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MSNBC’s Velshi, Ruhle Apply Searing Fact Check to Sarah Sanders’ ‘Straight-Up Lie’ on Obama Job Stats

MSNBC’s Ali Velshi and Stephanie Ruhle teamed up on Wednesday to go after Sarah Huckabee Sanders for her false claims about African American unemployment numbers.

The press secretary went on a diatribe yesterday where she incorrectly said that President Donald Trump has created more jobs for black people than former President Barack Obama did throughout his entire presidency. The White House Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) said Sanders’ stats were wrong last night, and Velshi and Ruhle did the same — tearing into the press secretary for her “straight-up lie.”

“She went to the podium with a script and lied,” Ruhle said.

The two proceed to fact-check Sanders — saying Obama created a lot more than the 195,000 jobs for which Sanders gave him credit. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Obama created almost 3 million jobs throughout his entire presidency.

Eventually, Velshi noted that Sanders defended her claim that Trump has created 700,000 jobs African Americans, even as she apologized last night for her incorrect remarks on Obama. Since Sanders cited the CEA, Velshi pointed out that they measured job change rates for Obama by incorporating the job losses that happened after he won the presidential election, but before he actually took office.

Obama came into office amid the fallout from the Great Recession, whereas Trump came in with low unemployment rates and an economy on the upswing. Velshi pointed this out, along with how there’s no “Trump bump” noticeable in the trend of decreasing unemployment.

Ruhle also savaged Sanders for her inability to “guarantee” that the alleged Apprentice tape of Trump saying the N-word doesn’t exist.

Sarah Sanders gets on that podium and lies everyday. Yesterday she got on the podium and wasn’t going to lie about the president and a possible tape with him using the N-word. She said I don’t know, I can’t guarantee that, even though – just as a side note – you can guarantee things. For example, I can guarantee there’s no tape out there with me saying the N word. I can’t guarantee there’s not one with me dancing like a fool. She chose to lie about African-Americans and the economy, but wasn’t going to lie about the president possibly using the N word


Admiral Tells Trump It Would Be An ‘Honor’ To Get Security Clearance Revoked

A retired Navy admiral spoke out against President Trump Thursday over Trump’s move to strip former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance.

Calling Brennan “one of the finest public servants I have ever known,” Ret. Navy Adm. William McRaven told Trump in a Washington Post op-ed, “Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency.”

Lock Her Up! Trump is Reportedly Telling Advisers He Wants Sessions to Jail … Omarosa

Donald Trump is not handling the feud with former friend Omarosa Manigault Newman well, say insiders, and it’s because she knows exactly how to “troll” him. That’s the word from Vanity Fair’s Gabriel Sherman, who spoke with current and former advisers to the President.

After Trump apparently ignored advice from his inner circle and even the First Lady when he went on the warpath, advisers fear, reports Sherman, that “his rage at Manigault Newman is fueling irrational outbursts that bolster the claim in her book that Trump said the “n-word” during an Apprentice outtake.”

He’s known her for 15 years and thinks it’s a personal betrayal,” the former West Wing official said. Others said Manigault Newman’s well-oiled media rollout ignited Trump’s fury. “She is doing everything perfect if her ultimate goal is to troll Trump,” another former official said.

Sherman reports that his sources say Trump is so enraged that he actually wants an arrest.

And Trump told advisers that he wants Attorney General Jeff Sessions to have Manigault Newman arrested, according to one Republican briefed on the conversations.

He’s also disrupted meetings to rant about her, and more. All outlined here by Sherman.

Sam Nunberg, a former Trump aide, told Sherman that Trump sees Omarosa as a “formidable enemy.”

The title of Omarosa’s book is “Unhinged.”


Omarosa On Report That Trump Wants Her Arrested: I’m Not Afraid Of Nixon, Er, Trump

During an interview on MSNBC, Omarosa Manigault Newman responded to reports that President Donald Trump wants her arrested with an obviously rehearsed Freudian slip.

“Well, what Mr. Nixon — I mean Mr. Trump does will be brought to light,” she said, when asked if she’s concerned that Trump will have her arrested. “Every action that he takes against me jeopardizes him and his presidency. So I think that you should watch his behavior and how he’s unraveling. And I don’t have any fear. I have a whole community of faith that’s behind me, praying for me. And no matter who is in the oval office, Donald Trump needs to remember that god is still on the throne. “

Manigault Newman was talking with MSNBC’s Craig Melvin just moments after she released another recording of a conversation with a Trump official, this time, with Lara Trump. The recording was taken during a conversation Manigault Newman had with Lara Trump when she offered Manigault Newman a job on the Trump campaign in exchange for “positive” public comments about Trump.


Omarosa Goes on MSNBC to Drop Bombshell Tapes of Her…Getting a Job Offer From the Trump Campaign

After several hours of hype from MSNBC, Omarosa Manigault Newmanappeared on the network again to show off a new secret White house recording and it revealed…nothing we didn’t already know before.

Manigault Newman spoke to Craig Melvin today in order to counter the attacks on her credibility, and defend her new gossip-filled book about President Donald Trump‘s White House. She released a new clip to back up her claim that the Trump campaign tried to offer her monthly $15,000 cash payments if she’d accept a job with them and never speak publicly about her time with the administration.

The recording captured a phone conversation with Lara Trump, the president’s daughter in law and campaign staffer, who offered Manigault Newman a yearly salary of $180,000 if she’d take up a position in the campaign and go on speaking engagements on the president’s behalf.

Based on the transcript, it seems the alleged $15,000 regular payoff Manigault Newman alluded to was actually the monthly paycheck she would’ve received.

Since the transcript was broken up into multiple parts, Melvin asked Manigault Newman why she was releasing selective clips instead of the complete conversation. She claimed that the audio was edited to cut out the frivolous back and forth between herself with Trump, but the complete transcript corroborates the core of her claim.

“I saw this as an attempt to buy my silence, to censor me and to pay me off $15,000 per month by the campaign,” Manigault-Newman said.

“You saw this as hush money?” Melvin asked.

“Absolutely,” she answered.

The conversation continued with questions about why the Trump campaign tried to give Manigault Newman a new position so soon after her firing, and how the administration turned against her so forcefully when they supposedly loved her so much at first.


Nightmarish Trailer For Steve Bannon’s New Movie Features Don Lemon, Pete Hegseth And That Racist Lunch Guy

After his unceremonious ouster from the White House, Steve Bannon fled to Europe, where he planned to guide insurgent right-wing candidates to political success, sparking a nationalist revolution across the continent.

The reception was lukewarm. The Washington Post detailed the “chilly” receptionto Bannon’s quixotic plans of fomenting another alt-right revolt.

So it appears Bannon is back to doing what he was known for before serving as President Donald Trump‘s comically villainous consigliere: making terrifying documentaries about the American Left bringing on the apocalypse.

The trailer for Trump @War, Bannon’s new documentary, set for release just ahead of the 2018 midterms, premiered on Axios Thursday morning.

It opens with dramatic footage of Trump supporters getting attacked in public between clips of CNN’s Don Lemon pinning responsibility for the president’s actions on them.

Then appears former Breitbart editor Raheem Kassam, inexplicably dressed in a large trench coat and silk scarf. “The left, and the opposition party in the media,” he warns. An image of Kathy Griffin holding up a facsimile of Trump’s severed head flashes.

“2018 is another election about Donald Trump,” Fox & Friends Weekend host Pete Hegseth says. “Because you know what, they’re scared of him. They are scared of what he’s done. They are scared of the economy he’s created.”

The strings intensify. I’m terrified. Corey Lewandowski appears.

And then — cameo appearance by the guy who went on a racist rant at a Midtown Manhattan lunch spot!


Sebastian Gorka, the former White House official who has been handing out fake Fox News business cards since his ouster from the administration, makes an appearance.

“This is a cultural war,” Hegseth cries. “The left wants to undo our country, they want to take away the freedoms we have.”

“The president is unstoppable,” Gorka says. “But he is only one man.”

It’s not clear that Bannon’s nascent failure in Europe will translate into a second stroke of success in the United States. Let’s check in on the last time Trump mentioned Bannon in a tweet…


GOP Senate Candidate Corey Stewart Got Very Racist About NFL Players at 2017 Event

Corey Stewart is currently the Republican nominee for Senate from Virginia. Yet, just last year during a campaign event he was spouting racist stereotypes about NFL players while at a campaign event.

“A lot of these guys, I mean, they’re thugs
, they are beating up their girlfriends and their wives,” Stewart said in September 2017, according to CNN. “You know, they’ve got, you know, children all over the place that they don’t pay attention to, don’t father, with many different women, they are womanizers. These are not people that we should have our sons, or any of our children look up to. We need to have our children look up to real role models.”

The event was entirely centered around talk of protesting football players and was broadcast on Facebook Live.

During the same event where one participant dubbed the NFL the “National Felon League”, Stewart also said this: “The men and women who serve in the armed forces are great role models. Not these thugs, ungrateful, uh, you know, guys in the NFL. I mean, we shouldn’t, you know, it’s, it’s so dangerous because they’re just, they’re just awful role models.”

Stewart, who is challenging incumbent Sen. Tim Kaine (D) for his seat, is no stranger to stirring up controversy with provocative words.

Just Wednesday, Stewart tried to paint Kaine as a violent left-wing radical by using a badly doctored photo of Kaine during his missionary days in Hondorus with rebels.

Likewise, over the weekend, Stewart made waves when he got into a tense clash with Rev. Al Sharpton who he called a “race hustler.”

Kaine is expected to defeat the controversial Republican handily in November.

GOP Senate Candidate Asks Twitter if Robert E. Lee is Hero or Villain, It Does Not Go Well For Him

GOP Senate Candidate Chris McDaniel has had a rough 48 hours of attempted Civil War revisionism. The state senator, running to represent Mississippi in Congress, first took to social media to wheel out some wild claims about Confederate general Robert E. Lee

McDaniel wasn’t satisfied. In an apparent effort to combat “political correctness and leftist hysteria,” he took to Twitter with a poll question for his followers, asking whether Lee should be remembered as a hero, or a villain.

The poll did not go well for him. Despite the leading question, as of writing 92% have declared Lee a “villain”, with more than 32,000 votes counted.



Trump’s Military Parade To Cost 666 Percent More Than Earlier Estimate

President Donald Trump’s military parade is estimated to cost $92 million — a whopping $80 million more than an earlier estimate, according to an unnamed “U.S. defense official with firsthand knowledge of the assessment,” CNBC reported Thursday.

In July, CNN reported that the parade would cost approximately $12 million, according to three unnamed U.S. defense officials. In February, White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney told Congress the parade would cost between $10 million and $30 million.

CNBC reported Thursday that the $92 million figure would be split between the Pentagon, $50 million, and the Department of Homeland Security and other “interagency partners,” $42 million.


NYT: Omarosa Could Have As Many As 200 Tapes

Former White House aide and ex-reality TV star Omarosa Manigault Newman has caused a stir in the White House on par with the panic induced by special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian collusion, The New York Times reported Thursday.

The paranoia is fueled by the sheer volume of recordings she’s believed to possess — as many as 200 — of conversations she had with officials during her time in the West Wing, according to the Times.

Manigault Newman has been slowly releasing some of the audio recordings in recent days as a means to, as she says, defend her credibility as the White House and Trump himself, attack her over her new tell-some book, “Unhinged.”

On Thursday, she released a recording of a phone conversation she had with Lara Trump, who offered her a job on the Trump campaign not long after she was ousted from the White House. Manigault Newman has claimed that she was offered the position — which paid $15,000 a month — to keep quiet about her time in the White House.
