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Pelosi: Barr Committed A Crime By Lying To Congress

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday morning accused Attorney General Bill Barr of committing a crime by lying to Congress in the weeks following the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

“What is deadly serious is that the attorney general of the United States of America was not telling the truth to the Congress of the United States. That’s a crime,” Pelosi said during a press conference on Capitol Hill.

Asked later if she believes Barr committed a crime, Pelosi replied, “He lied to Congress. And if anybody else did that, it would be considered a crime.”

“Nobody is above the law, not president of the United States and not the attorney general. Being attorney general does not give you a bath to go say whatever you want and it is the fact because you are the attorney general,” she continued.

When asked if she believes Barr should go to jail, Pelosi said that “there is a process involved here” and that the committees will determine how to proceed.

Pelosi did not specify what statements from Barr she considered to be lies, but she was likely referring to the attorney general’s testimony to Congress in early April that he was unaware how Mueller viewed his March 24 letter summarizing the report.

The Justice Department quickly hit back after Pelosi made the accusation.

“Speaker Pelosi’s baseless attack on the Attorney General is reckless, irresponsible, and false,” Justice Department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said in a statement.


Chris Matthews Flusters Kamala Harris With Super Awkward Virginity Metaphor

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews appeared to make Senator Kamala Harris visibly wince with an awkward metaphor that she declined to go with, but laughed off nonetheless.

During a discussion that followed Attorney General William Barr’s controversial testimony Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, the subject of “executive privilege” came up, specifically regarding possible future testimony of former White House counsel Don McGahn, who is central to the allegation of President Donald Trump obstructing of justice.

After playing a clip from Barr’s testimony in which Sen. Dick Durbin questioned the AG about executive privilege, Matthews noted to his guest: “Once he testified before special counsel investigation, how can he now say I won’t make the same testimony in president claiming executive privilege.”

“It is sort of like virginity,” he added. “I understand that’s how executive privilege works. Once you give it up, you can’t grab it back.”

The look on Harris’s face sort of says it all, as she gracefully responded with, “I’m not going to go with you on that, Chris,” before adding “Dick Durbin did an excellent job of pointing out that there is no valid reason why his being the Attorney general should object to Don McGahn coming before the Congress and testifying.”


Baltimore Mayor Pugh Resigns, Sunk By Children’s Book Scheme

Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh (D) resigned in disgrace through her attorney Thursday after weeks of temporary leave coinciding with the unfurling scandal of her self-dealing children’s book scheme.

“I am sorry for the harm that I have caused to the image of the city of Baltimore and the credibility of the office of the mayor,” Pugh’s attorney, Steven Silverman, read from a statement. “Baltimore deserves a mayor that can move our great city forward.”

Pugh’s resignation is effective immediately.

Using her children’s series “Healthy Holly,” Pugh cut multiple book deals with organizations that do business with the city and other organizations she oversaw.

In the first break in the case, the Baltimore Sun revealed that she did not disclose that she’d received $500,000 from the University of Maryland medical system since 2011, while she sat on its board.

It snowballed from there, as she refused to release her tax returns and more deals were uncovered. The state prosector’s office launched an investigation.

Pugh stepped down, citing a nasty bout of pneumonia, and left acting Mayor Jack Young to helm her sinking administration.

Finally, IRS and FBI agents raided her home, Baltimore City Hall (including her attorney’s office) and a recreational club to which she had ties.

Calls for her resignation have been growing and bipartisan in recent days, with even allies like Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) urging her do what’s best for the city.
Sad part is...given the current political situation...this won't even hurt Biden. Not something he should've said, but it's nothing compared to shyt said by other politicians.

It was very strategic. He’s trying to go after that voter who supported GWB but doesn’t fuck with Trump. A lot of them probably sat the last election out or held their nose and voted for Trump. He sees that as a demographic he can get traction with. He wants to be seen as the most right-leaning Democratic option.
It was very strategic. He’s trying to go after that voter who supported GWB but doesn’t fuck with Trump. A lot of them probably sat the last election out or held their nose and voted for Trump. He sees that as a demographic he can get traction with. He wants to be seen as the most right-leaning Democratic option.

Damn. Didn't think about that. Smart move

Diamond & Silk Call Out Rep. Steve Cohen’s Fried Chicken Stunt as … ‘Racially Insensitive’?

Fox News contributors Diamond & Silk appeared on Fox & Friends Friday morning and called out Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) in a curious manner.

For those blissfully unaware, Cohen played the fool Thursday morning during a brief House Judiciary Committee hearing cut short by the absence of Attorney General William Barr. Cohen called Barr a “chicken” for skipping the hearing, then brought a ceramic chicken and a bucket of KFC as props to make that point. He then mugged media who took photos of the Representative presumably delighted by the attention.

When asked about this squirrelly behavior, however, Diamond & Silk called it out as “racially insensitive” presumably because the preference of fried chicken has, in fact, long been a racially insensitive trope among African-American communities. What was missing in D&S assessment, however, is the fact that neither Barr nor Cohen are people of color, so it’s difficult to see where race enters into this equation.

Two coon Trump supporters talking about racial insensitivity.. When their whole “act” is based on them shuckin’ and jivin’ for whitey...
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Two coon Trump supporters talking about racial insensitivity.. When their whole “act” is based on them shuckin’ and jivin’ for whitey...

This shit makes 0 sense and is actually in itself racist

A white man called another white man chicken and bring chicken to troll him

So for them to think some that shit was racially insensitive because a bucket of fried chicken is instantly tied to black people is racist smfh

Barr Makes ‘Unprecedented’ Promises To Take On FBI ‘Spying’ Himself

Attorney General Bill Barr is ready to investigate.

FBI “spying,” the Steele dossier, you name it, we now know from his Wednesday hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Former federal prosecutors told TPM that Barr’s statements that he would personally examine the origins of the Russia probe were unprecedented, and risked creating the impression that he is not an independent law enforcement officer but a purely political figure.

If he carries out his promise to personally conduct the investigation, attorneys said, Barr would go beyond building a narrative to counter Mueller’s findings and fully break with Justice Department tradition of keeping sensitive investigations of alleged government wrongdoing insulated from political interference.

“There is an appropriate place for [this investigation],” said former former federal prosecutor Ryan Fayhee. “It’s a referral to the Inspector General’s office, and the reason we know that’s the right place is because they’re the ones that always do this.”

Barr said during his bellicose Wednesday Senate testimony that he had “people in the department helping me” review the FBI’s activities regarding the Trump campaign in summer 2016.

“These are the things that I need to look at,” Barr told Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) in response to a question about whether the government had gotten a FISA warrant on any Trump campaign official apart from Carter Page. “To the extent there was any overreach, I believe it was a few people in the upper echelons of the [FBI] and perhaps the Department [of Justice] but those people are no longer there.”

It’s not clear what form Barr’s investigation will take.

He said that he envisioned “some kind of reporting” at the end of the process, meant to look into right wing media-driven allegations that the FBI “spied” on the Trump campaign.

An attorney general personally running an investigation is uncharted territory, former prosecutors told TPM.

Historically, attorneys general have set law enforcement priorities, acting as the country’s chief lawyer while navigating the political realities that prompted their nomination.

That, attorneys said, requires a measure of caution.

“The attorney general is halfway between being the chief law enforcement officer and being a political figure,” said Bruce Green, a law professor at Fordham and former prosecutor on the Iran-Contra investigation. “Conventionally, we want prosecutorial decisions to be made in a politically neutral, non-partisan way, and he is not in the best position, and perhaps in the worst position, to do that.”

Others said that Barr is courting accusations that he’s simply doing President Trump’s bidding.

“It is highly unusual if not unprecedented,” Fayhee told TPM. “The statements around opening an investigation, using this term ‘spying,’ on the presidential campaign is a statement that is designed for an audience of one.”

During Wednesday’s hearing, Barr also repeatedly expressed “concerns” about certain events leading to the start of the Trump-Russia probe in summer 2016.

At one point, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) asked whether the so-called Steele dossier laying out an alleged web of ties between Russia and the Trump campaign actually constituted part of Russia’s interference campaign.

“That is one of the areas that I am reviewing,” Barr replied.

“I’m concerned about it,” he added. “And I don’t think it’s entirely speculative.”

Barr’s comments surprised some.

“They don’t go looking to prove that someone is guilty, they’re trying to determine whether or not there is a violation, so you have to be concerned about something,” David S. Weinstein, a former federal prosecutor, said of his former colleagues at the Justice Department. “But I don’t disagree that it does sort of telegraph what he perceives going in.”

“If, in reviewing the Mueller report, he came across something that was concerning, you’d expect that he’d kick it to a prosecutor,” Green said. “You certainly wouldn’t expect him to make a judgment on incomplete information.”

In terms of how Barr’s “examination” could play out within the Justice Department, the attorney general has a few options, should he distance himself from the probe.

He could refer the case to the Inspector General, the traditional route to respond to such complaints. Inspector General Michael Horowitz is, in fact, already investigating whether FBI officials abused the FISA process in obtaining the warrant to surveil Page.

Alternatively, Barr could appoint a special designated prosecutor within the Justice Department to probe the allegations.

But Barr’s comments about making this his personal mission have provoked shock and consternation on Capitol Hill.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) told TPM that Barr had “disgraced himself and the legal profession” by “giving aid and comfort to the most paranoid conspiracy theories on the extreme right.”

“No president, Democrat or Republican before, ever asserted the right to use the law enforcement function as a personal political tool like that,” he said. “The idea that the attorney general should collaborate rather than refute that conception is really scary.”


Pence Hops On Barr’s ‘Spying’ Train: We Need To ‘Get To The Bottom’ Of This

As usual, Vice President Mike Pence parroted the party line Friday, saying that he finds the FBI’s efforts to determine wither Russia was using the Trump campaign to interfere in the election — termed “spying” by Attorney General William Barr — “very troubling.”

“We’ve got to get to the bottom of how all this started,” he told Fox News’ Sandra Smith. “The American people have a right to know how this investigation even began.”

“And as the attorney general said when he testified before Congress, there was spying,” he continued. “We need to understand…whether there was a sufficient predicate. We need to get to the bottom of how this all began and if there was a violation of the rules, if the law was broken, the people that were responsible need to be held accountable.”

Barr’s use of the term “spying,” first said during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing, has significant connotations and has become fodder for Trump’s allies. President Donald Trump and his lackeys insist that a biased FBI was trying to undermine his candidacy; intelligence officials say they were trying to prevent the Russians from hacking the American election and that their actions were legitimate and necessary.


Assange Sentenced To 50 Weeks In British Prison For Jumping Bail

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was sentenced to serve just shy of a year in British prison on Wednesday, according to multiple news reports.

Assange broke bail in 2012 when he fled to the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to avoid an extradition request from Sweden that he face charges related to an alleged sexual assault. The WikiLeaks founder has been holed up in the embassy for the past seven years and was arrested last month by British authorities after he was evicted from the embassy.

The 50-week prison sentence comes just one day before Assange is set to appear at an extradition hearing related to charges he faces in the United States alleging he conspired to hack a government password.

Scarred By Sinema’s Senate Win, Team Trump Makes Early Moves To Keep AZ Red

President Donald Trump’s reelection team was put on heightened alert by Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s (D-AZ) win in 2018 — and are now getting on the ground early to prevent it from happening again.

According to the Washington Examiner, the campaign is planning to install veteran operative Brian Seitchik as early as Wednesday to helm the effort about a year and a half before Election Day 2020.

Team Trump is reportedly most worried about “McCain moms,” a nod to the late senator. This group is composed of suburban women who usually vote Republican and did so in 2016, but who chafe against President Donald Trump’s behavior and may have crossed the aisle for Sinema in 2018.

It’s not all doom and gloom for the Trump campaign, though. Per CBS, campaign manager Brad Parscale is very glass-half-full on some solidly blue states he thinks could turn in 2020: Minnesota, New Mexico, New Hampshire, Colorado and Nevada.