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Lol@that dumbass parade being cancelled, trump was literally the only one who thought that bullshit was a good idea and even then it was just about boosting his ego...now if only that "space force" garbage gets cancelled as well
Lol@that dumbass parade being cancelled, trump was literally the only one who thought that bullshit was a good idea and even then it was just about boosting his ego...now if only that "space force" garbage gets cancelled as well

That Space Force sadly won't get cancelled because that is just a way for him and his boys to line their pockets with government contracts. I doubt that they will put anybody in space but multimillion dollar contracts will be awarded on the real estate, logisitical and administrative portions of the startup........shits crazy

Russian troll account pushed ‘Q’ theory last year: report

A Russian troll account created to exacerbate divisions in the U.S. last year pushed the far-right conspiracy theory known as "QAnon," according to an analysis by Buzzfeed News.

@ CovfefenationUS, one of the troll accounts associated with the Internet Research Agency (IRA), posted about "QAnon" more than 800 times in 2017 before going dark, according to Buzzfeed.

Though the Internet-based conspiracy theory has been circulating for years, it has attracted increased attention in recent weeks as President Trump's supporters at recent campaign rallies have been seen holding signs and wearing shirts promoting "Q," the anonymous figure at the center of "QAnon."

The researchers who helped uncover 3 million tweets linked to the IRA told Buzzfeed the operation was intended to promote any extreme or divisive messages, including the "QAnon" theory that alleges Trump is at the center of a massive conspiracy to take down "deep-state" actors.
"At the deepest level, the goal is to make our political differences and debates seem more extreme and insoluble than they really are," professor Patrick Warren of Clemson University told BuzzFeed. "If they could make this about QAnon against Black Lives Matter, then they win."

The IRA was a Russian operation that coordinated more than 400 people in a campaign to spread misinformation among the U.S. electorate starting in 2016. Trolls associated with the IRA pushed a multitude of divisive conspiracy theories and ideologies, with a majority posing as either Black Lives Matter activists or Trump supporters.

"Conspiracies, they go hand-in-hand with extremism," Warren said.

Special counsel Robert Mueller earlier this year charged 13 Russian nationals with conspiring to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

Twitter is currently working with Congress and intelligence officials to identify all of its accounts associated with the IRA.


Trump’s Team Reportedly Discussed Yanking Security Clearances to Divert from Bad Press

President Donald Trump‘s team had reportedly prepared to remove former CIA head John Brennan‘s security clearance in July but decided to wait until this week in order to distract from the Omarosa Manigault coverage.

That report comes from a new Washington Post article published on Friday. The article also says the White House has already drafted more orders revoking clearances which may also be similarly deployed as a distraction technique.

According to WaPo:

The senior White House official acknowledged that the step against Brennan had been prepared in late July, when Sanders first said Trump was considering it. But the decision to take that step was made this week to divert attention from nonstop coverage of a critical book released by fired Trump aide Omarosa Manigault Newman.

Consideration is being given to holding other prepared documents in reserve for similar opportunities in the future, the official said.

The report also states that Trump is considering revoking security clearances for Bruce Ohr, James R. Clapper Jr, Michael V. Hayden, James B. Comey, Susan E. Rice, Andrew McCabe and others, although some say they no longer have clearances.


Georgia Lawmaker Tells CNN He’s Cool With Trump Using N-Word If It Happened Before He Was President

Georgia State Senator Michael Williams said on CNN Saturday he would be fine with President Donald Trump using the N-word if it happened before he was in office.

The Georgia Republican appeared on CNN Saturday morning and was asked by anchor Victor Blackwell — in light of former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman‘s claims President Donald Trump used the N-word — if it would matter if Trump used the slur.

“Yes, it would matter,” Williams replied. “It would matter as an individual. It would not necessarily matter to me as the person that is running our country. The reason I separate those two is… he has his personal beliefs, his personal ideas. I truly believe he is able to separate those from how he is running the country.”

“He did not use the N-word as the office of the president, in that office,” Williams said. “He used it outside his office. Now if he was president and goes on TV and uses the N-word, yes, I would have a major problem with that. But if he did it before he was president?”

The CNN anchor, perplexed, again asked if it was okay for Trump to have used the N-word.

“I don’t have a problem with Donald Trump having used it in the past as my president,” Williams said. “I always say using the N-word should not be accepted in society. Just because he may have done it years ago, not as our president, doesn’t mean we need to continue to berate him because he used it.”

Williams went on to argue that Trump is 72-years-old, and that “50-60 years ago we were not in the society we’re in now.”

“This is not where I expected this conversation to go,” Blackwell said.

The Trump Cult never ceases to amaze...


‘Truth Isn’t Truth’: Giuliani Talks Perjury, Host Laughs at Him in Strange Interview

Attorney Rudy Giuliani said Sunday that he doesn’t want his client President Donald Trump to walk into a “perjury trap.” Meet the Press host Chuck Todd pushed back, and this culminated in the former NYC Mayor saying, “Truth isn’t truth.”

“I’m not going to be rushed into having him testify so that he gets trapped into perjury,” he said. “And when you tell me that he should testify because he’s going to tell the truth and he shouldn’t worry, well that’s so silly because it’s somebody’s version of the truth. Not the truth.”

“Truth is truth,” Todd said.

“No, it isn’t truth!” Giuliani shot back. “Truth isn’t truth!”

Todd said this was going to become a “bad meme.”

“Don’t do this to me,” Giuliani said.

“Don’t do ‘truth isn’t truth’ to me,” Todd said.

But back to Giuliani’s point.

“Donald Trump says ‘I didn’t talk about Flynn with Comey,'” he said. “Comey says, ‘You did talk about it.’ So tell me what the truth is.”

This interview comes amid the everlasting dance between the Trump administration and Mueller’s team. Will Trump voluntarily sit down for an interview? In the past, his team voiced a willingness to do so. This hasn’t happened yet.

Trump’s critics often suggest he might have committed obstruction of justice by firing FBI Director James Comey amid a probe into the president’s election campaign allegedly colluding with Russia in 2016 election interference. Some legal analysts argue Trump was just exercising his powers under the constitution.

Comey claimed the president asked him to drop an investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, which itself had been viewed by some as obstruction. Trump has denied this.