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The Official 2024 Presidential Election Thread

Looks like Kamala is relying on the women’s vote and disaffected Republicans to carry her over the finish line. It could happen.

The disaffected Republican part could be big on Election Day. Could be the big surprise that typically happens in elections. There’s always that one group everybody is surprised voted a certain way.
I do think the secret maga vote could play a big part that's what got Hillary
I do think the secret maga vote could play a big part that's what got Hillary
Exactly. There’s always that one group that goes under the radar to the public. These campaigns see it though.

These campaigns are very measured in who they target. Trump saw the MAGA crew in 2016. I think Kamala is seeing the disaffected Republicans now. She wouldn’t be focusing on them so much if there wasn’t opportunity. They are the ones who they are hoping this fascist messaging is impacting. Democrat base already felt this way so there wouldn’t be a point to keep saying it to them.
Trump never had an approval rating lower than 90% within the republican, thats his party. The never trumpers are already in blue strongholds so they not gonna move the needle in battlegrounds.
Eh, I see your points and agree with many. As far as Covid and suppression of misinformation, if we had a real leader misinformation wouldn’t have been an issue and the fight against it wouldn’t have been needed. It was a literal life or death situation.

As far as democrats, I agree they rig their primaries for who they want and I’ve never agreed with that. That’s their prerogative though and we still have a general election.

January 6th and his attempt to subvert the election actually happened and that was a fascist move. So it’s not always just threats.

To your overall point, I don’t think the fascist messaging is working even though it should. If Trump didn’t have a sycophant base and party it would.

I disagree with the whole misinformation thing unless you are referring to Biden not being the real leader. Covid started under Trump and he was pretty bad on it but the lock downs, mandates, and suppression were all after or made worse after (I think we had lock downs with Trump too if I remember right). The thing about misinformation is, who decides what is true and not? Why was the lab leak theory considered racist at first? Shouldn't we just want the truth regardless of who gives us the information? Either way I don't care that much about this specific points. It is just one of the examples of the lefts authoritarian regime.

The Jan thing is entirely overblown and again, that is why the message just doesn't work. Because the thing is we have actual audio of what was said. I know there is more to the speech but the key thing is this "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." How exactly is that fascist? Or authoritarian? Or trying to subvert the election? If Trump is responsible for Jan than the left is responsible for him getting shot. And I would rather our country has some riots than we start trying to off candidates we disagree with.

And again, compare that to the Biden laptop information being suppressed. Isn't that trying to rig the results of an election by keeping information that could be important to voters suppressed? That is why this stuff isn't working because the media isn't the only one with a narrative. There are podcasts, sub stack, social media platforms no long censoring nearly as much.

One last thing I will say on it is how they talk out of both sides of their mouth. He is Hitler, fascist, threat to democracy. So why when he get shot did they all back down and say this has gone too far? Don't we all agree if you could go back and kill Hitler you should? If that is your messaging stand by it. I don't think they even believe he is threat. It is just a narrative they think plays (and it doesn't) so they keep hammering it. Its why she is gaining nothing in the poles and is losing in the betting markets. She got the "I'm not Biden" initial enthusiasm and then they tried to hide her. The media complained so she started doing more and more, and the more she does the more unqualified people realize she is. So it is just scare scare scare and hope it works. It isn't swinging independents at all. What would swing them is an actual plan for the economy and immigration.
So use the government to go after political dissidents. Thought Trump was the fascist?

He is literally using his platform to sway the election so he can get a government position in the Trump admin, he already committed campaign finance vio9lations with the 1 million to a voter and he also asked why no one was trying to assassinate Harris.
He is literally using his platform to sway the election so he can get a government position in the Trump admin, he already committed campaign finance vio9lations with the 1 million to a voter and he also asked why no one was trying to assassinate Harris.

How is he using the platform to sway the election? And assuming he is, do you view that any different than when they suppressed the laptop theory and the government specifically went to all of the platforms and told them Russia was interfering to keep the laptop story from spreading? So the left is allowed but the right isn't?

He has committed no violations with the million offer thing. Or I should say that is being looked at now and there is no clear answer. So to say it definitively is nonsense.

As to you last point so what? He pretty clearly explained it as a thought experiment. Why is nobody bothering to assassinate her? Because she is a puppet of the machine so it would be inconsequential. I am paraphrasing but that was his point.

So again, your hope is that Kamala uses her government power to go after a political dissident which is very clearly fascism. So ok fine. If you support fascism you support it. But I don't want to hear about Trump being a fascist as being a problem.