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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

they lying

About what? If you're talking about their number of confirmed cases/deaths, i agree. They are definitely under reporting. But if you believe that, it doesn't bode well for how the US is handling the pandemic here. If they still don't have it under control there after going on 4 months, how can the US just return to normal after less than a month?

A lot of people are going to die.
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This aint no surprise, but Trump has 0 understanding of timing. I mean dudes a cartoon character in real life so regular rules dont apply to him.

But objectively speaking, his timing is fucking terrible.

Like you could talk about reopening the country behind the scenes, but in a time where the number of cases are shooting up, and the number of deaths keep going up like crazy, to come on TV and talk about were gonna open up in 2-3 weeks is insensitive as fuck.

He doesn't care. He is a malignant narcissistic. There is something wrong with him. I think he is a legit psychopath, void of any empathy or compassion.

That goes without saying. This current stimulus package aint shit and a lot more can and should be done by them. The us gov is shit amd I hope (sadly doubt it tho) this will wake ppl the fuck up and get those greedy assholes out of office

Still we are all in this mess because the chinese gov lied and covered shit up until they couldnt anymore. Bottom fucking line.

Everybody wanna hold the us gov accountable for the shit they spread across the world. Rightfully so. But the same applies to other countries and their fuck ups too.

They attempted to cover it up but we knew full well what was happening and governments and CEOs were preparing since November. Everyone around the world just ignored it because it wasn't their problem at the time.

Italians were globe trotting spreading the shit everywhere then brought it back home. The US government watched all this shit unfold and did nothing to safeguard it's own citizens. And even after bodies starting dropping people were traveling all over the country for spring break and Mardi gras.

I don't see anyone blaming the us for their countries issues regarding coronavirus. China threw some shade but it was fair game.