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This is what I'm not understanding. You knowingly being sold some bullshit and happy about it. You really don't have to choose shit. Close minded thinking.

You go cast your vote. I donate $1,000 to the same person you voted for but I didn't vote.

We both have issues we want addressed from said politician. Who do you think issue is going to be addressed first and urgently? Your's or mine.

You really aren’t making sense.

Someone could have donated $1B to Mittt Romney and he wouldn’t have been able to affect their particular cause, because he was not ELECTED into the platform to do so.

North Korea Has Reportedly Been Increasing Nuclear Production at ‘Secret Sites’

A new report from NBC News says that North Korea has actually “increased” its nuclear production at multiple secret sites.

Earlier this month, after his big summit with Kim Jong Un, President Donald Trump tweeted “There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea

NBC News is reporting that “analysts at the CIA and other intelligence agencies don’t see it that way”:

U.S. intelligence agencies believe that North Korea has increased its production of fuel for nuclear weapons at multiple secret sites in recent months — and that Kim Jong Un may try to hide those facilities as he seeks more concessions in nuclear talks with the Trump administration, U.S. officials told NBC News.

One anonymous official said that even though the missile tests have stopped, “there’s no evidence that they are decreasing stockpiles, or that they have stopped their production… There is absolutely unequivocal evidence that they are trying to deceive the U.S.


Rep. Maxine Waters Addresses Death Threats: ‘If You Shoot Me, You Better Shoot Straight’

On Saturday. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) addressed a recent serious death threat that forced her to cancel events in Alabama and Texas during an immigration rally on Saturday.

Earlier this week, President Donald Trump slammed Waters on Twitter.

Trump was referring to remarks Waters made at a Los Angeles rally last weekend, when she controversially said: “If you see anybody from that [Trump] Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Trump also slammed Waters at a rally.

In response to Trump’s “veiled threat” against her, Waters said she received hate mail and even “one very serious death threat.”

“As the President has continued to lie and falsely claim that I encouraged people to assault his supporters, while also offering a veiled threat that I should ‘be careful’, even more individuals are leaving (threatening) messages and sending hostile mail to my office,” she said in a statement obtained by CNN.

The statement continued on: “There was one very serious death threat made against me on Monday from an individual in Texas which is why my planned speaking engagements in Texas and Alabama were canceled this weekend…This is just one in several very serious threats the United States Capitol Police are investigating in which individuals threatened to shoot, lynch, or cause me serious bodily harm.”

Speaking of the death threats and those calling for her to be kicked out of Congress during an immigration rally in Los Angeles on Saturday, Waters made it clear, she would not let it get her down.

“And I know that there are those who are talking about censuring me, talking about kicking me out of Congress, talking about shooting me, talking about hanging me,” she told the crowd. “All I have to say is this, if you shoot me you better shoot straight, there’s nothing like a wounded animal.”

Bolton: ‘We’ll See’ If Recognizing Russian Annexation Of Crimea Is On The Table

White House National Security Adviser John Bolton on Sunday would not commit, one way or the other, on President Donald Trump’s comments that “we’re going to have to see” if the United States eventually recognizes Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin are scheduled to meet on July 16.

“Is the U.S. endorsing the idea that international borders can be redrawn by force?” CBS News’ Margaret Brennan asked Bolton during an interview on “Face the Nation,” after referencing Trump’s Friday remark. “Is this actually a topic?”

“No, that’s not the position of the United States” Bolton said.

“Which is why it was newsworthy when he said it,” Brennan pressed.

Bolton said Trump often uses “we’ll see” to show “that he’s willing to talk to foreign leaders about a range of issues and hear their perspective.”

“That’s not up for negotiation?” Brennan pressed again.

“That’s not the position of the United States,” Bolton said.

“Right, but saying ‘we’ll see’ suggests it might be,” Brennan said.

“Well, we’ll see,” Bolton responded.

He added later: “The President makes the policy. I don’t make the policy.”


Collins: I Would Not Support A Nominee Who Demonstrated Hostility To Roe V. Wade

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) said Sunday that she would not support a Supreme Court nominee who had “demonstrated hostility” toward Roe v. Wade, “because that would mean to me that their judicial philosophy did not include a respect for established decisions,” and that President Donald Trump “may not have been informed” when he pledged to make abortion a litmus test during the presidential campaign.

Collins and a handful of other potential swing votes on the President’s future nominee met with Trump Thursday.

In an interview with Collins, who characterized Roe as “settled law” and “a constitutional right that is well-established,” CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday played footage of Trump telling him in 2015 that opposition to abortion would be a litmus test when picking Supreme Court nominees.

“The President told me in our meeting that he would not ask that question, and that is what he has most recently said on the advice of his attorney,” Collins responded. “So I think what he said as a candidate may not have been informed by the legal advice that he now has that it would be appropriate for him to ask a nominee how he or she would rule on a specific issue.”

Tapper pressed: “There are plenty of justices that the Federalist Society and other experts likely think will vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade but don’t have a record of hostility towards Roe vs. Wade.”

“For instance, don’t you think, just as an academic matter, Neil Gorsuch, for whom you voted, don’t you think he’s probably going to vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade if given the chance?”

“I actually don’t,” Collins said.

“I had a very long discussion with Justice Gorsuch in my office and he pointed out to me that he is a co-author of a whole book on precedent,” she said. “So someone who devotes that much time to writing a book on precedent, I think understands how important a principle that is in our judicial system.”

Collins said that in her recent meeting with Trump, she “encouraged the President to broaden his list beyond the list of 25 nominees that has been public for some time.” She said she wasn’t comfortable with everyone on the list, and that there were names on it that she had not vetted.

Leonard Leo — the anti-abortion Federalist Society executive vice president currently on leave to advise the President on Supreme Court nominees, and the originator of Trump’s campaign-era list of potential nominees — has been careful to note that names on the list have not taken a public stance on abortion.

“None of the people who are being talked about now in the public space in the media are people who have a clear position on Roe v. Wade,” he said, as quotedby the Washington Free Beacon.


Responding To US, Canada Begins Tariffs On US Goods From Ketchup To Lawn Mowers

OTTAWA, Ontario (AP) — Canada began imposing tariffs Sunday on $12.6 billion in U.S. goods as retaliation for the Trump administration’s new taxes on steel and aluminum imported to the United States.

Some U.S. products, mostly steel and iron, face 25 percent tariffs, the same penalty the United States slapped on imported steel at the end of May. Other U.S. imports, from ketchup to pizza to dishwasher detergent, will face a 10 percent tariff at the Canadian border, the same as America’s tax on imported aluminum.

Trump had enraged Canada and other U.S. allies by declaring imported steel and aluminum a threat to America’s national security and therefore a legitimate target for U.S. tariffs. Canada is the United States’ second-biggest trading partner in goods, just behind China.

Speaking Sunday in Leamington, Ontario, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau thanked Canadians for standing united against President Donald Trump’s sanctions. He urged Canadians to “make their choices accordingly” in considering whether to buy American products.

The selection of Leamington, known as Canada’s tomato capital, was no accident. The town is home to a food-processing plant that supplies tomato paste and other products to French’s, a major competitor of Kraft Heinz. Heinz left Canada and sold its Leamington plant in 2014, after 105 years of Canadian operations.

The new Canadian tariffs, which took effect at 12:01 a.m. Sunday, are hitting a long list of U.S. consumer goods, including ketchup and other Kraft Heinz products.

As part of his combative America First approach, Trump has repeatedly attacked the trade policies of the United States’ northern neighbor, citing Canada’s triple-digit tariffs on dairy products, which account for only about 0.1 percent of U.S.-Canada trade. The United States, in fact, last year enjoyed a $2.8 billion overall trade surplus with Canada.

Trump has also tried to pressure Canada and Mexico into agreeing to rewrite the 24-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement to shift more auto production and investment to the United States. But that effort has stalled, and Trump said Sunday that he didn’t expect a deal that he could support until after the U.S. midterm elections in November.

Capital Gazette: ‘We Won’t Forget Being Called An Enemy Of The People’

In an editorial Sunday, Capital Gazette staff thanked those who had supported the organization in the aftermath of the Thursday shooting that left five dead, and noticeably condemned the use of one of President Donald Trump’s preferredphrases for the press: “Enemy of the people.”

“Here’s what else we won’t forget: Death threats and emails from people we don’t know celebrating our loss, or the people who called for one of our reporters to get fired because she got angry and cursed on national television after witnessing her friends getting shot,” the editorial read.

“We won’t forget being called an enemy of the people. No, we won’t forget that. Because exposing evil, shining light on wrongs and fighting injustice is what we do.”

The editorial added later: “Our community has rallied around us to show they understand who we are, and that we are not the enemy of the people. We are your neighbors, your friends. We are you.”

Capital Gazette journalists publish the daily Capital newspaper, as well as several other publications. The Balmore Sun Media Group bought the Capital Gazette in 2014.

The Sun, headlining Trump’s response to the massacre, wrote Friday: “Trump, who calls journalists ‘enemy of the people,’ offers support after Capital Gazette shootings.”

The Capital Gazette editorial also ran on the Sun’s website. Among the names listed below it is the Baltimore Sun Media Group’s editor-in-chief and publisher, Trif Alatzas.