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The Official 2024 Presidential Election Thread

did the early voting thing today. first time in a long time I havent used an absentee ballot. was good to see alot of us in there as the poll workers old and young. Noticed alot of us were coming out to vote early as well.

Was pretty quick.. took like 5-10 minutes max
Who u vote for?

Don’t forget Dis is lurking the thread lol
did the early voting thing today. first time in a long time I havent used an absentee ballot. was good to see alot of us in there as the poll workers old and young. Noticed alot of us were coming out to vote early as well.

Was pretty quick.. took like 5-10 minutes max
Took about 20/25 minutes.. I had my son and daughter with me complaining about the line..
I had to explain to them that black people weren’t always allowed to vote..
Lockdowns were under Trump. Deaths went down and people came back outside under Biden. The fact you even try to sway blame away from Trump tells me something.

To call January 6th overblown is also telltale.

If we’re going to debate let’s debate, but let’s not act like Trump didn’t try to overturn an election with fake electors, VP pressuring, and a whole insurrection. That is fascist actions, not just words.

I didn't sway any blame away from Trump. We aren't the media here, you don't have to misrepresent what I say. The fact that you are trying tells me something. You don't seem to care about the truth. I said Trump was bad on Covid and lock downs started under him. What I also said, was the dems went even further. The lab leak was considered racist by the left. Doctors, biologists, researches, etc were banned or throttled on media platforms for questioning the vaccine. Meanwhile, the "government approved" scientists and doctors were lying and getting things wrong the whole time. They mandated the vaccine and kept people from practicing freedom of religion and/or general freedoms by keeping them out of buildings. These aren't theories or feelings. They are all things that actually happened. The problem is everyone wants to have a team. Let's just be willing to point out shit factually and accurately. I am not arguing Trump is good. I am arguing that the fascist narrative is retarded and IF you are going to apply it, it fits far more accurately to the behaviors of the left.

January 6th is overblown when we talk about what it actually means and where the blame lies. Trump telling people the election was stolen and to go peacefully protest is not fascist. The worst you can say is it was irresponsible. I would agree. What I don't want to hear is that it was any threat to democracy. What were those people ever going to be able to accomplish breaking into that building? What was their power in that moment? That answer is they had 0 power or impact on anything. The people who destroyed things should be punished and we should be done talking about it.

Ok, let's debate. I want you to respond to the questions I am asking. You are all Trump Trump Trump. So explain to me why it was ok for government agencies to pressure social media companies to hide a story they knew was true when it would swing votes in an election. I want to hear why that is ok. Tell me why it was okay to suppress freedom of speech during a pandemic when science is supposed to be about finding the truth. They tell us the vaccines stop transmission so you have to get it to stop the spread. They lied/were wrong. Instead of simply saying "we aren't sure Ivermectin will be effective in fighting Covid" they kept labeling it a animal drug or telling people they weren't sure it was safe. So their misinformation is ok but everyone elses so called misinformation needs to be stopped completely. Tell me why it is okay to ban a then sitting president from social media and limit his ability to reach people with his message. Tell me how ousting the currently sitting president from running and forcing in a figurehead who received 0 votes is true to the democratic process. Continuing with that, explain to me how the guy has too much dementia to run to be president but everyone is apparently still ok with him acting as president while the election happens. That isn't just the left mind you, nobody on the right seems to be questioning that either. Tell me why it is ok in these debates for moderators to actively work against one candidate for the benefit of the other. Isn't it supposed to be candidate vs candidate and let the people decide who won?

Like I said, vote for who you want but at least give me something beyond these bullshit narratives the media keeps shoving down our throats. I don't even like Trump but continuing to hear this fascist argument from the left makes me feel like I am living in fucking bizarro world. He said he'd grab women by the pussy. Ok, call him a scumbag and tell me you can't support that. That is real. Tell me his tarrif ideas raise prices for regular citizens. I don't know enough about all that but at least I can verify the dude loves tarrifs. Tell me you hate his supreme court selections. I know he made a few of those. It is something he actually did. I am so over hearing about Jan 6th and threats to democracy. It isn't working on me and it isn't working on anyone who isn't biased to one side or the other. The polls and betting markets bear that out.
I didn't sway any blame away from Trump. We aren't the media here, you don't have to misrepresent what I say. The fact that you are trying tells me something. You don't seem to care about the truth. I said Trump was bad on Covid and lock downs started under him. What I also said, was the dems went even further. The lab leak was considered racist by the left. Doctors, biologists, researches, etc were banned or throttled on media platforms for questioning the vaccine. Meanwhile, the "government approved" scientists and doctors were lying and getting things wrong the whole time. They mandated the vaccine and kept people from practicing freedom of religion and/or general freedoms by keeping them out of buildings. These aren't theories or feelings. They are all things that actually happened. The problem is everyone wants to have a team. Let's just be willing to point out shit factually and accurately. I am not arguing Trump is good. I am arguing that the fascist narrative is retarded and IF you are going to apply it, it fits far more accurately to the behaviors of the left.

January 6th is overblown when we talk about what it actually means and where the blame lies. Trump telling people the election was stolen and to go peacefully protest is not fascist. The worst you can say is it was irresponsible. I would agree. What I don't want to hear is that it was any threat to democracy. What were those people ever going to be able to accomplish breaking into that building? What was their power in that moment? That answer is they had 0 power or impact on anything. The people who destroyed things should be punished and we should be done talking about it.

Ok, let's debate. I want you to respond to the questions I am asking. You are all Trump Trump Trump. So explain to me why it was ok for government agencies to pressure social media companies to hide a story they knew was true when it would swing votes in an election. I want to hear why that is ok. Tell me why it was okay to suppress freedom of speech during a pandemic when science is supposed to be about finding the truth. They tell us the vaccines stop transmission so you have to get it to stop the spread. They lied/were wrong. Instead of simply saying "we aren't sure Ivermectin will be effective in fighting Covid" they kept labeling it a animal drug or telling people they weren't sure it was safe. So their misinformation is ok but everyone elses so called misinformation needs to be stopped completely. Tell me why it is okay to ban a then sitting president from social media and limit his ability to reach people with his message. Tell me how ousting the currently sitting president from running and forcing in a figurehead who received 0 votes is true to the democratic process. Continuing with that, explain to me how the guy has too much dementia to run to be president but everyone is apparently still ok with him acting as president while the election happens. That isn't just the left mind you, nobody on the right seems to be questioning that either. Tell me why it is ok in these debates for moderators to actively work against one candidate for the benefit of the other. Isn't it supposed to be candidate vs candidate and let the people decide who won?

Like I said, vote for who you want but at least give me something beyond these bullshit narratives the media keeps shoving down our throats. I don't even like Trump but continuing to hear this fascist argument from the left makes me feel like I am living in fucking bizarro world. He said he'd grab women by the pussy. Ok, call him a scumbag and tell me you can't support that. That is real. Tell me his tarrif ideas raise prices for regular citizens. I don't know enough about all that but at least I can verify the dude loves tarrifs. Tell me you hate his supreme court selections. I know he made a few of those. It is something he actually did. I am so over hearing about Jan 6th and threats to democracy. It isn't working on me and it isn't working on anyone who isn't biased to one side or the other. The polls and betting markets bear that out.
I don’t agree with the dems doing any of that shit either.

The difference is in the definition of fascist. A dictatorial leader is a key component. I don’t see any democrat demanding bling loyalty like he is. I don’t see that same democrat using fascist rhetoric. And I don’t see the almost literal worship of that single democrat.

So there’s levels to the fascisty-actions here.
I mean you can go read the definition for yourself. But even if I do that still ignores my main point. Which is the side screaming fascism is way more guilty of anything even close to the proper definition. Again, unless of course you just have your eyes closed to all of it.

We are so late in the game that for you to think you can crawl from the Candy Shop & post a novels worth a bullshit without anyone calling it out is hilarious. I’m gonna need you to redirect all this misguided energy back to Jada Fire & have a good day.
We are so late in the game that for you to think you can crawl from the Candy Shop & post a novels worth a bullshit without anyone calling it out is hilarious. I’m gonna need you to redirect all this misguided energy back to Jada Fire & have a good day.

I just got annoyed and wanted to post it. You are free to not read and respond. Nobody asked for your opinion.
I don’t agree with the dems doing any of that shit either.

The difference is in the definition of fascist. A dictatorial leader is a key component. I don’t see any democrat demanding bling loyalty like he is. I don’t see that same democrat using fascist rhetoric. And I don’t see the almost literal worship of that single democrat.

So there’s levels to the fascisty-actions here.

Ok cool. I am glad we agree on that because I do think it is important to point it out.

Ok I like where you are going with this. I guess for me, a couple of the points I just don't care much about. Demanding loyalty I understand bc of how politics work. Especially if we view it from the level of what Trump takes on. Let's put aside whether or not he deserves all the shit. Just as a human wouldn't you want to surround yourself with that level of loyalty knowing what was coming your way? Rhetoric is again, meaningless to me for the most part. Let me see the action, not the words. Trump talks shit but we have his resume. He didn't do anything like that type of stuff as president. The Dems actually have done shit. Which is why I say it is bizarre. How is the group who has actually done authoritarian shit playing this card vs a guy who just says shit. The last thing you said though, I think is the most interesting. I am with you that I don't like the sort of rabid loyalty to Trump. But, while it isn't a single democrat specifically, it is the same rabid loyalty to the so called machine. I would argue it is more concerning that you can oust a sitting president and put in someone nobody ever even liked and everyone just falls in line. Like I just imagine if the name wasn't Trump and there wasn't so much vitriol toward him, how could she be close to anyone in any polls? Nobody liked this woman just a couple of months ago. How does that happen? So sure, they aren't loyal specifically to Kamala but to be loyal to the way this process happened is just as concerning IMO.
Ok cool. I am glad we agree on that because I do think it is important to point it out.

Ok I like where you are going with this. I guess for me, a couple of the points I just don't care much about. Demanding loyalty I understand bc of how politics work. Especially if we view it from the level of what Trump takes on. Let's put aside whether or not he deserves all the shit. Just as a human wouldn't you want to surround yourself with that level of loyalty knowing what was coming your way? Rhetoric is again, meaningless to me for the most part. Let me see the action, not the words. Trump talks shit but we have his resume. He didn't do anything like that type of stuff as president. The Dems actually have done shit. Which is why I say it is bizarre. How is the group who has actually done authoritarian shit playing this card vs a guy who just says shit. The last thing you said though, I think is the most interesting. I am with you that I don't like the sort of rabid loyalty to Trump. But, while it isn't a single democrat specifically, it is the same rabid loyalty to the so called machine. I would argue it is more concerning that you can oust a sitting president and put in someone nobody ever even liked and everyone just falls in line. Like I just imagine if the name wasn't Trump and there wasn't so much vitriol toward him, how could she be close to anyone in any polls? Nobody liked this woman just a couple of months ago. How does that happen? So sure, they aren't loyal specifically to Kamala but to be loyal to the way this process happened is just as concerning IMO.
You still saying Trump hasn’t done any fascist things though? So do you not agree he has?

And you have to understand, Trump’s type of loyalty is do anything I ask. That’s why him and Pence fell out, because Pence refused to not certify the election. Again another actual fascist action.

And that’s where the Hitler’s general shit comes from. He thinks the military generals took an oath to him, not the constitution.
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You still saying Trump hasn’t done any fascist things though? So do you not agree he has?

And you have to understand, Trump’s type of loyalty is do anything I ask. That’s why him and Pence fell out, because Pence refused to not certify the election. Again another actual fascist action.

No I don't think he has and the examples I keep seeing are things he has said, not done. I agree he says fascist things but he always says all kinds of wild shit.

I think it is just a matter of our level of concern and a bit of how we define it that is the difference here. To me the context matters. So let's say Trump truly believes the election was stolen (and it appears he does), it makes perfect sense to ask your VP not to certify the election until you are sure it wasn't. Now that isn't saying I agree with him thinking it was stolen or be happy about what he is doing, but that to me just flat out doesn't qualify as fascist. The example I keep using with the laptop is much closer to meeting the threshold. They used government agencies to pressure companies into hiding a story relevant to the outcome of the election. Do I care about the laptop? Nope. But every American has the right to the information and it shouldn't be suppressed. Last thing on it, I also look at it as what I think is actually possible. January, Trump challenging the election. Neither was a true threat to the machine. Suppressing speech and information is a real threat to us the people.

Typing that last part out I guess gets to the heart of it. I view Trump as threatening the machine and I view the dems as an attack on the people. Even as recently as Obama implying black men are sexist if they don't support Kamala. That is a fall in line and be blindly loyal or we put a label on you.