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The Official World Politics Thread

Nice to see all the brothers adding and commenting in here.

I appreciate y'all keeping us up to date and showing different views without it going to name calling.

I won't even take an underhanded shot like I do when giving a salute.

Keep it going
I have a feeling that what that what we’re living through is the unraveling of our democracy.

Republicans are setting precedents that are wrong no matter what party has control in the government.

“Owning the libs” is more important than our democracy ...

McCarthy Agrees With Trump: Part Of Russia Probe Was An Attempted ‘Coup’

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) heartily embraced a conservative talking point that’s gained momentum in recent days: Parts of the Russia probe were an attempted “coup” on President Trump.

During a Washington Post live event on Thursday, McCarthy told reporters he agreed with Trump’s use of the word “coup,” pointing to the text messages between two senior FBI officials, who were working on the probe, that showed an anti-Trump bias.

“Their actions are a coup,” McCarthy reportedly said. “I do not believe they were abiding by the rule of law based on what they said.”

The idea that the Russia probe, or at least portions of it, were an attempted coup of Trump’s presidency was first raised by his son Donald Trump Jr. President Trump quickly embraced that assessment, telling Fox News last week that the probe was a “coup” and “an attempted overthrow” of the U.S. government.
