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Michelle Wolf Compares Ivanka Trump to Incurable STD During ‘Mind Your Manners’ Segment

In the most recent episode of The Break, Netflix comedian Michelle Wolf weighed into the civility debate with a brutal lesson on how she thinks people should talk to the Trump adjacent she called “Mind Your Manners.”

Wolf started off by saying that Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) encouraged people to confront members of the Trump administration, something she agreed with but did not seem to think went far enough.

She then made it 100 percent clear where she stood on the civility debate and it certainly wasn’t on team ‘polite talk.’

“You can’t just casually harass these people, you have to insult them specifically,” she said. “‘You’re a cunt’ doesn’t hurt them. It’s on their vision board.”

The comedian then hit on a number of Trumpians with hurtful slams but her most scathing comments were reserved for First Daughter Ivanka Trump.

“If you see Ivanka on the street, first call her Tiffany,” Wolf opined. “This will devastate her. Then, talk to her in terms she will understand. Say, ‘Ivanka, you’re like vaginal mesh. You were supposed to support women, but now you have blood all over you and you’re the center of a thousand lawsuits.’”

Then after comparing Ivanka to birth control Yaz and vaginal mesh, Wolf circled back on the First Daughter for one more low blow.

“Is your nickname herpes? Because you’re not necessarily the most dangerous person in the administration but you’re very unpleasant, totally incurable and you always show up when we’re about to get fucked,” Wolf said.
Change is coming, when need to create a PAC on this site

You should try that outside of this site. Folks here seems to be against that type of change and more in favor of the continuation the old establishment democrats and democratic party.

KY GOP Cuts Dental, Vision Coverage For 460K After Medicaid Overhaul Rejection

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — Gov. Matt Bevin’s administration is cutting dental and vision coverage for nearly a half-million Kentuckians after his Medicaid overhaul plan was rejected in court.

The state Cabinet for Health and Family Services calls the cuts an “unfortunate consequence” of Friday’s ruling by a federal judge.

U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg’s rejection of the Republican governor’s plan to overhaul the state’s Medicaid program was also a setback for President Donald Trump’s administration, which has been encouraging states to impose work requirements and other changes on the joint state and federal health insurance program for the poor and disabled.

Bevin’s administration sought to place the blame squarely on the judge.

The ruling means there is no longer a “legal mechanism” in place to pay for dental and vision coverage for about 460,000 Medicaid beneficiaries, the state’s health and family services cabinet said in a weekend statement.

“This is an unfortunate consequence of the judge’s ruling,” the cabinet said. “Once we ultimately prevail in this legal challenge … then beneficiaries will have access to these optional services.”

The Bevin administration’s actions drew criticism from Kentucky Democrats on Monday.

Democratic state Rep. Joni Jenkins said she’s concerned about “rash decisions” in response to the ruling.

“We call for thoughtful discussions involving the administration and the many statewide stakeholders in the path forward in assuring Kentucky’s working families have health care,” Jenkins said.

Jenkins said the “short-sighted” Republican actions are already causing confusion and hardships.

“We have folks that are showing up for dental appointments that they made months ago and neither they nor the providers are really certain what the rules are,” she said. “And that’s just unacceptable for government to be operating this way.”

The Bevin administration’s action could have another side effect, by worsening the state’s drug addiction problems, she said.

“We know that untreated dental pain is a huge gateway to addiction to painkillers,” Jenkins said.

The federal health care law championed by former President Barack Obama gave states the option of expanding Medicaid coverage to able-bodied adults. Kentucky, under former Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear, was one of 32 states that did so, and nearly 500,000 Kentuckians got Medicaid coverage as a result.

But Bevin, elected in 2015, said the program was too expensive to continue. He asked for permission to impose new rules, including charging monthly premiums and requiring at least 80 hours of “community engagement” per month, which could include working, volunteering or going to school.

Boasberg’s decision blocks those rules, for now.

Adam Meier, Bevin’s secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, has said if the ruling stands, the state would have “no choice but to make significant benefit reductions.” He said the state faces a $300 million shortfall in Medicaid over the next two years, and the new rules would have helped the state save money.

Kentucky was the first state to get permission to impose new rules, which were scheduled to take effect Sunday in a northern Kentucky suburb of Cincinnati.

In his ruling, the judge chastised Trump’s administration for rubber-stamping the new rules without considering how many people would lose their health coverage.

The cabinet said the state “made it clear” that dental and vision benefits for the approximately 460,000 beneficiaries were dependent on the new Medicaid changes.

Melania Trump Quietly Profits Off Of News Outlets Using Her Photos

First lady Melania Trump has raked in at least $100,000 and as much as $1 million from an unusual licensing agreement with Getty Images that makes news outlets unwittingly funnel money to her. The photos are also tagged with a glaring stipulation: they can only be used to accompany positive stories.

According to a Monday NBC report, the positive stipulation is clearly listed on the photos in question — almost 200 images of the first family — but there is no mention of the Trumps’ royalties.

The information was unearthed in President Donald Trump’s most recent financial disclosure.

At least a dozen outlets reportedly used the photos in 2017, including Yahoo News, Marie Claire and NBC itself.

Per NBC, many of the restricted photos had been used before 2017, but no evidence of the royalties surfaced in financial reports before the one released in May.

Multiple photos were taken down by various outlets when contacted by NBC. “We were not aware of this specific arrangement with Getty nor was our editorial influenced by it,” said a spokesperson for Yahoo. “We have removed the image from Yahoo Lifestyle.”

The White House declined to comment on the royalties to NBC.

“President Trump’s recent Public Disclosure Report, which included information regarding Mrs. Trump’s income and assets, was filed after being certified by the White House Ethics Counsel and the Office of Government Ethics,” a spokesperson said. “The report speaks for itself.”

Gallup: Record Low Percentage ‘Extremely Proud’ To Be American

Fewer than half of Americans are “extremely proud” to be American, Gallup reported Monday, a record low since the polling firm started asking that question in 2001.

Forty-seven percent of Americans responded “extremely proud” when asked “How proud are you to be an American — extremely proud, very proud, moderately proud, only a little proud, or not at all proud?”

It was the first time that “extremely proud” Americans don’t constitute a majority in the poll. In 2003, 70 percent said they were extremely proud to be Americans.

Thirty-two percent of Democrats say they are “extremely proud” of their nationality, compared to 74 percent of Republicans. Forty-four percent of women do, a marked drop from 51 percent in 2017. Thirty-three percent of nonwhite people are extremely proud to be American, compared to 44 percent in 2017. White people are 1 percent less extremely proud to be an American since last year, at 54 percent.

Similar drops in intense national pride registered for respondents aged 18 to 29 and 30 to 49. Even respondents aged 65 and above felt less proud, polling at 58 percent in 2018, a 2-point drop from the previous year, though 55 percent that group were “extremely proud” to be American in 2016. The number dropped for college graduates and non-college graduates as well since 2017, by 8 points and 2 points, respectively.

The percentage of men “extremely proud” to be American stayed the same since last year, at 51 percent. The only group whose extreme national pride increased over the past year, according to Gallup, was respondents aged 50 to 64. Of those respondents, 56 percent are extremely proud to be Americans, compared to 50 percent in 2017. Still, that number is lower than it was in 2015, 58 percent, and in 2016, 64 percent.

Conducted between June 1 and 13, the poll had a margin of error of three percentage points and represents a random sample of 1,520 adults in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., Gallup said. “Each sample of national adults includes a minimum quota of 70% cellphone respondents and 30% landline respondents, with additional minimum quotas by time zone within region,” the firm noted. “Landline and cellular telephone numbers are selected using random-digit-dial methods.”

Dershowitz Mocked For Criticizing Anti-Trump ‘McCarthyism’ On Martha’s Vineyard

Former Harvard law professor and frequent Trump-defending television pundit Alan Dershowitz wrote last week that “McCarthyism [has] come to Martha’s Vineyard,” in an op-ed lamenting the cold shoulders he’s received at the high-end seasonal destination.

Word of the article got out Monday, it appears, and the internet expressed a wave of faux sympathy for Dershowitz.

“Either you are for Trump or against him, and that is all some people need to know to make judgments about you,” Dershowitz wrote. “I know this because I have experienced this firsthand on Martha’s Vineyard.”

Referring to “old friends” who oppose Trump, he added later: “[T]hey are shunning me and trying to ban me from their social life on Martha’s Vineyard.”

“I will not change my views as a result of these attempts to ostracize me, but there are some who may remain silent for fear of being shunned. Silence is not my style,” the op-ed concludes. “Cowardice is not my philosophy. I intend to speak up when I disagree with Republicans, and I intend to speak up when I disagree with Democrats. Right now I am speaking up in disagreement with Maxine Waters. She — like those who shun me on Martha’s Vineyard — is part of the problem rather than the solution.”

lol lol trump is really dividing america. Its crazy to see it happen in real time. Even crazier, trump dont gives af
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