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Trump Campaign Tries To Distance Itself From Giuliani’s Ukraine Schemes

A spokesman for the Trump campaign on Friday tried to distance the President’s reelection effort from Rudy Giuliani’s plan to urge the Ukrainian government to conduct investigations that could help Trump politically.

Yet throughout an interview on MSNBC, the spokesman, Marc Lotter, would not condemn Giuliani’s effort or commit to not using any information uncovered by a Ukrainian probe.

Giuliani told the New York Times on Thursday that he will travel to Ukraine and urge leaders there to investigate how the U.S. investigation into possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 began, as well as allegations against former Vice President Joe Biden. Recently, it was alleged that Biden tried to quash a probe into his son’s appointment to the board of a Ukrainian gas firm, but so far there is little to no evidence to support the allegation.

Asked by MSNBC’s Hallie Jackson if he would disavow Giuliani’s plan, Lotter simply distanced the campaign from Trump’s personal lawyer.

“I can tell you that Rudy Giuliani is not doing this on behalf of the campaign. He’s doing it in his capacity as a private citizen,” Lotter said.

Yet, when asked if the campaign had tried to wave Giuliani off of his plan, Lotter said he did not feel it was his role to do so.

And when asked if it’s a “slippery slope” for someone to ask a foreign government to help find damaging information on a political opponent, Lotter indicated he was interested in the results of the potential probes.

“I believe if you’re going to have somebody running for president of the United States, if there is the possibility that something inappropriate happened, then it needs to be investigated,” he replied.

Jackson then asked Lotter if he would commit to not using any information uncovered by one of the probes Giuliani is pushing for in Ukraine.

“We don’t know what he’s going to find,” Lotter said.

Pressed on how he would feel comfortable using information obtained in that way, Lotter replied, “This is not foreign interference. This is someone who is going to get information, not a government trying to meddle inside an election.”

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Wow.. A Trump aligned group backed by his wealthy donors are connected to white supremacists.. I’m sure it’s all a big coincidence or it’s the deep-state just trying to find ways to make the Orange Goblin look bad...


TPUSA On ‘White Power’ Vid: We Have A ‘Great Track Record’ With Minority Groups

Hours after Turning Point USA denounced the president-elect of its University of Nevada, Las Vegas chapter for endorsing “white power” in a now-viral video, the college conservative organization told TPM that the group has a “really great track record” on outreach to minority communities.

A spokesperson for TPUSA told TPM in a Friday interview that the student, widely identified as chapter president-elect Riley Grisar, was “removed as soon as the video was brought to the attention of Turning Point leadership.”

The spokesperson said TPUSA wanted to avoid putting an unfair spotlight on Grisar, who in a recently surfaced video is seen joking around with a woman who screams “Fuck the n******!” After the anarchist news outlet It’s Going Down publicly flagged the video, the group put out an official statement about him.

“You walk a fine line and a balance of, are you trying to publicize something and destroy a kid’s life even though he was obviously in the wrong, or do you try and deal with it internally and self-police and correct the problem?” the spokesperson explained.

“For the sake of the students involved, you don’t instantly know that that’s their current position or maybe the kid was inebriated when he said those things, or whatever,” he added, before condemning Grisar’s words as “terrible.”

And while the majority of TPUSA’s “thousands and thousands” of student members are “fantastic,” he said, “you want to handle with a delicate touch when it’s somebody’s future, and future reputation.”

TPUSA, he said, “is very, very public and on-the-record about its stance on racism, on hate. And it actually, as much as the media says it’s the other way, has a really great track record of reaching out to minority communities.” He noted the group’s Young Black Leadership Summit and Young Latino Leadership Summit.

TPUSA has struggled with racist members in the past, often denouncing them only after their inflammatory comments have gone viral. TPM asked why leadership waited, in the spokesperson’s words, “two or three days” after learning about the video to release the statement.

“You don’t know that it’s going to get out,” TPUSA’s spokesperson said, stressing the word.

He added, after being prodded on the timeline again: “I think it’s a responsible thing to do, to try and handle internally. But obviously, the statements that were made on the video are abhorrent and we certainly stand by our official statement.”


Trump Reportedly Getting Very Involved in 4th of July Celebration Plans: ‘Involved in the Minutiae of Planning’

A new report reveals that President Donald Trump is getting very involved in the plans for the big national 4th of July Washington celebration this summer.

You may remember that back in February, Trump announced plans for “one of the biggest gatherings in the history of Washington, D.C., on July 4th” for what he’s calling “A Salute To America.”

Well, his desire to create something different has, per the Washington Post, meant that the president is not only helping map out the plans for the celebration, but “has gotten involved in the minutiae of the planning.”

Aides told the Post that Trump has “shown interest in the event that he often does not exhibit for other administration priorities”:

President Trump has effectively taken charge of the nation’s premier Fourth of July celebration in Washington, moving the gargantuan fireworks display from its usual spot on the Mall to be closer to the Potomac River and making tentative plans to address the nation from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, according to top administration officials.

The president’s starring role has the potential to turn what has long been a nonpartisan celebration of the nation’s founding into another version of a Trump campaign rally. Officials said it is unclear how much the changes may cost, but the plans have already raised alarms among city officials and some lawmakers about the potential impact of such major alterations to a time-honored and well-organized summer tradition.

Democratic congresswoman Betty McCollum, chair of the House Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies, told the Post the celebration shouldn’t be about any one president and “if the president moves to make this about him, I think he will find the American public disappointed and angered by it.”

Trump Claims It Would Be ‘Appropriate’ For Him To Ask Barr To Probe Biden

President Trump on Friday confirmed what many have long suspected: He thinks it’s “appropriate” for him ask his attorney general to investigate his political opponents.

“Certainly it would be an appropriate thing to speak to him about, but I have not done that as of yet. … It could be a very big situation,” he said during an interview with Politico on Friday, discussing the possibility of a probe into his potential 2020 rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, or his son, Hunter Biden.

The question was raised after Trump’s personal lawyer announced that he was going to travel to Ukraine this weekend to speak to the incoming administration there about opening an investigation into Hunter Biden’s ties to a Ukrainian energy company.

Trump told Politico he had not spoken to Giuliani “at any great length” yet about the trip but would before he left. Giuliani has since decided against it.

The President’s opinion on the appropriateness of using his Justice Department to investigate his political rivals took on heightened significance during Attorney General William Barr’s hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Barr demurred when asked if the White House had ever suggested he launch any specific investigations.

Now Guiliani’s Not Going To Ukraine, Says Whole Thing Was A ‘Set Up’

The President’s personal lawyer reversed course on Friday evening and decided to not take a trip to Ukraine, where he intended to request the government launch investigations that would be politically useful to President Trump.

“I will step back and just watch it unfold,” he told Fox News on Friday evening after declaring he had cancelled the trip. He then spun a conspiracy theory demonizing the Ukrainian government.

“No trip because I believe I was walking into a bunch of people, one of whom already has found to be involved on this, and I think this was a setup. The whole thing, by the way, is a setup. From the very beginning. That is what your gonna find,” Giuliani said.

The President’s lawyer was planning to travel to Ukraine to ask the government to look into how the Russia probe “really began” and investigate former Vice President Joe Biden’s son’s ties to an energy company.

Earlier on Friday, Trump was not aware of the intricacies of Giuliani’s plan said that he would have a conversation with his lawyer about the trip before he left.


Democrat Calls For Probe Into Giuliani’s Actions In Ukraine

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) raised alarm over Rudy Giuliani’s actions on behalf of President Trump in Ukraine on Friday evening and called for an investigation.

Murphy wrote to the Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which he sits on, and said he was “alarmed” and “deeply concerned” by Giuliani’s intentions. Giuliani later canceled his trip to the Ukraine where he planned to ask the new government to launch investigations into issue that would be politically useful to Trump — like how the Russia probe “really” began and former Vice President Joe Biden’s son.

“I am deeply concerned about the implications of this for United States foreign policy. Specifically, Rudolph Giuliani, the President’s personal lawyer, has apparently held meetings with Ukrainian officials in the United States and plans to travel to Ukraine for further discussions,” Murphy wrote in the letter addressed to Sen. Jim Risch (R-ID), obtained by NBC News. “As far as we know, none of these meetings are being coordinated with the U.S. State Department or other government agencies.”

Connecticut Man Indicted for Allegedly Threatening to Kill Trump

Connecticut man Gary Joseph Gravelle, aka Roland Prejean, was indicted Friday for allegedly threatening to hurt people and blow up property, according to the Department of Justice. One of those people was allegedly President Donald Trump.

The defendant mailed, emailed, and called people to communicate his threats, prosecutors said. A number of his letters allegedly contained a white powdery substance with statements claiming these was Anthrax. Besides Trump, threatened targets include mental health providers, federal probation officers, a federal judge, an airport, a federal prison in Washington, and a credit union in Bistol, Connecticut.

Gravelle was arrested September 8, 2018, according to the DOJ.

Authorities said he broke the law while out on probation for a similar case. In 2013, he was sentenced to 70 months in prison, and three years of supervised release for mailing threatening letters. Prosecutors back then said he sent a Post Office a letter saying he’d put a hidden bomb on the premises. There was an evacuation. A nearby town hall and public school also cleared out. Bomb squad technicians from the Connecticut State Police searched for the explosive, but they didn’t find any.

Prosecutors claimed that the defendant sent at least 50 other threatening letters to people such as a probation officers. A Connecitcut Superior Court Judge even received one containing a substance that was represented as “Liquid Anthrax.”

Gravelle pleaded guilty to one count of using the U.S. Mail to communicate a bomb threat, and four counts of mailing threatening communications.

Joseph Patten Brown, the defense lawyer in the previous case, told Law&Crime in an email that he will be representing Gravelle in this new one.


Trump Ignores GOP Guidance On Tariffs, Believes Base Won’t Punish Him

President Trump has ignored advice from his Republican advisers that he should be careful in his efforts to lower tariffs on U.S. goods, the Washington Post reported.

Republican advisers have told Trump in recent weeks that his ongoing trade war with China could backfire and end up harming those he claims to be fighting for: his base.

“Both sides will suffer on this,” Trump’s National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow said on Sunday, arguing that the Trump administration’s increased tariffs on Chinese imports would end up harming Americans.

But the president reportedly thinks that his supporters believe he is sticking his neck out for them and they’ll award him with a reelection, according to the Post.

Republicans Search For Female, Minority Candidates To Win Back Suburbs

House Republicans are aggressively recruiting female and minority candidates for the 2020 races, cognizant of the overwhelming white-maleness of their caucus.

According to the Associated Press, they are acutely worried about moderate suburbs, many of which swung decisively to the Democrats during the 2018 midterms.

Democrats are still reportedly having more success in attracting female candidates, despite the Republican effort.