up to the judge’s discretion. So House Democrats don’t like it.”

Despite the Democrats’ opposition, the bill passed easily, largely along party lines with 67 yay votes to 42 nays.
