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Kellyanne Conway Denies Allegations in Omarosa’s Book: I’ve Never Heard Trump ‘Use a Racial Slur’

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway pushed back on one of the more serious allegations in Omarosa Manigault‘s new book regarding President Donald Trump‘s reported use of racial slurs.

Specifically, Manigault claims that there’s a tape out there of Trump saying the n-word (though she contradicted one specific claim about it in an NPR interview).

On ABC’s This Week today, Conway had this to say about the President:

I have worked alongside that man for over two straight years now without interruption. I have never a single time heard him use a racial slur about anyone. And I also never heard Omarosa complain that he had done that, and so the only thing that’s changed is that she’s now selling books.”


Kellyanne Conway Squirms When ABC News’ Karl Asks Who is Highest Level African-American in White House

ABC News’ Jonathan Karl asked Kellyanne Conway asked her a tough question on This Week Sunday morning: who is the highest level African-American working in the White House.

Karl first asked Conway about Omarosa Manigault‘s claims that the president used racial epithets in the White House, and the Trump aide denied the allegations. She then read a statement from Trump last year denouncing racism after the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.

The ABC News anchor pointed out that Trump said “there were very fine people on both sides” of the Charlottesville rally, in which white supremacists clashed with protestors.

The two went back and forth, with Conway refusing to say who were the “very fine people” marching in the white supremacist rally.

“Omarosa was the most prominent, high level African-American serving in the West Wing on President Trump’s staff,” Karl said. “Who now is that person? Who is the most prominent, high level adviser to the president on the West Wing staff right now?”

“African-American?” Conway asked.

“Yes,” Karl said.

“I would say that — well first of all you’re totally not covering that fact that our Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and world-renowned neurosurgeon,” Conway said.

“I’m asking about the White House staff,” Karl interjected. “I’m asking about the people the president is with every day.”

“Who there is on the White House staff right now?” he pressed.

Conway mentioned Ja’Ron Smith, who the Washington Post‘s Josh Dawseypoints out is a mid-level aide at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.

“Does he have an office in the West Wing?” Karl asked.

“He has an office in the EOP, absolutely, the executive office of the president, yes,” Conway said.

“But not in the West Wing,” Karl noted. “What does that say to have not a single senior adviser in the West Wing who’s African-American?”

“I didn’t say that there wasn’t but hold on,” Conway said. “We have a number of different minorities.”

Cot damn......buddy was letting the chopper off in broad day......smh at that CAC touching him trying to calm him down

i was waiting on him to look at her like

why does the world politics only cover the US?

this is why we need separate threads for shit.

things get lost when they should stand out.

ole trynna get outta work ass nigga
why does the world politics only cover the US?

this is why we need separate threads for shit.

things get lost when they should stand out.

ole trynna get outta work ass nigga
Make the thread brah

I'll see about getting some prefix tags added but don't hold your breath

Police chiefs criticize Elizabeth Warren for calling criminal justice system ‘racist’

US Senator Elizabeth Warren is facing tough criticism from local police chiefs over her recent remarks about racism and the criminal justice system, exposing her to new attacks from rivals as she runs for re-election amid buzz that she could be a Democratic presidential contender in 2020.

While speaking Aug. 3 at Dillard University, a historically black college in New Orleans, Warren said the criminal justice system is “racist. . . front to back.”

The remarks drew a rebuke from Yarmouth Police Chief Frank G. Frederickson, who wrote Friday on the department’s Facebook page that her comments were an “insult.”

He also questioned the sincerity of the condolences Warren offered after Yarmouth police Sergeant Sean Gannon and Weymouth police Sergeant Michael Chesna were shot and killed earlier this year.

“I now cannot trust her actions or words are real,” Frederickson wrote.

He also shared a letter to Warren from Dudley police Chief Steven J. Wojnar, who is president of the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association.

“Labeling the entire criminal justice profession as “racist” spreads false and damaging information about our members,” wrote Wojnar, who asked Warren to elaborate on her remarks.

Warren spoke with Frederickson by phone on Saturday and had a good conversation, according to Kristen Orthman, a campaign spokes-woman. She didn’t reveal what Warren and Frederickson discussed.

In a statement, Warren said her remarks in New Orleans were about the criminal justice system as a whole.

“I spoke about an entire system — not individuals — and will continue to work on reforms to make the criminal justice system fairer,” she said.

Speaking to reporters after a town hall event Saturday in Eastham, Warren said she spoke with Gannon’s family after his death. She said she is thankful for law enforcement officers who risk their lives on a daily basis, according to a recording of the exchange provided by Warren’s campaign.

“The entire law enforcement system has a lot of good people who get up every day and try to make this a more just, a more fair, more responsive system. And they say over and over, the system needs reform. It needs change,” she said.

In an e-mail, Frederickson said he has heard other police chiefs are considering writing to Warren. He didn’t respond to a follow-up e-mail about his conversation with Warren.

Opponents trying to unseat Warren from the US Senate have capitalized on her comments about the criminal justice system.

Geoff Diehl, a state representative from Whitman who is in a three-way race to be Warren’s Republican challenger, said voters tell him her remarks show she is out of touch with Massachusetts.

“These chiefs are correct in their assessment that this was a real a slap in the face to law enforcement,” Diehl said.

John Kingston, another GOP candidate for US Senate, called on Warren to apologize.

“People are just besides themselves. They just don’t understand how their public servants can not support the people who are on the front lines,” he said.

In social media posts, Republican candidate Beth Lindstrom also called on Warren to apologize. “I stand with Chief Frederickson, and all law enforcement,” she wrote. Her campaign didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Shiva Ayyadurai, who is challenging Warren as an independent, called her remarks “election-year posturing.”

“She’s done this simply to garner political points with her constituency,” he said. “In my view, she’s part of the problem.”

I was waiting for him to slap her hand away n say "dont touch me bitch!"

Props to him tho. Problem is, n why i cant even be bothered, white ppl already know ALL that shit. They jus dont care, its all bullshit

You knew it got real when he took the earpiece out so he can say what he wanted to say without the producers yelling in his ear