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White Amerikkkans aren't shit, Exhibit Z





What kinds of animals photograph such monstrousness?

Til this day the family of the girls STILL believe he killed them, despite evidence proving otherwise
LMAO!! reading trumps words in text really shows that he talks like a fuckin retard.

You cant tell me that orange piece of shit aint got some sorta brain disease.

If he is up for reelection in 2020, those presidential debates are going to be something to see because I can see his condition worsening by then......wouldn't surprise me if he only agrees to participate in a debate if its moderated by someone from Faux News


AZ Senate Candidate Kelli Ward Asked Who is ‘Bigger Disgrace’: Pizzagater Mike Cernovich or Sen. John McCain

Republican Senate hopeful Kelli Ward says its “ridiculous” to connect her with Mike Cernovich‘s controversial rhetoric, even though he’ll be right next to her during her campaign to replace Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ).

Over the weekend, Ward told the media that she’ll soon embark on a statewide campaign bus tour that will feature various alt-right political celebrities, including Cernovich — a Pizzagate-promoting, conspiracy theorist. Ward says she extended the invite because she wants to reach Cernovich’s audience.

During a Monday night interview with NBC’s Vaughn Hillyard, Ward was asked about Cernovich’s controversial content, including his thoughts that diversity is “white genocide.”

“Attaching those things to me is ridiculous,” Ward said. When Hillyard countered by noting that he’s on her bus tour, she said “we need to have a hook to get you guys interested in seeing the bus tour.”

“Just having a great candidate is not enough for the media sadly,” Ward continued. “You need someone to spin things up, and you guys have bitten, and I’m glad.”

Ward was also asked about a tweet she posted in which she slammed Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), while calling Flake a “disgrace.”

When asked if Flake and McCain are “bigger disgraces” than Cernovich, Ward replied, “it depends on who’s looking.”


GOP Gubernatorial Candidate: The ‘Russians are Going to Help Me’ Win

As the U.S. intelligence community attempts to beef up election security against Russian interference ahead of the November midterms, one GOP candidate joked a little meddling could help him win.

Republican Scott Wagner, who is running for Pennsylvania’s gubernatorial seat, made the comment at a local meet and greet on Friday — an audio recording of which was initially given to HuffPost by the state’s Democratic Party and later posted to its website.

“By the way, the Russians are going to help me with Tom Wolf,” he says, referring to his incumbent opponent and eliciting laughter from the room. “If I have to use Paul Manafort, I will.”

Wagner already has a connection with Paul Manafort and has an unusually high opinion of the accused felon. In July 2016, Wagner bragged about meeting with Manafort and “five other high level campaign people.” Wagner wrote that he left the meeting “with an increased level of confidence” in Trump’s hiring of Manafort.

The remarks, said Communications Director Andrew Romeo, were made in jest.

“Scott was obviously joking when he made those comments,” Romeo told Mediaite Tuesday. “He thinks that Russia’s interference in the 2016 Election was real and he pledges to work with the federal government to secure fair elections in Pennsylvania as governor.”

However, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party didn’t find it funny.

“Scott Wagner is attempting to undermine the integrity of our democracy by calling on the Russians to interfere with the Pennsylvania gubernatorial election, especially considering U.S. intelligence agencies’ have been unanimous in their conclusion that Russia meddled in the 2016 election,” said Mike Mikus, the organization’s senior communications advisor, in a statement.

“While Governor Wolf is fighting to make our elections more safe and secure, Scott Wagner is threatening our democracy,” Mikus added, noting that “Wagner already has a connection with Paul Manafort and has an unusually high opinion of the accused felon,” having discussed in 2016 a meeting with him and five others within President Donald Trump‘s campaign.
