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Trump Regularly Ignores Kelly, Schedules Meetings Based On ‘Fox And Friends’

As John Kelly quietly tucks a year of service as President Trump’s chief of staff under his belt, Trump’s friends and outside advisers suggest Kelly has no actual power over Trump, who reportedly wishes he didn’t have to deal with a head staffer, Politico reported.

Kelly’s increasingly waning influence in the West Wing is perhaps best illustrated in Trump’s penchant for scheduling meetings for himself on a whim. As one former White House official told Politico, Trump regularly makes appointments for the day based on what “Fox and Friends” decides to cover that morning.

“He comes down for the day, and whatever he saw on ‘Fox and Friends,’ he schedules meetings based on that,” a former White House official told Politico. “If it’s Iran, it’s ‘Get John Bolton down here!’ … If he’s seen something on TV or [was] talking to Hannity the night before, he’s got lots of flexibility to do whatever he wants to do.”

Trump reportedly makes his own schedule in a black appointment book and keeps track of the meetings he schedules on the fly with the help of his personal aide Madeline Westerhout, who then reports Trump’s appointments to Kelly’s office.

Kelly — whom a Republican close to the White House called a “chief of staff in name only” — is reportedly aware of how useless his efforts to maintain order have become. He regularly jokes with staff that he “leaving and I’m not coming back” and has swapped early morning work hours for workout sessions at the gym.

Sacha Baron Cohen Uses ‘Pedophile Detector’ On Roy Moore In Latest Prank

Following last week’s episode of his show “Who Is America?” which was so damning it forced the resignation of a GOP Georgia lawmaker, host Sacha Baron Cohen found his newest victim in former Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.

Posing as Israeli counterterrorism expert General Erran Morad, Cohen begins his conversation with Moore, recorded back in February, by talking about complicated technology that enables the Israeli military to detect tunnels dug by Hamas to launch stealthy terrorist attacks.

Moore, clearly thinking the interview is legitimate, conveys Alabama’s support of Israel. Cohen jokes drily in response: “In Alabama, people have always been free, whatever their religion or race or sexuality.” Moore, missing the sarcasm replies, saying “it’s our heritage.”

Cohen then says that the technology has been altered to identify sexual predators, especially pedophiles. Multiple agonizing minutes pass as Cohen pulls out a security wand, waving it against himself before turning it on Moore and triggering a loud beeping.

“It must be faulty. It’s malfunctioning,” Cohen says as the machine blares. “Is this your jacket? Did you lend the jacket to somebody else?” he asks in a tone of concern as Moore grimaces.

Despite the many accusations from multiple women this year, Moore said that he has “never had an accusation of such things.” “Certainly, I’m not a pedophile,” he continued. “Maybe Israeli technology has not developed properly.”

He then announced that he was concluding the interview, shook Cohen’s hand, and walked off the set.

Per the Daily Beast, Moore released a preemptive statement before the episode aired Sunday saying that he is embroiled in “several court cases presently to defend my honor and character against vicious false political attacks,” and that if the episode is released, he “may very well be involved in another.”

Some seriously sad, stupid shit

But his MAGA's are dumb enough to believe it.

Again this all geared towards engraining this in the minds of his base. They're tryin to put doubt in the investigation...doubt in the election process...and doubt in the media. That's the goal.

B/c say if the Democrats take Congress back...you automatically know Trump and his base is gonna scream "collusion"...the media set him up to fail...etc. etc.

Corey Stewart Spox Mirrors Trump, Calls Majority-Black Cities ‘Sh*tholes’

The spokesperson for Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart, who has twice called for an investigation into his Democratic opponent and who doesn’t have the support of even the most conservative fundraising group, has taken a racist page from President Trump’s book by labeling majority-black communities “shitholes.”

The Daily Beast reported Sunday that Stewart spokesperson Rick Shaftan has expressed racist views on Twitter in the past, largely in reaction to protests over the killings of African-American men by police.

In the protests that erupted after Ferguson, he tweeted about “crazed black people” looting liquor stores and suggested that it would be foolish to start a business in a “black neighborhood.” He tweeted similar sentiments after a black man was killed by police in Baltimore and he called Memphis, New Orleans and Baltimore, all majority-African American cities, “shitholes.”

Stewart himself is a neo-Confederate apologist and the National Republican Senatorial Committee has not endorsed him.

U.S. Intel Reportedly Says North Korea is Building New Missiles As Trump Continues to Boast of Progress

A new report indicates that North Korea is building new possible intercontinental ballistic missiles despite Kim Jong Un‘s denuclearization agreement from his summit with President Donald Trump.

The Washington Post spoke to multiple intelligence officials who have monitored “ongoing activity” recently from North Korea’s nuclear and missile testing facilities. Satellite images and previous reports about a secret uranium enrichment facility suggest that the North Koreans are upgrading their arsenal from a research facility located just outside of Pyongyang.

Ever since the summit in Singapore, President Trump and his administration have touted the agreement he signed with Kim — even though it didn’t spell out any kind of specific framework or plan for Korean Peninsula’s disarmament. Recent photos suggested the North Koreans were in the process of dismantling a test engine stand at satellite launching station, but various analysts warn the gesture is mostly symbolic since tests there were already complete.

Furthermore, new evidence shows ongoing construction at missile factories, including advancements on ICBMs capable of hitting the U.S. East Coast.

From the report:

Senior North Korean officials have discussed their intention to deceive Washington about the number of nuclear warheads and missiles they have, as well as the types and numbers of facilities, and to rebuff international inspectors, according to intelligence gathered by U.S. agencies. Their strategy includes potentially asserting that they have fully denuclearized by declaring and disposing of 20 warheads while retaining dozens more.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently travelled to Pyongyang to advance denuclearization talks, but he told the Senate testimony in a hearing last week that the North Koreans are still producing materials essential for nuclear weapon construction. As for Trump, he recently said there’s no deadline for North Korea’s denuclearization.


Despite Trump’s Willingness, Iran Shuts Down Possibility Of Talks

Just before President Donald Trump expressed his willingness Monday to meet with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani under “no preconditions,” Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson made it clear that such talks are not on the table, according to a New York Times report.

Calling the United States “totally unreliable,” spokesman Bahram Qassemi spoke with the anger many of his countrymen feel after Trump’s sudden exit from the nuclear deal and restoration of sanctions on Iran in May. “With current America and these policies, there will definitely not be the possibility of dialogue and engagement,” he said at a press conference on Monday.

Per the New York Times, since Trump’s departure from the pact, Iran’s economy has taken a devastating hit, with its currency losing half its value.

During a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Trump struck a very different chord from the Iranians, saying “I’ll meet with anybody. If they want to meet, I’ll meet—anytime they want.”

But Trump seems to be the only one in favor of a meeting. His own national security team reportedly thinks a possible summit would be a bad idea, given Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s blistering attack last week of the Iran’s leaders as “hypocritical holy men.”

Per the Times, Pompeo even split from his boss on the prerequisites necessary for the hypothetical meeting. He told the Times that Iranian leaders would have to “demonstrate a commitment to make fundamental changes in how they treat their own people, reduce their malign behavior, can agree that it’s worthwhile to enter into a nuclear agreement that actually prevents proliferation.”

As Iran remains in the nuclear deal with other world powers—including Britain, Russia and China—that don’t send it threatening tweets, there seems to be little incentive for the country’s leaders to humor Trump.