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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

Maybe played is not the right word.

But some of you might be questioning whether or not you made the right decision to get it.

And when I say........."some of you"...........I'm referring to the vaccinated people who seem to be angry at people who are choosing not to get the vaccine.

Just curious, to all the people who said they've been feeling sick and got fevers and everything after getting the vaccine.......

Did you all know that was a possibility before you took it?

Did the people administering it tell you what might happen after taking it?
They even give you a sheet saying as much after you get each shot. Plus I’ve heard from other folks that they got symptoms. Others that didn’t. More in the latter group so I thought shot would be sweet.

In hindsight, it really wasn’t that bad. I was mobile and it didn’t stop me from doing things I had to do, but I just felt shitty.

Even though I'm down to 255..................I'm still about 35-40 pounds overweight.

So I don't need to be as addicted to drugs as I am to food.
Might counteract your food addiction and balance you out. Like taking uppers and downers. You’ve seen the results of the crack diet, lol.
292 halfway through January............282 by the end of January.

In February, I went from 282..............to 275.

March, from 275 to 262.

April, from 262 to 256.

Got as low as 254 this month, but.........for the most part..........I've been stuck at 255 for the past week or so.
That’s inspiring bro. About to kick my activity up a notch.
It's the Tuskegee experiment but also the fact that the discussions around the vaccine exposed how many people don't actually know what happened during the Tuskegee experiment too. Ive seen far too many people, even some admitted on abw, that they were always told that people were literally infected with syphilis and have based their stance on that false premise.
Any information you can share will be dope bro, I feel like you know more about it over me.
Maybe played is not the right word.

But some of you might be questioning whether or not you made the right decision to get it.

And when I say........."some of you"...........I'm referring to the vaccinated people who seem to be angry at people who are choosing not to get the vaccine.

Just curious, to all the people who said they've been feeling sick and got fevers and everything after getting the vaccine.......

Did you all know that was a possibility before you took it?

Did the people administering it tell you what might happen after taking it?

This is the dumbest take in this whole thread and that's really sayin' something
I’m not mad myself I just think vast majority of reasons I’ve seen online are bullshit. Niggas think it’s a microchip or some Illuminati conspiracy. It would be nice if more people took it but I can care less really I know I’m good and I’m going outside with my mask

The reasons people give are stupid. They've learnt that now so most these anti vaxxers don't even bother givin' reasons any more.

More time they'll complain about bein' labelled or ask why everyone else is mad or some other distractin' crap.
The thing about people choosing not to get vaccinated is that choice still effects others. It's your choice but the fact of the matter is the longer it takes to reach herd immunity the more likely it is that new mutations will develop that us reasonable people's vaccines aren't as effective against.

There is also the burden that people getting sick puts on our already shitty health care system. Imagine being a doctor having to prioritize care for some jackass that thought they were too tough for covid knowing there was a vaccine available too them.
I was tired the next day after mine and was told might have side effects but that’s how vaccines are tho. Happens with flu shot often

And I guess this is one of the reasons why I'm a little bit hesitant to get it.

You just compared it to the flu shot.

Well, the flu shot isn't a vaccine.

I've never taken a flu shot in my life, but..............from what I know about it.......it's something people take every year to fight off different strains of the flu.

So, if the flu shot isn't a vaccine............and the Covid vaccine operates just like the flu shot..............is the Covid "vaccine" really a vaccine?

Or is it just a temporary treatment?

Are y'all ok with having to get this......."vaccine".......every year just like you get the flu shot?

Keep in mind, that with the flu shot..............it kind of weakens your immune system because it hinders it from developing natural antibodies that it would normally use to fight the flu.

Is it possible that this could be the case with the Covid shot as well?

I don't know man gif.gif
Any information you can share will be dope bro, I feel like you know more about it over me.

Sure. (Long ass post alert)... The basics of it was initially in the late 1920s they initially did a syphilis study on white men. Because medical records weren't exactly kept accurate by most people there wasn't much they could do with the information they collected. So shortly after that and based on the belief that the disease affected Black folks physically worse than other races they tool 600 Black men, a little under 400 were positive for syphilis and the remaining 200 or so were negative, and began the Tuskegee Experiment which was initially only supposed to last 6 months.

They promise the men free health care but all they really wanted to do was literally observe how the disease affects the human body as they didn't even inform the men who were positive of their diagnosis. They told them they had "bad blood", a term you'll still hear used to describe certain things depending on where you're from, and kept the study going even after it was discovered that penicillin could cure it. There were even men who tried to go into the military but were rejected due to having syphilis and the clinicians still didn't give them the cure even though they were supposed to have received it. They even used a Black woman, who Ms. Evers Boys is based on, for the entirety of the 40 year study as someone to get more patients to sign up and convince their families to turn over the bodies for autopsies after they died in exchange for help with funeral costs.

They had people who worked on this study want to speak out on the study as early as the 1950s but they were shut down instead and it kept going until it was finally exposed in the 70s.

That's a short run down on it but there's alot that went into this shit and going on for as long as it did
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You're actually proving my point.

Regardless of whether or not you agree with what I said, some of you are in your feelings for some reason.

Almost as if you've been triggered.

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Lmao I wish you guys would stop sayin' that.

I think since you don't realise how silly you sound, objections like mine come off as more aggressive than they are.

That or 'why you mad' is the only defence against data.

Anyway, since I kno' you and others have caught feelings lemme just say. I don't think you or anyone else who doesn't want the vaccine is stupid because of it. I think the reasons you give for not wantin' it are illogical and that causes some (most) of you to come up with, what are in my opinion, stupid defences to your anti vax beliefs.

As I've said a few times most of my family are anti-this-vax too. I just wish you would all say "I'm shook and I'm hopin' to get thru this thing without gettin' it if possible"

Peace king be safe