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Black democrats normally ignore the countless failed doomsday predictions spewed decades ago and now. Kind of like if buddy didn't make that "Democrats Block Reparations Cali Bill" thread, these accounts would've ignored that issue too. Thinking nobody is noticing these issues.

We still gonna have to hear all that pro-democrat crying about why climate change is a threat, even tho failed conspiracy theories never were fruitful.

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Bytch nigga shyt liberal minded ppl do. Be lying out they azz.
You seem to have it out for climate change, lol.

I don’t know because I’m not an expert, but just because someone makes a prediction that doesn’t come to fruition within a specified timeframe, doesn’t mean it’s not happening at all.

Same way people use hyperbole to get attention now, they did it then too.

I don’t care to argue about it, just saying this anecdotal evidence is not a good way to dispute the conclusions from trained climatologists. Find some opposing conclusions from others in the field, that would be better. I’m sure it’s out there.
Crazy thing is when I was working wit the city, my white supervisor asked me one day if I’m surprised that we work in landscaping but there aren’t any Mexicans working in the department

It hadn’t crossed my mind but when brought up, I thought that it was kinda shocking now that I think about it. He said they had an all Mexican crew that they kept in the affluent part of town cause they did such an amazing job and it kept complaints down.

So, he says one day they are out in a certain part of town and they see the ducks and geese and shit and they just start housing them and tossing them in the covered trailer.

Some lady reported and recorded it and threatened to sue the city if they came back. But when confronted about it, they were like, they’re just birds, people hunt and eat them all the time. Which is true, but…you know.

Anyway, the city fired them, and have an unspoken rule about not hiring Mexicans for the Parks and Rec department. Bugged out..they used a handful of folks to eliminate a position from an entire heritage of folks. Thats how America be, this shit gonna effect Haitians for a minute
I don’t know because I’m not an expert, but just because someone makes a prediction that doesn’t come to fruition within a specified timeframe, doesn’t mean it’s not happening at all.

They got no case until the prediction does come true then.

In the meantime, it's a whole hoax.

Tragically, with the advancements in technology and weather modification these predictions can come true. It's not done naturally, it's done through wicked greedy men. It takes the uneducated mind to believe in this nonsense. This is why democrats need blacks like the ones who post on ABW.

Failed Climate Change - Climate Crisis - Global Warming Hoaxes (ABW) 8.PNG
Climate control is a hoax that is only intended to distract everyone from the much wider and more severe consequences of pollution in general.

We are fucking the planet in so many ways that have nothing to do with temps changing.

It’s like if I was a horrible driver with multiple hit and runs but I managed to trick you into obsessing over my blinker usage alone.
Climate control is a hoax that is only intended to distract everyone from the much wider and more severe consequences of pollution in general.

We are fucking the planet in so many ways that have nothing to do with temps changing.

It’s like if I was a horrible driver with multiple hit and runs but I managed to trick you into obsessing over my blinker usage alone.
Maybe they’re are dumbing it down for mass consumption. Most of the population can’t handle nuanced arguments.
Create the thread if you feel so strongly that climate change is a hoax.


See, this is exactly why I ain't one for all that fear mongering from the posters on this site. I waited just to see who would take the bait and reply w/ them "oh, we fixed the ozone because we paid attention to it" shenanigans. The truth is that it wasn't that serious to begin with. Thankfully when they come w/ that "oh we banned the toxins nonsense", we got the authentic truth that's been documented. This is how you separate real from fake.

Ozone: The Hole Truth

Such is the case with the 1987 Montreal Protocol On Substances That Deplete The Ozone Layer (Montreal Protocol). The lurid predictions of ozone depletion-induced skin cancer epidemics, ecosystem destruction and others haven't come true, for which Montreal Protocol proponents congratulate themselves. But in retrospect, the evidence shows that ozone depletion was an exaggerated threat in the first place.

More importantly, the feared increase in ground level UVB radiation has also failed to materialize. Keep in mind that ozone depletion, in and of itself, doesn't really harm human health or the environment. It's the concern that an eroded ozone layer will allow more of the sun's damaging UVB rays to reach the earth that led to the Montreal Protocol. But WMO concedes that no statistically significant long-term trends have been detected, noting earlier this year that "outside the polar regions, ozone depletion has been relatively small, hence, in many places, increases in UV due to this depletion are difficult to separate from the increases caused by other factors, such as changes in cloud and aerosol." In short, the impact of ozone depletion on UVB over populated regions is so small that it's hard to detect.

Phew! And how many other fear mongering tactics about climate change do these people on this website don't want us to know about? Because fear mongering, lies, and deception like this is how they thrive. Barely any of them would've came back and corrected that nonsense. They'll be back w/ more deception tho.