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Pruitt Kept Secret Calendar, Hustled To Get Wife $200k Job

In the never-ending stream of ethical scandals clouding EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s tenure, more bombshells dropped Monday and Tuesday as reports surfaced of Pruitt’s secret calendar, his jockeying to get his wife a cushy job and his manipulation of staffers to save himself money.

According to a CNN report, Pruitt maintained a secret calendar along with his public one, scrubbing events from the public version that he felt would reflect poorly on him.

Kevin Chmielewski, Pruitt’s former deputy chief of staff for operations, told CNN that Pruitt would regularly convene staffers to go through his schedule with a fine-toothed comb to remove any unscrupulous-looking events.

Appointments like Pruitt’s meetings with Cardinal George Pell—who was later charged with multiple counts of sexual assault—and meals with industry bigwigs were deleted from the public record.

Per CNN, these actions could be in violation of federal law prohibiting “falsifying records.”

Simultaneously, a Washington Post report chronicles a host of Pruitt’s previously unknown ethical misdeeds, including using his post as EPA administrator to try to rustle up his wife Marlyn a job paying at least $200,000.

Pruitt reportedly directed former associate administrator for the Office of Policy Samantha Dravis to contact the Republican Attorneys General Association as part of the job search for his wife. Dravis declined, according to her testimony last week before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, but added that Pruitt insisted that whichever job found for his wife top $200,000 in salary. Per the Washington Post, Dravis ultimately landed Marlyn Pruitt at the Judicial Crisis Network, though the salary fell short of her husband’s demands.

During her testimony, Dravis reportedly added that Pruitt instructed her and another top aide, both of whom are lawyers, to find a loophole in his dubious $50 per night D.C. rental agreement when he vacated the premises early, so he wouldn’t have to pay the penalty fine.

In another penny-pinching episode, Chmielewski told the Washington Post that Pruitt routinely forced aides to charge his expenses to their personal credit cards instead of his.

For example, Pruitt reportedly stuck former scheduler Sydney Hupp with a $600 charge for a hotel room for his family during the transition. When Hupp told Pruitt’s chief of staff Ryan Jackson of the payment to get repaid, he told her that the transition reimbursement window had passed. The incident concluded with Jackson leaving $600 in cash in Hupp’s desk drawer.

Per CNN, Pruitt is now facing at least 14 federal investigations into his management and spending habits as EPA administrator.

Drain the swap he said...


Teacher Confronts Pruitt, Urges Him To Resign Before Scandals Force Him Out

Kristin Mink, teacher and mother, confronted EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt while he ate lunch Monday at a D.C. restaurant, urging him to resign before his many scandals force the issue.

“We deserve to have somebody at the EPA who actually does protect our environment, somebody who believes in climate change and takes it seriously for the benefit of all of us, including our children,” she said, holding her young son. “I would urge you to resign before your scandals push you out.”

According to video footage, Pruitt did not respond but listened, drumming his fingers on the table.

Mink wrote in her Facebook video post that Pruitt and his dining companion left the restaurant with a security detail before she had made it back to her seat.

“He’s corrupt, he’s a liar, he’s a climate change denier, and as a public servant, he should not be able to go out in public without hearing from the citizens he’s hurting,” she wrote on the Facebook post.

Pruitt has now joined the ranks of Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and White House aide Stephen Miller, all of whom have been on the receiving end of some form of public protest while out to eat in recent weeks.

BREAKING: GOP Rep. Jim Jordan Accused of Ignoring Sexual Abuse While Coaching Wrestling at Ohio State

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), head of the conservative House Freedom Caucus who has been widely considered a leading candidate to become Speaker of the House in 2019, is being accused of ignoring sexual abuse while he was coaching wrestling at Ohio State university.

According to NBC News, Jordan — an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State from 1986 to 1994 — failed to act against team doctor Richard Strauss, who allegedly molested wrestlers over a 20-year period starting in the 1970s.

Three wrestlers told NBC it would have been impossible for Jordan not to know about the alleged abuse — which is said to have included Strauss inappropriately touching the wrestlers and showering with them.

“I considered Jim Jordan a friend,” ex-wrester Mike DiSabato told NBC. “But at the end of the day, he is absolutely lying if he says he doesn’t know what was going on.”


This isn’t a good look for one of Trump’s biggest jock riders in Congress...


Walmart Pulls ‘Impeach 45’ Shirts After Calls for Boycott By Trump Supporters

Walmart has taken apparel which encourages President Donald Trump‘s impeachment off the market in the wake of a public outcry from Trump supporters.

“These items were sold by third-party sellers on our open marketplace and were not offered directly by Walmart,” a company spokesperson told Yahoo Lifestyle. “We’re removing these types of items pending review of our marketplace policies.”

Trump reelection campaign manager Brad Parscale confirmed Walmart’s decision on Twitter, saying the sale of those shirts was “not deliberate” on Walmart’s part and calling off the boycott army:

“Thank you, Walmart, for doing the right thing!” Parscale tweeted.

Oh, yeah. Caving into public pressure, First Amendment be damned, is definitely the “right thing” in these times. I wonder how fervent the boycotters would’ve been about respecting public figures if third-party sellers had been peddling “Lock Her Up” apparel.

To be fair, however, Yahoo Lifestyle points out that Walmart has pulled other merchandise on similar grounds. This past fall, under public scrutiny, Walmart stopped selling shirts from a third-party seller which read: “Rope. Tree. Journalist. Some Assembly Required.”

This is more proof of who the real “snowflakes” are...

Trump Goes After the Washington Post for Using Anonymous Sources: ‘A Discgrace to Journalism’

In a Tuesday evening tweetstorm, President Donald Trump launched yet another attack against The Washington Post, accusing the publication of inventing sources and fabricating quotes.

“The Washington Post is constantly quoting ‘anonymous sources’ that do not exist,” he said. “Rarely do they use the name of anyone because there is no one to give them the kind of negative quote that they are looking for. They are a discgrace to journalism but then again, so are many others!”

Realizing he’d criticized the work of a reputable media outlet by misspelling the word “disgrace,” Trump promptly deleted then retweeted his verbal assault.

Trump has repeatedly targeted the Post for its reporting, angered by his inability to stem White House leaks to the media that have resulted in headline-making scoops. Among other favorite labels of his for the publication are “fake news” and the “Amazon Washington Post.”


Oh and he s a liar my friend s brother s wrote a few of his self authored books.....I got a couple of signed copies here