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Amid Tariffs, Chinese Factory Starts Production On Trump Campaign Flags

As President Donald Trump levies tariffs and threats against China for “stealing American jobs,” a Chinese factory says it’s been hired to manufacture flags for Trump’s 2020 campaign, according to a Tuesday episode of NPR’s “Indicator” podcast.

Factory owner Li Jiang told NPR that his workers are producing hundreds of thousands of blue and white Trump flags similar to those they manufactured for his 2016 campaign. Per NPR, the Trump campaign ordered so many more flags than the Clinton campaign in 2016 that Chinese locals near the factory joked that they knew the outcome of the election before anyone.

Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., the committee organizing Trump’s reelect run, has publicly committed to buying American, saying that “we put America First and take great pride in selling 100% Made in the USA products to our supporters throughout the country.” It is unclear if the committee was the body that entered into the contract with the Chinese factory.

Jiang told NPR he was unconcerned about the possibility that his flags could be a casualty of the escalating American-Chinese trade conflict.

“We are not so worried because first of all, we have a big price advantage over our competitors,” he said. “And our clients are very smart. They would always go to the cheapest place. If China is cheap, they go to China. If America is cheap, they go to America.”


America First tho...

It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane: ‘Angry Baby’ Trump Blimp Will Grace London’s Skies

An activist group won the right to fly a nearly 20-foot “angry baby” Trump blimp from Parliament Square Gardens in London during President Donald Trump’s visit to the UK next week, according to a Thursday Sky News report.

Protesters gathered thousands of petition signatures and raised more than $20,000 to fly the inflatable Trump, diaper-clad and holding aloft an iPhone in its minuscule hand, during two hours of the President’s visit and an accompanying “stop Trump” march in central London on July 13.

Though it was reportedly a battle with the London mayor’s office to win permission, officials ultimately decided that the balloon was a legitimate form of protest.

“The mayor supports the right to peaceful protest and understands that this can take many different forms,” a spokesperson said. “His city operations team have met with the organizers and have given them permission to use Parliament Square Garden as a grounding point for the blimp.”

Activists are reportedly hoping to take baby Trump on a global tour after the immense support the stunt gained in London.


Trump Reportedly Pressed Officials About Invading Venezuela

President Donald Trump asked top aides during an Oval Office meeting if the United States could invade Venezuela — a country in the midst of a political and economic crisis — a senior administration official told the Associated Press.

The meeting occurred last August, and Trump’s question “stunned” those present — which included then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and then-national security adviser H.R. McMaster — according to the official.

AP reported:

In an exchange that lasted around five minutes, McMaster and others took turns explaining to Trump how military action could backfire and risk losing hard-won support among Latin American governments to punish President Nicolas Maduro for taking Venezuela down the path of dictatorship, according to the official.

Trump reportedly “pushed back,” citing other invasions that worked out. The next day, he “alarmed friends and foes alike with talk of a ‘military option’ to remove Maduro from power,” and even broached the prospect with Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos.

He again discussed the idea during the U.N. General Assembly in September with leaders from other Latin American countries, before McMaster reminded him of the dangers of invading another country.

Illinois Gov Says Voters Shouldn’t Support Dem Over Nazi GOP Candidate

Illinois GOP Gov. Bruce Rauner on Tuesday declined to endorse the incumbent Democrat running for Congress against a neo-Nazi GOP candidate, instead calling for the Nazi to drop out of the race.

Arthur Jones, who describes the Holocaust as “the biggest, blackest lie in history,” is running against Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL), a moderate pro-life Democrat.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) slammed Jones as a “bigoted fool” on Friday, and called on voters to either write in another candidate or vote for Lipinski.

When WCIA reporters asked Rauner if he would do the same, the answer was “no.”

“The one thing I will say is the person, that guy, Johnson or whatever his name is, should not be on the ballot,” said the Illinois governor.

Rauner is locked in a tough fight to keep his seat against billionaire Democrat J.B. Pritzer. The governor first condemned Jones back in February, saying that “there is no room for Neo Nazis in American politics.”

After state Republicans failed recruit anyone to challenge Jones in the primary and missed several other opportunities to kick him off the ticket, the neo-Nazi crowed over his victory.

“I snookered them,” he told Politico.

White House Official Hints That Pruitt Is Finally On Thin Ice

A senior administration official said that scandal-ridden EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is “inching forward to the tipping point,” according to a Thursday CNN report.

The official added that there are doubts about Pruitt’s longevity within the administration as soon as he starts being featured in Democratic campaign ads as an exemplar of the Trump swamp.

White House deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley said Tuesday that the administration is aware of the most recent ethically dubious episodes unearthed about Pruitt.

“The President feels as though Scott Pruitt has done a really good job with deregulating the government, to allow for a thriving economy, that’s important to him, but these things matter to the President as well, and he’s looking into those,” Gidley said. “When we have an announcement, we’ll make it.”

This week, news broke that Pruitt maintained a secret calendar with meetings he thought were too unpalatable for his public schedule; aides revealed the lengths Pruitt had them go to to obtain his wife a high-paying job; and Pruitt told Trump he should fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions and give Pruitt the interim job.

Trump Plans To Meet With Putin One-On-One, Without Aides

During his first formal summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin this month, President Donald Trump plans to meet with the world leader one-on-one, CNNreported.

Aides will be allowed to enter the meeting, which is set for July 16 in Helsinki, Finland, after the two have had a chance to talk on their own. This will be the first time the two have met for a formal summit. Previously, Putin and Trump have had meetings on the margins of other global gatherings.

During his summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, Trump met with the regime leader one-on-one for more than an hour. Trump told reporters ahead of that meeting that he wanted to assess their chemistry up-close.

According to a person familiar with planning who spoke with CNN, Trump hopes to develop a better leader-to-leader relationship with Putin.

Without aides present, there will be no official record of the conversation between the two presidents. Putin and Trump have met once before without aides, for more than an hour at the G20 summit.



Broidy Ending Playmate’s Hush Payments Doesn’t Add Up — Unless He’s Covering for Trump

The strange saga of Republican lobbyist Elliott Broidy and former PlayboyPlaymate Shera Bechard has taken a particularly strange twist. Broidy signed a nondisclosure agreement with Bechard sometime in late 2017, in which he promised to pay her $1.6 million in eight quarterly installments, in exchange for her silence regarding an affair, and a subsequent pregnancy and abortion.

The existence of this NDA was revealed in April, when The Wall Street Journal ran a story that claimed the affair in question was between Broidy and Bechard. (Broidy released a rather equivocal statement to the Journal, which appeared to admit to this, without ever explicitly doing so.)

I’ve argued that a great deal of circumstantial evidence points to the affair being between Donald Trump and Bechard, and that Broidy entered into the NDA to silence Bechard as a favor to Trump. Trump, according to this theory, repaid Broidy by agreeing to at least two Oval Office meetings, at which Broidy lobbied for the interests of the United Arab Emirates against the UAE’s Gulf state rival Qatar. The UAE then rewarded Broidy’s firm with a $600 million defense contract.

Now, after making two of the eight payments — the third was due yesterday — Broidy is backing out of the deal. His reasons for doing so make very little legal or practical sense, at least if you assume Broidy actually did have an affair with Bechard.

Broidy’s lawyer in this matter, Chris Clark of Latham & Watkins, is claiming the agreement is “null and void” because Bechard’s former lawyer, Keith Davidson (who also represented Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, and who has been fired by all three women because they independently concluded that he was colluding with Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen) improperly disclosed aspects of the NDA to Daniels’s current lawyer, Michael Avenatti.

There are several reasons why this argument doesn’t appear to make any sense:

• Even if Davidson improperly disclosed information to Avenatti (he denies doing so), such a disclosure wouldn’t be legal grounds for voiding the agreement between Broidy and Bechard. Broidy’s remedy in this situation would be to sue Davidson for damages, not to unilaterally cancel his agreement with Bechard. After all, there’s no allegation that Bechard violated the agreement, and, at the time Davidson allegedly did so, he wasn’t even Bechard’s lawyer anymore.

• If Broidy is doing this to try to save money, he’s making a very odd calculation. He still owes $1.2 million to Bechard, which certainly isn’t a trivial sum, even for someone as rich as he appears to be. But using Latham & Watkins to litigate the matter (disclosure: I was once an associate at this firm) would surely eliminate a great deal if not all of any potential savings from not going through with the agreement, even assuming — which at the moment seems highly optimistic — that Broidy would eventually prevail on the merits.

• Chris Clark is a white-collar criminal-defense lawyer. Indeed, Broidy employed Clark when he was prosecuted a decade ago for bribing officials in the New York State comptroller’s office (Clark worked out a plea deal, in which Broidy testified against seven officials in exchange for pleading guilty to a single felony charge). Why is Broidy using a criminal-defense specialist to litigate a contract dispute? One possibility here is that Broidy is backing out of the contract on Clark’s advice, because the NDA is actually a bribe to Trump, and, by not paying the rest of that bribe, Clark’s client would be lessening his criminal liability.

• By claiming that their agreement is void, Broidy is putting Bechard in a position to tell her story — whatever it may actually be — in whatever forum she likes.

I suspect this last point contains a key to understanding why Broidy is trying to back out of the agreement now. Perhaps like so many other people, Broidy has concluded that Donald Trump is a bad business partner.

Update: After this story appeared, I was contacted by a public relations firm hired by Elliott Broidy. The firm offered the following comment from Chris Clark:

“I’ve been Elliott’s lawyer for years on a wide variety of topics and this agreement was not on anyone else’s behalf.”

Repeated attempts on my part to get Broidy to go on the record with a statement that he had a sexual affair with Shera Bechard have failed to elicit any such statement from either Broidy himself or his representatives.


Scott Pruitt Blames ‘Unrelenting Attacks’ on Him and His Family in His Resignation Letter to Trump

Scott Pruitt has resigned as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency effective on Friday.

President Donald Trump tweeted out about his resignation Thursday afternoon.

“I have accepted the resignation of Scott Pruitt as the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

“Within the Agency Scott has done an outstanding job, and I will always be thankful to him for this. The Senate confirmed Deputy at EPA, Andrew Wheeler, will on Monday assume duties as the acting Administrator of the EPA. I have no doubt that Andy will continue on with our great and lasting EPA agenda. We have made tremendous progress and the future of the EPA is very bright!”

In the resignation letter made public shortly after Trump’s tweet, Pruitt called the decision “extremely difficult for me” but cited the “unrelenting attacks on me personally, my family, are unprecedented and have taken a sizable toll on all of us.”

Mr. President, it has been an honor to serve you in the Cabinet as Administrator of the EPA. Truly, your confidence in me has blessed me personally and enabled me to advance your agenda beyond what anyone anticipated at the beginning of your Administration. Your courage, steadfastness and resolute commitment to get results for the American people, both with regard to improved environmental outcomes as well as historical regulatory reform, is in fact occurring at an unprecedented pace and I thank you for the opportunity to serve you and the American people in helping achieve those ends.

That is why is hard for me to advise you I am stepping down as Administrator of the EPA effective as of July 6. It is extremely difficult for me to cease serving you in this role first because I count it a blessing to be serving you in any capacity, but also, because of the transformative work that is occurring. However, the unrelenting attacks on me personally, my family, are unprecedented and have taken a sizable toll on all of us.

My desire in service to you has always been to bless you as you make important decisions for the American people. I believe you are serving as President today because of God’s providence. I believe that same providence brought me into your service. I pray as I have served you that I have blessed you and enabled you to effectively lead the American people. Thank you again Mr. President for the honor of serving you and I wish you Godspeed in all that you put your hand to.

Your Faithful Friend,

Scott Pruitt


Trump May Nominate Former Ken Starr Staffer for SCOTUS Who Allegedly Called Hillary Clinton a ‘B****’

Early rumblings indicate that President Donald Trump may nominate D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. This comes from a source with direct knowledge of the matter, speaking with CNBC in a Thursday report. This person asked for anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the topic.

Trump told friends and some external advisers at the July 4 White House picnic that he made up his mind about who he will choose to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy, this individual said.

This source and another unidentified person said that the president had given strong indications that he prefers Kavanaugh over the rest. If that happens, this would be a safe choice to pull in undecided senators because of Kavanaugh’s mixed opinions on topics like The Affordable Care Act and Roe v. Wade, they said. Nonetheless, these sources pointed out that Trump’s mind could change, and he could tap the other front-runners: the Seventh Circuit’s Judge Amy Coney Barrett, and Sixth Circuit’s Judge Raymond Kethledge.

If Kavanaugh is tapped, expect the confirmation hearing to get pretty interesting. Social conservatives preferred Barrett because Kavanaugh seemed to take lukewarm stances in issues like abortion.

And there’s also the claim that the D.C. judge once called then-First Lady Hillary Clinton the b-word.

“When I saw one of Ken Starr’s deputies, Brett Kavanaugh, who was sitting across from me, mouth the word “bitch” when the camera panned to Hillary, I excused myself and sat in the darkened pine-scented dining room alone, smoking,” former right-wing (now liberal) political operative David Brock wrote in his memoir Blinded by the Right.

Kavanaugh played a leading role in drafting the Starr Report, which said that President Bill Clinton committed impeachable acts. As a judge, he argued that presidents should not have to deal with criminal investigations and civil lawsuits while in office, a subject quite germane to this administration.

We’ll see how it goes on Monday, July, 9, when the official announcement is supposed to be made.

A White House official wouldn’t give official confirmation of the report to CNBC. They only said that Trump has not yet told his team the decision, and they would not confirm nor deny the president’s preferred candidate.

The New York Times previously reported that Trump preferred Kavanaugh, and this CNBC report reaffirms that preference

Trump on Reports Jim Jordan Ignored Sexual Misconduct Allegations at OSU: ‘I Don’t Believe Them at All’

On Thursday, President Donald Trump weighed in on the reports that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) ignored sexual misconduct allegations during his time at Ohio State University.

“I don’t believe them at all,” Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One Thursday evening on his way to a rally in Montana, according to the pool report. “Jim Jordan is one of the most outstanding people I’ve met since I’ve been in Washington. I believe him 100%. No question in my mind.”

Trump’s comments come at the same time as a fourth wrestler has come forward saying that he “was groped half a dozen times” by the team doctor when Jordan was the assistant wrestling coach.

The wrestler, Shawn Dailey, also told ABC that Jordan even participated in conversations talking about the abuse at the time.

Jordan, a regular Trump defender, has denied the allegations, telling Politico, “It’s not true. I never knew about any type of abuse. If I did, I would have done something about it. And look, if there are people who are abused, then that’s terrible and we want justice to happen.”


Fourth Wrestler at Ohio State Says Rep. Jim Jordan Ignored Alleged Sex Abuse

Yet another Ohio State University wrestler has come accusing Rep. Jim Jordanof turning a blind eye to alleged molestation by the team’s doctor.

Shawn Dailey went public with his story Thursday, adding his voice to the three others who say they, too, were abused at the hands of Dr. Richard Strauss, NBC News reported.

The stories of abuse date back to the mid-1990s during Jordan’s time as the team’s assistant coach. Dailey told NBC that Jordan participated in discussions in which the subject of Strauss’ behavior came up.

“I participated with Jimmy and the other wrestlers in locker-room talk about Strauss. We all did,” Dailey told NBC. “It was very common knowledge in the locker room that if you went to Dr. Strauss for anything, you would have to pull your pants down.”

Dailey added that Strauss’ actions eventually convinced him to leave the sport altogether.

The claims have become increasingly damning for Jordan, who is said to have known about the molestation for years.

Jordan continues to contend that he was unaware of the matter and that had he been aware, he would have addressed it, according to his Tuesday interview with Politico.

President Donald Trump backed Jordan in remarks given at Air Force One Thursday, stating he felt the claims against Jordan were false.

“I don’t believe them at all,” Trump said. “I believe him. Jim Jordan is one of the most outstanding people I’ve met since I’ve been in Washington. I believe him 100 percent. No question in my mind. I believe Jim Jordan 100 percent. He’s an outstanding man.”