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The Official World Politics Thread

Something we as black people going to have to understand in order to truly progress and move forward in this country. This ain't the whole song just the last 20-30 seconds.


Tribune Pulls The Plug On Merger Deal With Trump-Friendly Sinclair

NEW YORK (AP) — Tribune withdrew from its $3.9 billion buyout by Sinclair, ending a bid to create a massive media juggernaut that could have rivaled the reach of Fox News.

Tribune Media Co., which is on the hook for a $135 million breakup fee, said Thursday that it is filing a lawsuit against Sinclair, citing breach of contract.

Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. wanted the Chicago company’s 42 TV stations and had agreed to dump almost two dozen of its own to score approval by the Federal Communications Commission. The media company which has enjoyed the support of President Donald Trump, appeared to be cruising toward approval by U.S. regulators.

Last month, however, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said that he had “serious concerns” about the deal, saying that Sinclair might still be able to operate the stations “in practice, even if not in name.”

Tribune, based in Chicago, claimed Thursday that Sinclair used “unnecessarily aggressive and protracted negotiations” with the Department of Justice and FCC over regulatory requirements and that it refused to sell the stations it needed to.

Sinclair operates 192 stations, runs 611 channels and operates in 89 U.S. markets. It would have been able to expand rapidly into numerous new markets with the Tribune acquisition.

Shares slid more than 3 percent before the opening bell.

Sinclair has become a significant outlet for conservative perspectives.

It was admonished by media watchdogs in April after dozens of Sinclair news anchors read an identical script expressing concern about “one-sided news stories plaguing the country.” President Donald Trump tweeted his support of the company at the time. Sinclair defended the script as a way to distinguish its news shows from unreliable stories on social media.

The Maryland company did not immediately respond early Thursday to a request for comment from The Associated Press.

Four Biggest Takeaways From Bombshell Leaked Audio Of Rep. Devin Nunes

Wednesday night, MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow aired audio leaked from a fundraiser hosted by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) for Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ (R-WA) reelection campaign. Per Maddow, the audio was obtained by a progressive group called “Fuse Washington” and comes from a closed-door, private event for donors in Spokane.

A spokesman from Nunes’ office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Here are the four biggest revelations from Nunes’ speech:

1) Nunes is worried that without the blind and unconditional protection of a Republican majority, the President will be in serious legal jeopardy from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.

This puts us in such a tough spot. If Sessions won’t unrecuse and Mueller won’t clear the President, we’re the only ones, which is really the danger…We have to keep all these seats, we have to keep the majority. We do not keep the majority, all of this goes away.”

2) Though their attempts seem to have petered out for now, there is still will from at least some faction of the Republican caucus to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

The Senate would have to drop everything they’re doing and start with impeachment on Rosenstein, and then take the risk of not getting Kavanaugh confirmed. So it’s not a matter that any of us like Rosenstein, it’s a matter of timing.”

3) Nunes stated strongly that a politician disseminating stolen information given to him or her by a foreign entity is a crime (which sounds an awful lot like what the President, his family members and his associates may have done). In his hypothetical, Nunes is using Portugal as the foreign entity and Rodgers as the receiver.

So Cathy was getting secret information from the Portuguese—that may or may not be unusual. But ultimately, let’s say that the Portuguese came and brought her some stolen e-mailed and she decided to release those. Okay now we have a problem, right? Because somebody stole the emails, gave them to Cathy, Cathy released them. Well if that’s the case, that’s criminal.”

4) On a less serious note: Even Nunes, one of Trump’s most stalwart defenders, sometimes cringes at the President’s tweets:

“…you know you have a mixed bag on the tweets right? Sometimes we love the President’s tweets and sometimes we cringe on the President’s tweets, but they’re trying to make a political—this is all political as to why that story ran the “New York Times” on the tweets.”

Hope Springs Eternal: WH Officials Try To Pull Hicks Back In For 2020

Former White House communications director Hope Hicks’ impromptu ride on Air Force One Saturday got observers buzzing that she may jump back into the fray — a speculation that seems to be the greatest hope of some administration officials.

According to a Thursday Politico report, White House officials have a real desire to get Hicks back on the scene for 2020.

“I think a lot of people would love to see her involved,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told Politico. “She is incredibly smart, talented, and she gets the President. It would be a win across the board for the president if she was involved in any capacity.”

Per Politico sources, Hicks is open to the possibility.

Since her departure in March, Hicks still retains a place of honor within the first family and administration, reportedly taking time to dine with both Sanders and Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump before the Air Force One trip.

However, she left the administration in a time of particular turmoil, after being called to interview with Special Counsel Robert Mueller — and admitting that she’d told “white lies” on behalf of the President — and the public revelation of her relationship with staff secretary Robert Porter, who was finally booted from the White House months after initial accusations of domestic abuse from his ex-wives.

Maybe just maybe some of yall will let this sink and realize how true this statement is and how many white people believe it, will kill for it and are willing to die over it. Then some of yall will understand why no matter what Trump and people like him says or does that actually harms them. They will always vote or give them support.

The shit really is that simple for white people
This been going on since all nations' wealthiest were witness to the French Revolution. Keep the poor divided and you're safe