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White House Instates Stricter Access For Press Corps

The White House has been quietly yanking press credentials from the majority of the press corps on the basis of a stringent attendance policy.

The White House has introduced strict new guidelines for reporters who cover the West Wing, the Washington Post reported Wednesday evening. The move will limit the number of reporters who hold “hard passes” that allow for easier access to the White House, according to the Post.

Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders claims that the revocation of hard passes is due to security concerns, not a punishment.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Reporters must have been at the White House in person at least 90 of the past 180 days to receive a hard pass. This standard is made more difficult to achieve due to reporters’ travel obligations and the rarity of official briefings.

Journalists have criticized the move.

Washington Post fact checker:

Washington Post opinion columnist:

Politico reporter:

New York Times reporter and columnist:


Trump Goes Cold On Bolton Over Venezuela: He Wants To Get Me ‘Into A War’

President Trump is starting to sour on his national security adviser after the failure of a U.S.-backed mission to force Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro out office, The Washington Post reported.

According to administration officials and people close to the White House who spoke to the Post, Trump’s ire is directed at John Bolton primarily over Bolton’s penchant for intervening in other country’s wars.

While Trump jokingly suggested this week that Bolton wants to get him “into a war,” he’s also been complaining that Bolton may have miscalculated on Maduro and pushed Trump “into a corner,” in the Post’s words. Despite the irritation, Trump doesn’t plan to oust his national security adviser anytime soon, two senior administration officials told the Post.

Trump Chortles At Rally Attendee’s Suggestion To ‘Shoot’ Immigrants

At his rally in Panama City, Florida Wednesday night, President Donald Trump was riffing on immigration when an audience member interjected with a suggestion on how to stem the tide of migrants crossing the border.

“Shoot them,” he said.

Trump paused his remarks, chuckling along with the crowd.

“That’s only in the panhandle you can get away with that stuff,” he quipped to renewed laughter.


GOPers Fume At Republican Colleagues On Senate Intel Over Don Jr Subpoena

Top GOP lawmakers are not pleased that their colleagues on the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee haven’t let the Russia probe die as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell instructed earlier this week.

Speaking to reporters on Thursday, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) scolded the Republican members of his own committee for its decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. on Tuesday. He said he planned to talk to the chairman — Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) — and other members about “what we need to do to wrap up our investigation.” Despite the fact that the subpoena vote was bipartisan, Cornyn said the decision “smacks of politics.”

“I think we have an important job to do to try to keep the intelligence committee out of politics,” he said, adding that he sympathized with Trump Jr.’s “frustration.”

Democratic members of the committee have been pushing to review Trump Jr.’s testimony against key findings of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report since it came out. Lawmakers were specifically interested in his statements about the Trump Tower Moscow deal. In past Senate Intelligence Committee testimony, Trump Jr. claimed he knew very little about the plans.

Sens. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Thom Tillis both invoked McConnell’s words to blast fellow Senate Republicans. Earlier this weekend in a speech from the Senate floor McConnell hit Democrats for keeping the Russia investigation alive with their oversight subpoenas.

“I agree with Leader McConnell: this case is closed,” Tillis tweeted

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) tweeted in defense of Trump Jr. and parroted a President Trump talking point by reiterating there was “NO collusion.”

“It’s time to move on,” he said.


Trump Claims ‘Picture File’ Shows Comey And Mueller Are Best Buds

While complaining about the Russia probe, President Donald Trump on Thursday claimed the special counsel Robert Mueller and former FBI director James Comey are “best friends.”

His citation? A “picture file.”

“They were supposedly best friends,” Trump said. “You look at the picture file and you see hundreds of pictures of him and Comey.”

It’s unclear what Trump’s referring to. Pictures of Mueller and Comey certainly exist, but that’s hardly surprising given that Mueller was Comey’s predecessor as FBI director.


Trump Goes On Extended Rant About Subpoena Of Don Jr.

Taken aback by the Senate Intelligence Committee’s subpoena issued to Donald Trump Jr., President Trump on Thursday defended his son, leaning on special counsel Robert Mueller’s report to do so.

“I was very surprised. I saw Richard Burr saying there was no collusion two or three weeks ago,” Trump said at an impromptu press conference at the White House, referring to the committee’s Republican chairman. “My son’s a very good person, works very hard. The last thing he needs is Washington, D.C. I think he’d rather not ever be involved.”

“He’s now testified for 20 hours or something — massive amount of time. The Mueller report came out. That’s the bible. The Mueller report came out and they said he did nothing wrong. The only thing is, it’s oppo research,” Trump continued, arguing that his campaign was simply engaged in a routine search for damaging information on Hillary Clinton.

The President then went off on several tangents related to Trump Jr.’s involvement in the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer. Trump worked in references to a favorite Republican target — the dossier compiled by a former British intelligence officer — as well as phone calls Don Jr. made to an unknown number while planning the infamous meeting.

After a lengthy rant about the meeting, Trump circled back to defending his son.

“My son is a good person. My son testified for hours and hours. My son was totally exonerated by Mueller, who frankly does not like Donald Trump — me, this Donald Trump,” he said. “And frankly for my son after being exonerated to now get a subpoena to go again and speak again after close to 20 hours of telling everybody that would listen about a nothing meeting, yeah, I’m pretty surprised.”

Yet, Trump may have been attempting to defend his son on the wrong issue. Reports on Wednesday indicated that the Senate Intelligence Committee is interested in comments Trump Jr. made to congressional committees about his knowledge of the Trump Tower Moscow project. It appears that Trump Jr.’s testimony about the project does not align with claims Michael Cohen made as part of his plea deal.

Though Trump seemed unhappy with the subpoena, he did not say whether his son would refuse to testify.

“Well, we’ll see what happens,” Trump said when asked. “I’m just very surprised.”

Trump Calls For Kerry To Be Prosecuted During Bizarre Presser On Medical Bills

President Donald Trump on Thursday revived a months-old attack against former Secretary of State John Kerry, accusing him of violating a law that prohibits Americans from negotiating with foreign governments on behalf of the country without proper authorization. A spokesperson for Kerry said in response that “everything” Trump asserted Thursday was “simply wrong.”

While answering a reporter’s question in the White House about whether the United States would engage in a military confrontation with Iran — “I don’t want to say ‘no,” Trump replied, defending his decision to move the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group to the region — Trump zeroed in on Kerry.

“John Kerry speaks to [Iran] a lot,” Trump said, without explaining himself. “John Kerry tells them not to call. That’s a violation of the Logan Act. And frankly he should be prosecuted on that, but my people don’t want to do anything that’s— Only the Democrats do that kind of stuff.”

(Attorney General William Barr, testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee recently, wouldn’t answer Sen. Kamala Harris’ (D-CA) question about whether “anyone at the White House ever asked or suggested that you open an investigation of anyone.”)

“He’s talking to Iran and has been, has many meetings and many phone calls, and he’s telling them what to do,” Trump added, referring to Kerry. “That is a total violation of the Logan Act.”

A spokesperson for Kerry told CNN’s Michelle Kosinski that “everything” Trump said Thursday “is simply wrong, end of story.”

Kerry has previously acknowledged meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and European diplomats despite not officially representing the United States. The Boston Globe reported his meeting with Zarif in May last year.

“Every secretary of state, former secretary of state, continues to meet with foreign leaders, goes to security conferences, goes around the world,” he told Fox News in September.

Trump attacked Kerry at the time, alleging he’d broken a separate law, the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Kerry brushed it off, plugging his book in response:

Trump withdrew from the Obama-era Iran nuclear deal — which placed restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program that prevented it from developing nuclear weapons, in exchange for eliminating sanctions — a year ago. Despite certifying that Iran had complied with the deal, the President said the country had violated its “spirit.”
