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Pompeo Praises Rising Sea Levels: Hey, It’s Good For Trade!

Scientists and humanity in general might see global warming as a life-threatening disaster, but Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sees a trade opportunity.

During a speech on Monday at the 11th Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting in Rovaniemi, Finland, Pompeo took a moment to extol the benefits of rapidly melting ice caps.

“Steady reductions in sea ice are opening new passageways and new opportunities for trade,” Pompeo said. “This could potentially slash the time it takes to travel between Asia and the West by as much as 20 days.”

The bizarre quote highlights how the secretary of state’s speech largely focused on trade competition rather than the Council’s mission of environmental protection.

But look, at least Pompeo acknowledges that melting sea ice is responsible for rising ocean levels at all. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), on the other hand, believes they’re caused by falling “rock or whatever.”


Report: Barr Still Thinks Mueller Should Testify, Despite Trump’s Opposition

Attorney General Bill Barr still thinks special counsel Robert Mueller should testify in front of Congress, according to ABC News.

Despite President Donald Trump’s vocal opposition to a potential Mueller hearing, a source “familiar with the attorney general’s thinking” told ABC on Monday that Barr hasn’t been swayed from his support for such a hearing.

During his Senate Judiciary hearing last week, Barr said that he had “no objection” to Mueller testifying about his Russia probe.

His position stands in direct contrast to that of Trump, who furiously tweeted on Sunday that “Bob Mueller should not testify. No redo for the Dems!”

The Democrat-led House Judiciary Committee hopes to have Mueller testify on May 15. The GOP-led Senate Judiciary Committee has also invited the special counsel to testify, though the scope of his potential Senate hearing aims to be much more narrow.

Treasury Refuses To Turn Trump Tax Returns Over to Congress

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin rejected a request from the House Ways and Means Committee for six years of Trump’s tax returns on Monday.

“In reliance on the advice of the Department of Justice, I have determined that the Committee’s request lacks a legitimate legislative purpose, and pursuant to section 6103, the Department is therefore not authorized to disclose the requested returns and return information,” Mnuchin wrote in a letter to House Ways and Means Committee Chair Richard Neal (D-MA).

In his April 23 letter to Neal, Mnuchin wrote “we expect to provide the Committee with a final decision by May 6, after receiving the Justice Department’s legal conclusions.” Yet based on Monday’s letter, it’s unclear whether the written opinion is completed.

The Treasury Secretary writes only that DOJ “intends to memorialize its advice in a published legal opinion as soon as practicable.” He did not specify when that would be.

The move sets up a likely subpoena from Neal. If the Treasury does not comply with that subpoena, House Democrats will likely file a lawsuit to obtain the information.

Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA) requested six years of Trump’s personal and business returns on April 3, under a statute that mandates that the Treasury Secretary provide the returns of any filer upon request from the head of the House Ways and Means Committee.

In a Monday statement, Neal said that he would “consult with counsel and determine the appropriate response.”

The Treasury Secretary went on to claim in the May letter that, contra assertions by House Democrats and legal scholars familiar with the underlying statute, that “the Department may not lawfully fulfill the Committee’s request.”

Neal had tailored the request for a stated purpose of reviewing whether the IRS is impartially auditing the returns of its boss – President Trump.

But Mnuchin denied in the letter that that constituted a legitimate purpose, writing only that “we renew our previous offer to provide information concerning the Committee’s stated interest in how the IRS conducts mandatory examinations of Presidents, as provided by the Internal Revenue Manual.”

After Neal first issued the request, the Trump Administration immediately suggested that it would fail to comply with the request, with Mnuchin blowing off two deadlines imposed by Neal to hand over the tax information.

Mnuchin delayed responding to an earlier request from Neal until May 6, saying it would take that long to supply a Justice Department opinion justifying his position.

In public correspondence with Neal, Mnuchin has suggested that the House’s request represents an illegitimate intrusion on Trump’s privacy. That aligns with other arguments made by the Trump Administration in ongoing clashes with congressional Democrats, in which Trump has argued that the House lacks proper authority to oversee his administration.

Embattled TN House Speaker Calls Explicit Sexual Texts ‘Locker Room Talk’

Tennessee House Speaker Glen Casada (R) is holding onto his reputation and political viability by his fingertips as wave after wave of scandal crashes over his office, already sinking his powerful chief of staff Monday night.

A chain of text messages between Casada and his now ex-chief of staff Cade Cothren reveals lewd and sexually explicit comments about women the two made in 2016.

Taking a leaf from President Donald Trump’s book, Casada dismissed the conversations Tuesday as “locker talk” of a (three years) younger man.

“Three years ago, I participated in base locker room talk, if you will, amongst two adult men,” he told Tennessee radio station WWTN. “I’m not proud of that.”

“I’m embarrassed about that. In the last couple of years, I have come to realize — I can’t do this and it is not appropriate behavior,” he continued. “So, yes, I participated in locker-room talk with two adult men that was not intended to go to anyone else, and I was wrong…In the last several years, that kind of talk has not entered and left my mouth.”

“I got caught up in the moment,” he said. “That’s not me today.”

He said that the texts were provided by a “disgruntled employee” who Casada fired and who vowed to take Cothren down.

He also insisted that he did not know Cothren snorted cocaine on government premises or that he sexually harassed interns, information released in other text conversations that Casada did not appear to be a part of.

One example of the sexually explicit texts was reported by Nashville’s NewsChannel 5, when Cothren allegedly texted a picture of a woman pole dancing to the Speaker:

Casada responded: “Nice pics.”

Cothren: “Hands to yourself :)”

Casada: “Can I just touch?”

Cothren: “Lol okay maybe just once.”

Casada: “Lol.”

Casada added to WWTN that he still enjoys “overwhelming” support from House Republicans and that he does not intend to step down, as Democrats gear up to push for the his resignation.

Read a deep dive on the many facets of this unfurling scandal here.


Tennessee Dems Call For House Speaker To Resign Over Racist, Sexually Explicit Texts

The Democratic caucus in the Tennessee House is calling for Speaker Glen Casada (R) to resign or be removed following the explosive revelations of texts between him and his ex-chief of staff Cade Cothren who stepped down under the weight of the scandals on Monday night.

“Casada’s chief of staff Cade Cothren resigned yesterday after recent media reports that he used illegal drugs in the legislative building, solicited oral sex from an intern in a text message and also sent racist and sexist texts to others, including the Speaker,” they wrote in a statement. “It is now clear that Speaker Casada participated in numerous acts that make his continued service as Speaker untenable.”

Texts first given to Nashville’s NewsChannel 5 reveal exchanges between the two including lecherous messages about women and the sharing of a racist meme.

But, as Democratic Caucus Chairman Mike Stewart told TPM, Tennessee has a Republican super majority in both chambers and a Republican governor, leaving it up to the party to decide if they want to oust their own member.

“The Republicans have to decide if this is the kind of leadership they want to represent them,” he said.

“I hear that there are many more texts and documents, much more to be revealed,” he added. “This is just the tip of the iceberg.”

Casada maintained Tuesday morning that he would not resign, insisting that he enjoys “overwhelming” support from his caucus. In a familiar turn, he dismissed his explicit texts as “locker room talk.”

Stephen Moore Blames ‘Stupid And Evil’ Liberals For Failed Fed Bid

During a radio interview on the conservative America First radio show — hosted by far-right figure Sebastian Gorka — Stephen Moore didn’t mince his words on the “stupid and evil” liberals who, according to him, cost him his chance at a seat on the Federal Reserve Board.

Egged on by Gorka’s rhetoric on Democrats, who he claims just want to “destroy people” because they have bad policies, Moore claimed the media reported on his past comments as part of a “character assassination” on him. After Moore was nominated for the Fed post, CNN resurfaced a series of sexist columns Moore had written for the National Review in the early 2000s, in which he ranted about how women should not be involved in sports, among other sexist viewpoints.

“This is just the beginning stages of character assassination, of politics, you said ‘politics of personal destruction’ and our side needs to be prepared for this,” he said during the radio show Monday. “We need to gear up for this. We used to always have this debate, ‘Are liberals just stupid or are they evil?’ And I don’t know, I think after this they’re stupid and evil.”

Moore apparently withdrew himself from the running President Trump said in a tweet, just hours after Moore told reporters he was still pursuing the position.


Uproar Over Trump’s Pardon Of A US Soldier Convicted Of Killing Iraqi Man

President Donald Trump on Monday pardoned former Army Lt. Michael Behenna, who was convicted of killing an Iraqi man. Some military and legal voices on Twitter are in an uproar.

Behenna was convicted in 2009 for killing an Iraqi prisoner after allegedly stripping him naked and torturing him. Behenna maintains that he acted out of self defense.

He was initially sentenced to 25 years in jail, but was released on parole in 2014.

From an Army officer:

From a Harvard Law professor:

From the director of the ACLU:

From a former GTMO prosecutor and national security specialist:

From a DOD reporter and Marine veteran:

Trump is no stranger to controversial pardons. Among those he’s issued so far is one for former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who refused to obey a court order telling him to stop profiling Latinos and Dinesh D’Souza, an ardent Trump fan who broke campaign finance laws. Incidentally, a group of Democrats just asked a federal appeals court Monday to overturn Trump’s pardon of Arpaio.