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Faux News: Ex-Trump Aide Seb Gorka Gives Out Fake Fox News Business Cards

Former White House aide Sebastian Gorka is giving out fake, poorly doctored Fox News business cards, according to a Monday Mediate report.

The cards, which include his personal number and email, use an outdated Fox News logo alongside different font and coloration than real Fox News cards.

The fake cards were revealed on the heels of a Daily Beast report that Gorka was banned from the “hard news” shows on Fox due to his lack of credibility, instead shunted aside to the “opinion” shows like “Hannity” and “Fox & Friends.”

Chief of Staff John Kelly booted Gorka from the White House last August.

Mueller Homes In On Stone, Combs Through His Emails

As the pressure increases on Trump associate Roger Stone, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team is pouring over Stone’s threatening emails to radio host Randy Credico pertaining to interactions with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to a Monday Mother Jones report.

Credico has reportedly been subpoenaed by Mueller to appear before a grand jury in Washington on September 7, where he will likely be questioned about Stone’s claims that he was the middle man between Stone and Assange when Assange offered up hacked emails damaging to Hillary Clinton.

Assange had called into Credico’s radio show in 2016.

Stone—who has gone from saying that he had direct contact with Assange, to that Credico was the intermediary, to that Credico at least confirmed that Assange’s dirt was accurate—has become furious with Credico since the radio host disputed Stone’s claims of the triangular relationship, saying that he never conveyed information from Stone to Assange.

Stone reportedly sent Credico a string of threatening emails when he spoke out disputing Stone’s account. One such missive reads: “I am so ready. Let’s get it on. Prepare to die cock sucker.”

Stone says that that particular email was not a threat, but a message of support when he heard that Credico had been diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer. Credico says he has never had nor said he had prostate cancer. Stone has also defended his behavior by saying that all the messages he sent to Credico were an attempt to compel him to tell the truth.

Per Mother Jones, Credico is one of at least eight Stone associates who has garnered attention and subsequent questioning from Mueller.

When Mueller indicted the 12 Russians for hacking the DNC and Clinton campaign last month, he seemingly mentioned Stone in the indictment as “a person who was in regular contact with senior members of the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump” who interacted with Guccifer 2.0, one of the hacking apparatuses.

Per Mother Jones, the Senate Intelligence Committee has similarly intensified its interest in Stone, and has requested a meeting with Assange, likely to suss out the men’s relationship and interactions with the emails.
This ad was put in the paper by a democrat kentucky judge


Get out here and continue to blindly vote democrat though!!

Roger Stone Posts, Deletes Swastika-Filled Image Of Trump Crew

Trump confidante Roger Stone on Tuesday posted on Instagram, and then deleted, a photoshopped image prominently showing him and other Trump affiliates wearing swastikas.

The caption reads: “I love this — proud to be in this crew — but the only lies being told are by the liberal scumbags #maga #republican #infowars”

From left to right, the image shows Stone, House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA), White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Fox News host Sean Hannity.



Pentagon Spokeswoman Under Investigation for Allegedly Making Staff Buy Snacks and Run Personal Errands

Top Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White is under investigation for the misuse of federal resources, according to a CNN report.

White, who is being looked into by the Defense Department’s Office of Inspector General, is accused of forcing subordinate members of the Pentagon’s staff to take care of her personal matters, like taking care of her laundry, financial matters, buy her snacks, and chauffeur her to work when the weather is bad. Additionally, the investigation is looking to see if White vindictatively went after these staffers for blowing the whistle on her alleged unethical behavior.

Forcing subordinates to take care of personal errands during work hours break Pentagon rules, but even if the inspector general finds that White violated this policy, Department of Defense Secretary James Mattis is ultimately in control of whether or not she stays or is fired.

When contacted by CNN for comment on the matter, Charles Summers, who is the principal deputy assistant to the secretary for public affairs at the Department of Defense, said, “This is an ongoing review about which we cannot comment.”

While White once regularly held pressers that were aired, she has not done so since May — which is the same month that staffers first began coming out against her. Though, the CNN report noted that her absence may not be due to the investigation.

Drain the Swamp he said...

‘People Are Terrified’: White House Braces For Next Omarosa Tape

White House current and former staffers are living in abiding fear over what might be revealed next as former aide Omarosa Manigault Newman continues her book tour and releases clips of her secretly recorded conversations with President Trump and other staffers.

“People are terrified,” a former Trump aide told Politico. “Absolutely terrified.”

So far, the ousted aide has released audio of Chief of Staff John Kelly firing her in the Situation Room; a recording of a phone call she had with Trump where he claimed he didn’t know about her firing; audio of a conversation between two campaign staffers discussing the existence of a tape in which Trump uses the N-word.

Some former senior staffers told Politico that they weren’t too concerned about Manigault Newman’s drip-drip publicity stunt because she wasn’t involved in higher level meetings.

“But if I was on the communications staff, where she was interacting more with people,” a former senior administration official told Politico, “I can see how people might be nervous.”

As Manigault Newman continues her public anti-Trump tirade, the President has shot back, repeatedly attacking her on Twitter, calling her a “low life” and a “dog.”