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watchin msnbc, Omarosa claims trump offered her $15,000 a month in hush money. interesting, surprised she didn't take that deal.
watchin msnbc, Omarosa claims trump offered her $15,000 a month in hush money. interesting, surprised she didn't take that deal.

She also claims, while talkin to his inner circle about the violence in Chicago. Trump said "let them die."

Omarosa needs to put this in her book


Omarosa: Hope Hicks Prepped Trump to Lie in Lester Holt Interview, But He’s Too ‘Mentally Challenged’

Omarosa Manigault Newman appeared on Velshi & Ruhle to discuss President Donald Trump‘s behavior in light of her new book, Unhinged, and of tapes she claims to have of the president.

“I think it’s sad that with all of the things that’s going on in the country that he would take time out to insult me and to insult my intelligence,” she told Ali Velshiand Stephanie Ruhle of Trump’s morning tweets. “This is his pattern with African-Americans. He doesn’t know how to control himself. He has no impulse control, he doesn’t have the tact for the presidency.”

“It’s actually really sad to watch him become unhinged, no pun intended,” she added.

“You’ve known him for more than 15 years and you chose to work for him,” Ruhle reminded Manigault.

“You know, In 2003 Donald Trump was sharp. He was somebody that I aspired to be like. I patterned myself after him when I went on the Apprentice to try to win the opportunity to run one of his companies but the president, he’s different than the person I met back in 2003. He has some serious mental impairment.”

“I’m not a doctor,” she hastened to add.

When prompted for an example, Omarosa referenced wanting to combat the violence epidemic in Chicago and that Trump was on board with the initiative. Then, in a move contradicting months of work, he tweeted insults about Chicago’s mayor.

Velshi transitioned into talking about the infamous Lester Holt interview in which Trump said he fired former FBI director James Comey over the Russia investigation.

“You said that the team prepared him well, then he went into the interview and he said what a lot of people believed to be the truth, that he fired Jim Comey over Russia,” Velshi said. “So was he being prepped to lie?”

“He was being prepped by [former White House communications director] Hope Hicks and the comms team to say that the DOJ had come up with this memo so that they could justify the firing of Comey.”

“I was really, really surprised that he would implicate himself,” Manigault continued. “That’s when you know someone is mentally challenged, when they would even jeopardize their own livelihood by saying things that are just insane at times.”

“They prep him to lie every day,” she added.

Report: Omarosa Has Recording Of Call With Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump

Omarosa Manigault Newman also recorded phone calls with presidential advisers and Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, Politico reported Monday, adding to recordings she’s already released of conversations with the President himself and chief of staff John Kelly.

Citing two unnamed sources with whom Manigault Newman had discussed the recordings, Politico reported one of the un-released recordings was of a call she received from the couple a day after her firing in December. The former White House staffer has a new book out, and the recordings are part of an effort to drum up publicity.

According to Politico’s sources, in the publication’s words, “both Trump and Kushner can be heard wishing Manigault Newman the best and telling her they had no idea her head was on the chopping block.”

That matches a recorded phone call Manigault Newman released Monday with the President: Trump claimed he wasn’t aware that Kelly had fired her the day earlier, indicating he’d only heard of her firing from news coverage.

“They run a big operation, but I didn’t know it,” Trump is heard saying on the recording. “I didn’t know that.”

“Goddamn it!” he adds dramatically. “I don’t love you leaving at all.”

On Sunday, NBC’s “Meet the Press” played Manigault Newman’s recording of Kelly firing her, purportedly from the White House’s situation room.

Peter Strzok’s Lawyer Speaks Out After Client Gets Sacked By FBI: No Doubt Firing Was ‘Political’

FBI agent Peter Strzok — the subject of much ire from President Donald Trumpand many on the right in recent months after his anti-Trump texts were made public — was fired from the Bureau on Monday. Now, his lawyer is speaking out — and he claims that his client’s firing was pure politics.

Appearing on MTP Daily Monday, Strzok attorney Aitan Goelman denounced his client’s dismissal from the FBI.

“I don’t think that you can rationally reach any conclusion other than it was political,” Goelman said. He added, “It’s difficult to believe — given the steady drum beat of texts demonizing Pete from the president and all the calls on Capitol Hill by Republicans for Pete to be fired — that that didn’t play a role in the Bureau’s ultimate decision.”

Goelman doesn’t consider Strzok’s ouster to be the end result of a covert mission to fire the agent. The attorney claims that administration figures were quite open about their motives.

“It’s not a secret back door thing,” Goelman said. “They are publicly demonizing this man and saying he should no longer be an agent.”

‘Prepare to Die C*ck Sucker’: Mueller Reportedly Looking into ‘Threatening’ Roger Stone Emails

Special Counsel Robert Mueller‘s examination of former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone reportedly includes asking the question of whether he sent threats over email to Randy Credico, a radio host/comedian acquaintance of Stone’s, who Stone reportedly asked to contact WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

In case you missed it, Credico has declined a request for a voluntary Mueller interview, in part, because he doesn’t want to be known as a “rat.” Mueller has responded with a subpoena.

According to Mother Jones, emails revealed to have existed in May, including one from Stone that said, “prepare to die cock sucker,” are on Mueller’s radar. Credico’s lawyer Martin Stolar said that he believes Mueller is interested in the Stone-Credico-Assange connection to the 2016 hack of the DNC and dirt on then-candidate Hillary Clinton.

Two unnamed people “familiar with the matter” added that Mueller’s team “saw some emails” and are investigating if Credico was threatened. The email we’ve highlighted above has been the subject of some dispute.

While Stone said that he was responding to Credico telling him”he had terminal prostate cancer,” Credico said he never said anything of the sort and did not have prostate cancer. Some might find this an odd thing to say in that situation, anyway.

Stone responded to the report by saying if Credico is compelled to testify he would “urge” him to “simply tell the truth,” the truth being that Stone did nothing wrong.

“I have testified truthfully before the House Intelligence Committee that Randy Credico was the source who confirmed Assange’s June 2016 CNN interview in which the Wikileaks publisher said he had substantial information on Hillary Clinton,” Stone said. “As I testified Credico told me this material would be released in October. I now realize that Credico’s source was a Wikileaks lawyer and not Assange himself. At no time did Credico tell me what the source, content or scope of the WikiLeaks disclosures would be. ”

As Law&Crime reported previously, Credico has said that “the last thing that I would like to be known as is a rat.”

“I didn’t talk to the House committee and I’m not going to talk to the Senate committee,” he said. As a result, Special Counsel Mueller countered with a subpoena.

Former Stone aide Andrew Miller is another person who has taken the hard waywhen presented with the options of voluntary cooperation and compelled cooperation. Former Stone aide Kristin Davis, on the other hand, has cooperated voluntarily.

White House Waives Ethics Rules to Let Bill Shine Communicate With Fox News, Larry Kudlow With CNBC

A memo written last month by White House counsel Don McGahn says that Communications Director Bill Shine has been exempted from federal ethics laws so that he can meet with people from his old network, Fox News.

A report on the memo from The Daily Beast indicates that Shine and Director of National Economic Council Larry Kudlow were both given waivers allowing them to communicate with their former colleagues. Kudlow previously worked for CNBC before joining the White House.

“The Administration has an interest in you interacting with Covered Organizations such as Fox News,” the memo says. “[T]he need for your services outweighs the concern that a reasonable person may question the integrity of the White House Office’s programs and operations. I have determined that it is appropriate and in the public interest.”

The Shine development gives new depth to the connotations of the White House’s cozy relationship with Fox News. Before this news came out, political observers raised eyebrows last week when Sean Hannity gave his entire Friday show to Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jay Sekulow.

Omarosa: ‘I Was Asked by the President to Go on Television and Defend Him’ After Charlottesville

Omarosa Manigault Newman talked about the White House Charlottesville response on PBS Newshour earlier tonight.

Manigault Newman, who has gone from defending Donald Trump against accusations of racism to now joining in said accusations, told Judy Woodruffshe had a serious “blind spot” when it came to Trump, even when she claims she confronted him over his birtherism.

Woodruff brought up Charlottesville, which she writes about in the book, and why she didn’t really speak up more during that time.

Manigault Newman said, “I was asked by the President to go on television and defend him because there weren’t many people from the administration that would.”

She added this was before Trump’s infamous “very fine people on both sides” comment.

She also stood by claims that Trump is in “mental decline,” saying the President “couldn’t remember basic words or phrases, he couldn’t read the legislation that was put in front of him.”
No doubt in my mind that she was fucking him and Melania regularly.

Trump smashin all those boads. Hope hicks, nickie haley, the homeland security broad, the other pretty blonde who used to be on fox news. I think he even smashed ivanka once. Only 1s he aint smashin are huckabee n kellyann.