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White House Dreads ‘Killer’ Woodward Book After ‘Everyone’ Talked To Him

Though the Trump administration, unlike administrations past, withheld formal access to legendary reporter Bob Woodward for his insider exposé, White House officials are bracing for a “killer” account filled with unauthorized stories from “everyone,” according to a Tuesday Politico account.

“He hooked somebody, and that put the fear of God in everyone else,” a former official told Politico.

“It’s gonna be killer. Everyone talked with Woodward,” another added.

Per two interview subjects, Woodward opted not to set up shop on the White House grounds, but instead to lure sources to his house with promises of peeks at his Pulitzers and study. With the home court advantage, he would then push for the information he needed.

According to Politico, Trump allies are girding themselves for the inevitable furious tweet storm that will erupt from the President’s fingertips when the book hits shelves, giving the tome a boost in sales and popularity and a longer run in the spotlight (à la Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury” and James Comey’s “A Higher Loyalty”).

“Fear: Trump in the White House” will be released on September 11.

Hannity Boasts That ‘Nobody Knows’ Nature Of His Relationship With Trump

Fox News host Sean Hannity opined on his relationship with President Donald Trump in a Tuesday interview with Forbes, saying that much of what has been reported is untrue and that no one truly knows the full scope of their relationship.

“I really kind of enjoy that nobody knows, and I’m just going to leave it that way,” Hannity told Forbes on how much access he has to the President. “But I can tell you this: Nobody has ever gotten my relationship with Donald Trump right, ever.”

“I don’t have a nightly call with anybody,” he added. “I read these things about me that are total bullshit. Quote it. It’s just not true.”

Per Forbes, as of July reports, Hannity is on a four-month streak of hosting the most-watched cable news show.

Hannity waxed lyrical about his purpose and those he serves.

“Irredeemable deplorables that cling to their Bibles and religion,” he said when asked who his audience is. “I have a natural passion that drove me into this business and gets me up in the morning. And the untold story about who I am … is that I am the forgotten man, the forgotten woman.”

As for the many who don’t take as kindly to his program, Hannity was nonchalant.

“The amount of time I spend caring about it is zero. I don’t care,” he told Forbes. “I try to be the most informed person I can be. We work really hard at getting things right, and I don’t mind being separate and apart from everybody else at all. In fact, I kind of relish it.”

Republican Lawmakers Scramble To Balance Trump-Koch Dispute

GOP Civil War.. The Trump Cult (aka MAGA Cult)/White Nationalists/Alt Right/Republican Fascists vs. Globalists 1% percenters & RINOs...


Republican Lawmakers Scramble To Balance Trump-Koch Dispute

Republican Senators met privately on Monday to quietly contemplate how to respond to the feud that’s emerged between the mega donor Koch network and President Donald Trump, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

According to Republicans familiar with the discussions who spoke to the Post, Sens. John Cornyn (R-TX), Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and other GOP lawmakers discussed the Koch network’s recent gathering, in which officials criticized Trump’s trade policy and divisiveness, and told attendees that it would support candidates based on values and not political affiliation. Cornyn, who reportedly attended the conference, told those gathered that he was confronted with widespread exasperation with Trump and his policies at the event. In the private meeting, some lawmakers also expressed confusion over the Koch network’s new approach.

“These guys want to change the direction of the country. They don’t understand how hard that is,” McConnell reportedly said.

In response to the Koch officials’ criticism — which was not outright surprising, given the network pointedly did not endorse Trump in 2016 — Trump tore the group of “globalist” donors apart on Twitter Tuesday and suggested that he had made them “richer.”

Them dudes getting paid to be out there.

I hate to judge a book by its cover but them noggas ain’t Into politics
The media keeps covering how they flip flop and whatnot but it’s not because they’re stupid or because they’re confused, they’re purposely doing this shit because their base is easily manipulated.

That’s what they need to cover.

Trump Makes Surprise Call to Rush Limbaugh For Anniversary, Says People in DC Are ‘Evil’

President Donald Trump gave a surprise interview to Rush Limbaugh today, and he took the opportunity to go off on how he’s surrounded by “evil” people in Washington.

Trump called in to honor the conservative radio host for the 30th anniversary of his show.

“This is your favorite president and I think you are fantastic,” Trump said. “So I just want to congratulate you. Thirty years. Just do it for another 30 years, after that you can take it easy.”

Trump used the interview to wax poetic about the rally he held last night in Tampa, and he spoke about how politicians “mistreated” the country for years before his presidency. As Limbaugh lauded Trump for defying expectations and shaking up the Washington political establishment, the president remarked “you’ve got a lot of bad people in Washington.”

“You knew that a long time ago frankly before I knew it,” Trump said. “I had no idea how evil some of them are, but you have a lot of great people too.”

Trump continued to tout his “lovefest” of a rally and his economic policies. Limbaugh eventually got back in to praise Trump for being willing to shut down the government (which the GOP would rather avoid) to get his border wall built.

“It’s like pulling teeth getting these guys to to get it done,” said Trump. “You have no idea how tough I’ve been, and I say ‘hey if you have a shutdown, you have a shutdown.'”

Oh yeah, and Trump took another swipe at Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for his fatal down vote on the GOP’s effort to undo Obamacare.

“It was a horrible thing he did to our country,” Trump said. “And he did it because of me, probably.”