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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

Go back n read. They were on the verge of signing this with little to no bipartisan friction til Pelosi flew in with thousand page redraft with shit like voter registration laws and carbon emissions testing for airlines.

Took 1-3 more days to pass, of which millions more became unemployed and thousands more virus cases sprung up.

If this happened on republicans' watch this thread would've been filled with all the more tweets

And the Dems said they were fighting back on giving trump a unsupervised check for trillions of dollars.

Both sides were point fingers at each other.
And the Dems said they were fighting back on giving trump a unsupervised check for trillions of dollars.

Both sides were point fingers at each other.
If u check the receipts I gave credit to Dems for the RIGHT things they did while calling them out for the WRONG

My issue here is everyone seems to think Dems handle this shit flawless

I call that having your head up your ass

I'm not saying don't vote for Biden. He's better brain dead than trump is reading them scripts up there (assuming he has a great VP)
Funny thing is 6 months from now they just gonna say we didn’t do any of that and ppl w move on

Not even 6 months. I give this another 4 weeks and an agreeable post fairness doctrine entertainment news media to convince people to put their lives on the line for some green paper for this shit to "blow over". And as long as they don't cover the deaths or the real science it will become the new new normal.
I wonder if job sites are gonna have people sign waivers if returning to work.
Who's to be liable if you're told to come in and end up getting sick as a result?

All this goes to show how greedy this country is. I get that things can't stay this way forever, of course, but they went straight from "shelter in place" to "ok we losing too much money".

I foresee lawsuits and more OSHA complaints around this and rightfully so.

We should just probably assume at this point that whatever figures china gives or we estimate should be multiplied by 100

build the dome
Welp, Ohio gov delcared the state will "open back up" May 1st. Im sure gretchen will follow suit.

I aint going back into the office no time soon tho. Fuck what they talmbout

Right on schedule. She's been sitting around waiting to follow what other governors are doing this whole time. They're talking about "data" and "working closely" but again, i ain't seen shit about protecting ppl.
