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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

Even without Geo location on, your position can be located by the cell towers you are near.
I wanted to see what they see.
And I think but not sure...You need to make a call for towers to ping you. Could be wrong.
I wanted to see what they see.
And I think but not sure...You need to make a call for towers to ping you. Could be wrong.
IIRC, most phones ping the towers a couple times a day, regardless of you make or receive a call. The best way to stay off the grid is to leave your phone off at home.

I remember when people were worried about being chipped and shit, being a slave to the system, lol. Now mfs pay a rack every two years for the privilege of providing that same information they were worried about the govt stealing.
IIRC, most phones ping the towers a couple times a day, regardless of you make or receive a call. The best way to stay off the grid is to leave your phone off at home.

I remember when people were worried about being chipped and shit, being a slave to the system, lol. Now mfs pay a rack every two years for the privilege of providing that same information they were worried about the govt stealing.
Kinda like facebook
i hope folks stop clinging to capitalism after this. after we have millions of americans without work, without pay, and unable to afford their hospital visits

maybe then ppl will wake up

No need to worry.

The quote/unquote "powers-that-be" won't allow that to happen.

In the next few weeks, the narrative's going to change and they're going to tell everyone that there's not anything to worry about.

People will be going back to work and this whole thing will be swept under the rug.

Basically, they won't have a problem sacrificing a few million lives for the sake of the economy.

Collateral damage.

Trump's already alluded to it in his most recent press conferences.

Obviously, he's not saying it like that........but it's definitely what he's implying.
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