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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

This shit is amazing

It was only a matter of time before covid’s heartwarming stories of unity gave way to one where our more selfishness side would shine through. Hundreds of drivers took their cars to the streets of Lansing, Michigan, today in order to gridlock the capitol to protest the Governor’s extension of the state’s Stay-At-Home order.

Last week Gov. Gretchen Whitmer extended the order meant to slow the spread of the coronavirus until April 30. She also expanded what businesses are considered unessential. From the order:
Executive Order 2020-42 prohibits all businesses and operations from requiring workers to leave their homes, unless those workers are necessary to sustain or protect life or to conduct minimum basic operations. Businesses and operations are to designate the workers who meet those criteria, and must adopt social distancing practices and other mitigation measures to protect workers and patrons in the performance of that in-person work.
Workers who are necessary to sustain or protect life include those in health care and public health, law enforcement and public safety, grocery store workers, and more. For a full list of these critical infrastructure workers, click the link to Executive Order 2020-42 at the bottom of this page. To enable these critical workers to get to their workplaces, automobile dealerships will now be allowed to open for remote sales, though showrooms must remain closed.
Under the new order, all public and private gatherings among persons outside a single household remain temporarily prohibited. Though Michiganders may leave the house to get groceries or needed supplies, the new order encourages people to limit the number of household members running errands to the maximum extent possible. As before, people may engage in outdoor activities like walking, hiking, running, cycling, kayaking, canoeing, or any other recreational activity, consistent with remaining at least six feet from people from outside a person’s household and with other restrictions imposed by prior executive orders. The order clarifies, however, that travel for vacations or for any other purpose is prohibited.

Y’all. I am just so, so tired. I live in Detroit, one of the worst affected cities in America. We are all exhausted by the raw emotion of losing over 150 people a day to this illness, many leaders in the community and essential workers, while going through the secondary trauma of mourning alone. Alone, because we are taking this seriously. Southeast Michigan residents are sheltering at some of the highest rates in the nation, according to the New York Times. However, most of these protesters are from the extremely white and conservative rural areas closer to Lansing, like Howell, which have not seen infection rates like the Detroit metro area yet. Livingston County, where Howell sits, has only had 238 cases. But they might soon have a lot more:

Unfortunately, these folks will return to their rural areas and to rural hospitals which are ill-equipped for this epidemic. The selfishness is unreal to me. The only nice thing that anyone might ever be able to say about covid-19 is that maybe it will wake people up to a shared, non-partisan reality. It’s extremely cold consolation, however, when you have to wonder how many bodies it will take to make people wake up

Lets see who they blame when they spread it to their small shitty towns.
This is literally one of the easiest ways to get free money & will put some money in your pocket , I made $50 a day off stocks & looking at the economy right now that will probably triple after Coronavirus goes away ... its easy & it’s free money don’t miss out . the
link I posted will start you off with $5 & a free stock

If for some reason you don’t want the free stock or the $5 you can still sign up for it and take advantage . Thank me later I’m just here to help people who need it during tough times

No such thing as free money. Especially from a company trying to get you to sign up to use their services. So this is clearly some misleading bullshit.

I see this, then I remember I saw this

What in da hell
i got a lot of shit to talk about i went back to ny to see my moms kat moms passing was the the tip of the iceberg got my ass in a uber with my brother took my laundry and was with my parents and a few friends(safely) the whole day.
No such thing as free money. Especially from a company trying to get you to sign up to use their services. So this is clearly some misleading bullshit.

I see this, then I remember I saw this

What in da hell
Lmao at you quoting my post from a different thread, lol ok

I'll tell you what. They might be using that African dr for some Tuskegee 2.0 experiment for the covid vaccine. They're going to use her the way they used Eunice Rivers Laurie to lure black people into being guinea pigs to inject syphilis into them. Tariq discovered that this Dr Kizzy bitch is a hardcore bedwench who worshipped white men and hated black men on her previous Twitter account which is now deleted and now they're promoting her as some kind of savior. You know when trump and white people in general prop up and heap praise on black people there's a catch. The catch is she's an anti black coon, so why would i or any black person trust her vaccine?



Sam Clayton, Jr. -- who was a part of the famous '88 Jamaican bobsled team that inspired the movie "Cool Runnings" -- has died after battling COVID-19.

He was only 58.

Clayton was NOT in the sled that crashed at the 1988 Winter Olympics -- but he was a key member of the team.

In fact, teammate Devon Harris told local outlets in Jamaica, Clayton was an "integral part" of the team.

"I am saddened by the news of the passing of my teammate Samuel Clayton," Harris said.
"Although he never made the Olympic team Sammy was an integral part of the Jamaica bobsled team."
"He was among the very first four selected to spearhead Jamaica's entrance into winter sports and the Winter Olympics."
"He was an amazing human being who will be sadly missed.
After his athletic career ended, Clayton got heavy into music -- and later became the sound engineer for the U.K. band Steel Pulse.
In fact, it was Steel Pulse that confirmed his death to the NY Times -- saying Clayton died on March 31 in Kingston from coronavirus.
He is survived by his wife and four children.
Fuck Mnuchin but they're doin it to y'all with these numbers again lol

Y'all live in America don't u? U know how your payout supposed to go right?

$1,200 minimum per adult, $2,400 married couples and $500 per kid. U don't have to be unemployed to get this money. U most likely can still pay your rent and bills. This just a boost.

$2400/mo minimum on top of that if u got laid off. Then add the state benefits on top of that.

These fools keep listing diff country unemployment payouts to our one time, "if u filed your taxes u get this" pay

The money they sent ain’t just for bills to spend on

it’s for anything to boost the economy

Michigan Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer said that the “gridlock” protest outside the state capitol this week was “a political protest” and not really about the measures she has implemented to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

On Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s The Dean Obeidallah Show, host Dean Obeidallah asked Gov. Whitmer about the protest in Lansing on Wednesday, and what the motivations might be for the very large, not socially-distanced gathering. The protest made for juicy social media news, and there were many striking photos and videos from the event.

But Whitmer said it was much less about lockdowns and quarantines than it was just a general political protest from the right, and that despite assurances ahead of time from organizers, the crowd was abundantly dismissive of any social distancing whatsoever.

“Why are people protesting your measures that are literally intended to keep Michiganders safe?” Obeidallah asked.

“Sadly, it was really a political protest–it was not necessarily about the policy,” said the governor. “People said they would drive by and not get out of their cars and would practice the CDC safe guidelines.”

She described the the scene as chaotic and political, and especially as being unsafe.

“It was a definitely a political rally. I’ve not often seen a Confederate flag at the state capitol—and there were a few of them. There was someone who had signs that had a swastika on it
…It was really a very political demonstration and rally,” Whitmer said. “And It flies in the face of what we know we need to be doing to keep ourselves safe.”

She emphasized that such a gathering isn’t just a risk to the health of the participants, but also to others they might interact with later.

They congregated at the Capitol without masks. I saw an adult handing out candy to kids — bare hands to bare hands,” she said. “These are people who came from all different parts of our state, congregated and did all of the things we know put people in danger.”

“They are going to go back to those rural parts of Michigan and possibly take COVID-19 with them,” said Whitmer. “Or pick it up at a gas station as they filled up on way in or out of town.”

“This is how COVID-19 spreads,” she said.

“They even lined up cars in front of a hospital and precluded an ambulance from being able to get in and out of the bay. You think about that clear image of them endangering other people,” she added.

She also pointed out the ironic fact that any increase in infections as a result of the protest could actually delay the opening of restrictions the demonstrators were ostensibly there to protest.

“I think It’s very likely some of these people are going to get sick and they are going to contribute to us having to continue in this stay home posture,” Whitmer said.
The whole Chinatown vs China thing is:

Jan 31:
*Trump closes border to China*
"Trump is a racist!"

Feb 24:
Pelosi: *Goes to chinatown*
"Everyone go out in public live your lives as u normally would, get on trains, go to restaurants, live LIFE! Trump is a bigot don't listen to him!"

*Pandemic strikes*
"Trump acted irresponsibly! There is blood on his hands!"

The responsibility falls on trump and he should be holding himself accountable. But what he's saying is true. The Dems were too busy trying to push the bigot narrative on his travel ban they put lives at risk as well.