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Pro-Trump pastor: Trump is 'the most pro-black' president I've ever seen

Pro-Trump Pastor Darrell Scott said Wednesday during a White House gathering of faith leaders that he thinks President Trump will be “the most pro-black president” in his lifetime.

Scott, a co-founder of President Trump’s National Diversity Coalition who is African-American, was one of nearly 20 inner city pastors and faith leaders attending the meeting, where lawmakers were also present.

"This is probably the most pro-active administration regarding urban America and the faith-based community in my lifetime," Scott said, according to a White House transcript of the meeting.

"This president actually wants to prove something to our community, our faith-based community and our ethnic community,” he added. “This is probably going to be... the most pro-black president I’ve seen in my lifetime.”

Scott criticized former President Barack Obama
, saying he “felt like he didn’t have to prove” a dedication to the faith-based and black communities.

During the meeting, Trump spoke about the administration’s prison reform efforts, which are being largely led by White House senior adviser and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, who also attended the meeting. The House passed a bipartisan prison reform bill in May.

Trump also touted the current low unemployment rate for black Americans during the meeting, a topic he has repeatedly touched on during rallies and in other public appearances.

Trump, who has earned the praise of Scott and some high-profile black celebrities, including Kanye West and conservative YouTube stars, Diamond and Silk, has been criticized harshly for his rhetoric on minorities and comments on race, including pushing the “birther” conspiracy theory that Obama was not born in the U.S.

Trump has also been condemned for his refusal to denounce white supremacist groups.

The president repeatedly has sparred with black NFL players protesting racial injustice, and sparked a major outcry for saying that there were “very fine people” on “both sides” of the violent Charlottesville white supremacist rally, that left one person dead and more than a dozen injured.

I’m sure Trump gave that coon ass pastor some extra butter biscuits for all his verbal shuckin’ and jivin’...

Spicer: Trump’s Alleged Affairs Are Between ‘Him, His Wife And His God’

Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer said that President Donald Trump’s alleged affairs are none of the American public’s business, as they would have happened before he took office.

“That’s between him, his wife, and his God,” Spicer said during a Wednesday interview with NBC’s “Access Live” when asked if Americans deserve to know about Trump’s alleged affairs. “We are rushing too quick to judge people in society,” he added.

When pressed that Trump gave up his right to keep it private when he became President, Spicer disagreed: “Not if it didn’t happen while he was in office.”

Former Playboy model Karen McDougal and porn star Stormy Daniels have both filed lawsuits in conjunction to their claims of affairs with Trump.

Ex-Ohio State Wrestling Coach Pushed Jordan Accusers To Retract Statements

Retired Ohio State University wrestling coach Russ Hellickson texted two former wrestlers, pushing them to reverse their statements accusing Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) of lying about his ignorance of rampant sexual assault on the team, according to a Wednesday NBC report.

The two wrestlers—Dunyasha Yetts and Mike DiSabato—told NBC that the texts made it clear that Hellickson was acting at the behest of Jordan to shore up support.

Yetts shared screenshots of the June 4 conversation with NBC.

“Your [sic] a special part of my coaching career. I’m sorry you got caught up in the media train,” Hellickson texted. “If you think the story got told wrong about Jim, you could probably write a statement for release that tells your story and corrects what you feel bad about. I can put you in contact with someone who would release it.”

Yetts told NBC that Hellickson called him later that day to reinforce the message.

“He said, ‘I will defend Jimmy until I have to put my hand on a Bible and be asked to tell the truth, then Jimmy will be on his own,’” Yetts said, quoting the phone conversation. “I told him, ‘I’m going to contradict you, coach, because I’m telling the truth.’”

Yetts has said that he, along with many of his teammates, was molested by team doctor Richard Strauss, and that he directly told Jordan about it back when the congressman was the team’s assistant coach.

He also claims that after he turned down Hellickson, Jordan’s defenders started digging into his personal life, using his unrelated criminal record to discredit him. Another former wrestler corroborated the intimidation scheme, telling NBC: “What a world we’re living in when a member of Congress is digging up dirt on sex abuse victims like us,” adding that he preferred to stay anonymous because his family is “terrified” of retribution from Jordan.

DiSabato, the other wrestler who Hellickson contacted, declined to give NBC screenshots of the conversation, but said: “He said Jimmy was telling him he had to make a statement supporting him and he called to tell me why he was going to make it.”

DiSabato, the initial whistleblower who also says he was molested, has video footage of Hellickson discussing the hostile atmosphere which included voyeurs and masturbators lurking at the team’s practice facilities, along with Strauss’ alleged assaults.

“Certainly all my administrators recognized it was an issue for me,” Hellickson says in the footage. “I’m sure that I talked to them on numerous occasions about my discontent with the environment…But nothing ever changed.”

By last count, nine former wrestlers have come forward to assert that Jordan definitely knew about the rampant sexual abuse. Jordan has consistently protested his ignorance.

Strauss committed suicide in 2005 and the university has since opened an investigation into the allegations. Jordan was interviewed as part of the probe in late June.

Giuliani Argues Trump Has Legal Right To Obstruct Russia Probe, Says He Hasn’t

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani said Wednesday that he believed it would be legal for President Donald Trump to obstruct the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and related matters.

The comment came after a reporter asked Giuliani why the President simply didn’t fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, given that Trump has frequently shared his unhappiness with the investigation on Twitter.

“He wants the investigation to come to a conclusion and not interfere in it,” Giuliani responded. “That’s why this whole obstruction of justice thing is nonsense. If he wanted to obstruct it, he’d have obstructed it, he could just end it. Then you’d battle whether he has the legal right to do that, which I think he does, but he’s not going to do that.”

Later, asked about the remark, Giuliani said “of course” obstruction of justice is a crime, but that “under Article II of the Constitution, if the President is acting within his capacity as President, and he fires someone, then that can’t be questioned.”

“Now, is there a narrow area where you could question him? I don’t know. We don’t have to deal with that, because he had very legitimate reasons for firing Comey.”

“If we didn’t have Article II, he still didn’t obstruct anything,” Giuliani said later, adding: “The best proof is in the pudding: He didn’t obstruct the investigation. It’s been going on for a year-and-a-half, they’ve talked to every witness they want to, we haven’t asserted executive privilege, and they’ve gotten every single last document, 1.4 million, that they wanted.”

It marked yet another instance when the Trump team shifted the goalposts of criminality: First, the public was told that there had never been any communication between the Trump campaign and Russians, then that there had been no collusion between them, and just recently, that even if there had been collusion, that it was not illegal.

The New York Review of Books reported Tuesday that Trump had been informed that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was under criminal investigation when he asked then-FBI Director James Comey to lay off of Flynn — a potential instance of obstruction of justice.

The Trump lawyer said the President had “made it clear that he wants it to run its course, but on the other hand, he is a person with a First Amendment right to defend himself.”

“If he believes he’s innocent, and he is innocent, he should speak out,” Giuliani added.

Earlier, Giuliani had commented on the long volley of letters between Trump’s legal team and special counsel Robert Mueller’s, negotiations for a potential sit-down interview between Mueller and the President.

“I’m not going to give you a lot of hope it’s going to happen, but we’re still negotiating,” Giuliani said. “We haven’t stopped negotiating with them. The most recent letter, they sent us a proposal, we responded to their proposal, they took about 10 days, and yesterday we got a letter back from them. And now we’re in the process of responding to their proposal.”

Sarah Sanders Doubles Down on Weird Lie About Osama Bin Laden’s Phone in the 1990s

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is standing by the bogus story she cited yesterday when she lambasted the media for not being more conscientious about their reporting.

When Sanders lectured the media about reporting responsibly during her latest press briefing, she invoked an old story about U.S. surveillance capabilities that supposedly caused Osama Bin Laden to stop using a bugged satellite phone. As Daily Mail‘s David Martosko and others pointed out yesterday, that story was debunked a long time ago.

Later in the day, Sanders doubled down on the story’s veracity while attacking CNN’s fact-checking.


4 Cities Sue Trump Admin, Claiming ACA ‘Sabotage’ Is Unconstitutional

Four cities filed a lawsuit on Thursday accusing the Trump administration of violating the “Take Care” clause of the Constitution and the Administrative Procedure Act by chipping away at the Affordable Care Act in ways that have depressed health insurance enrollment and driven up costs for both individuals and taxpayers.

The complaint from the cities of Columbus, Baltimore, Cincinnati, and Chicago charges President Trump with the “premeditated destruction” of parts of the ACA. They are suing to force the administration to restore the funding that was slashed for outreach and enrollment assistance, extend the 2019 open enrollment period, and steer people towards comprehensive ACA plans and away from skimpy short-term plans that do not cover pre-existing conditions.

Zach Klein, the city attorney for Columbus, the lead plaintiff in the lawsuit, told reporters Thursday that the Trump administration’s cuts to ACA funding and promotion of unregulated health plans that violate the ACA will place a heavy burden on his city’s resources.

“It’s having a detrimental effect on our families and on our budget,” he said, noting that the city is already having to spend more on ambulances, free and subsidized clinics and public health programs. “Usually we recoup a good chunk of those costs by billing insurance companies. But with the number of uninsured people going up, our ability to recoup is hurt, and that’s a direct result of President Trump trying to sabotage the ACA.”

In the lawsuit, the cities cite both the President’s open promises to let Obamacare “implode” as well as his administration’s actions to make that happen —from the termination of enrollment partnerships with hundreds of local and national groups, to abruptly ending subsidies to insurers, to scuttling efforts by Congress to pass a market stabilization bill, to the evisceration of the budget for outreach and in-person assisters.

“While he has some discretion to effectuate the purposes of the ACA, that discretion does not extend to what he has done here,” said Adam Grogg, an attorney with the watchdog Democracy Forward, which is representing the cities in the lawsuit. “He can’t do things that are contrary to the letter of the law or the spirit of the law.”

As Professors Resign In Protest, New UVA President Supports Marc Short Hiring

The new president of the University of Virginia plans to uphold the appointment of President Trump’s former director of legislative affairs as a senior fellow at the school’s Miller Center, despite professor resignations and widely circulated petition condemning the hiring.

“I think it was the right call,” UVA President James Ryan told the Washington Poston his first day in the new gig, adding that Marc Short would be able to contribute valuable insight to the campus center — that focuses on U.S. presidents and policy — as “someone who has been on the front lines of this presidency, who can help us try to understand it.”

Short, who left the White House last month, is set to starting teaching at the UVA business school and serve as a senior fellow starting in August, but two UVA history professors have already resigned from the Miller Center in protest of the appointment. A group of professors and alumni started an online petition last month, asking the university to revoke the appointment and not allow the school to be used as a “waystation for high-level members of an administration that has directly harmed our community and to this day attacks the institutions vital to a free society.”

The petition — which, as of 8:00 a.m. ET Thursday, had accumulated 3,389 signatures — also cited the Trump administration’s botched response to the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia last year, when Trump said both sides were to blame for the violence that left a counter-protester dead.

“It is unconscionable that we would add to our university a person who served in a high-level position for the administration that first empowered, then defended, those white nationalists,” the petition said.

Trump Endorses Wrong Guy, Who Already Won Primary Race

President Donald Trump on Thursday endorsed the wrong person, telling Ohio Republicans to support Rep. Steve Stivers’ (R-OH, pictured above) reelection on Aug. 7, even though Stivers had already won an uncontested primary on May 8.

Bloomberg’s Sahil Kapur caught the error:

Stivers, as it happens, leads House Republicans’ electoral organization, the National Republican Campaign Committee.

It appears Trump meant to endorse state Sen. Troy Balderson, who will face off in an Aug. 7 special election against Democrat Danny O’Connor. The winner will fill the seat of Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-OH), who left Congress in January.

The GOP is the party of family values......the irony/hypocrisy of him associated with fighting sexual harassment is par for the course for Republicans


Lawmaker resigns amid allegations he used nude photos of ex-girlfriend to 'catfish' men. Sauer, who was a member of the House Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Task Force, could not be reached for comment.


Republican state Rep. Nick Sauer submitted his resignation Wednesday amid allegations that he posted nude photos of an ex-girlfriend on social media to lure other men into “graphic conversations.”

“My ability to fulfill my obligations as a State Representative and public servant will be affected by the distraction of addressing these allegations,” the first-term Illinois lawmaker wrote in his resignation letter, which was obtained by NBC Chicago. “After speaking with my family, I feel it best to step away from my public responsibilities.”

The allegations first surfaced in a report by Politico, which obtained a copy of the complaint Sauer’s former girlfriend, Kate Kelly, filed with the Illinois General Assembly’s Office of the Legislative Inspector General.

In the complaint, Kelly reportedly claimed that Sauer, 35, had created an Instagram account “to catfish other men using my privately shared naked photos” and “engage in graphic conversations of a sexual nature.”

Kelly, 38, also filed a complaint last month with the Chicago Police Department, which confirmed to NBC News that it is investigating the matter.

Illinois has a revenge porn law that makes false impersonation a felony. Anyone convicted of posting sexually explicit videos or photos of another person online without their consent could face up to three years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000.
