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You saying we should care what a war monger like Cheney thinks??? I lost friends to his bullshit wars, miss me with that mindset and re-evaluate what you just said

I'm saying that it's significant that an arch conservative like Cheney thinks that Trump is so unfit for office that he's going to vote for a Democrat. And there are a bunch of others (e.g. John Bolton) who are not voting for Trump, even if they may not vote for Harris either.
I'm saying that it's significant that an arch conservative like Cheney thinks that Trump is so unfit for office that he's going to vote for a Democrat. And there are a bunch of others (e.g. John Bolton) who are not voting for Trump, even if they may not vote for Harris either.
You are talking about establishment candidates and war mongers.

If Trump is talking about resolving Russia/Ukraine, or wrapping up the Gaza situations (not that I think he can pull it off)...

...that alone is enough to get these ppls against u. It's not a flex in any way imaginable.
You are talking about establishment candidates and war mongers.

If Trump is talking about resolving Russia/Ukraine, or wrapping up the Gaza situations (not that I think he can pull it off)...

...that alone is enough to get these ppls against u. It's not a flex in any way imaginable.

Their opposition doesn't have much to do with his foreign policy, or for that matter domestic policy.

It's more about character, and his threat to democracy.

Don't take my word for it. Look up what they've said about Trump.
Their opposition doesn't have much to do with his foreign policy, or for that matter domestic policy.

It's more about character, and his threat to democracy.

Don't take my word for it. Look up what they've said about Trump.
They're not gonna come out and say they're for prolonged wars

Theyll go along with the popular narrative surrounding his character. And he makes himself an easy target.

Do u take every politicians word for it or just the ones that support your viewpoint?
I don’t think it’s him being a warmonger or him disagreeing with policies. I just don’t think he likes Trump and what he’s turned his party into.

The nasty shit Trump has said about his daughter probably didn’t help either.
They're not gonna come out and say they're for prolonged wars

Theyll go along with the popular narrative surrounding his character. And he makes himself an easy target.

Do u take every politicians word for it or just the ones that support your viewpoint?

You don't think what that Trump has shown that he is unfit for office, and that he's a threat to democracy after what he did with the 2020 election?

There's truth to what they say, so when they cite those reasons as the reason for their opposition, I believe them.

Found the old ad Cheney made for his daughter's reelection campaign.

I don’t think it’s him being a warmonger or him disagreeing with policies. I just don’t think he likes Trump and what he’s turned his party into.

The nasty shit Trump has said about his daughter probably didn’t help either.
My bad im not saying that specifically was their reasoning just an example.

My real point is establishment politicians will always back establishment candidates over non establishment.
You don't think what that Trump has shown that he is unfit for office, and that he's a threat to democracy after what he did with the 2020 election?

There's truth to what they say, so when they cite those reasons as the reason for their opposition, I believe them.

Found the old ad Cheney made for his daughter's reelection campaign.

Define unfit for office. He was in for four years already and the sky didn't fall.

I don't think he's anymore a threat to democracy (he's in it for himself) vs status quo establishment candidates who work for their mega donors more than the voters they give empty promises to that make u think they care about democracy
They had Bernie get up there in the convention and talk about big bad billionaires then he got off stage for billionaire governor pritzker to get y'all to cheer and be merry

Like...what does it take for MFS to see how the game is played lol
I don’t think it’s him being a warmonger or him disagreeing with policies. I just don’t think he likes Trump and what he’s turned his party into.

The nasty shit Trump has said about his daughter probably didn’t help either.
That might have more to do with it than anything. But Chicagofigure is right having Cheney on your side is not a flex.
Define unfit for office. He was in for four years already and the sky didn't fall.

I don't think he's anymore a threat to democracy (he's in it for himself) vs status quo establishment candidates who work for their mega donors more than the voters they give empty promises to that make u think they care about democracy

The sky didn't fall in part because there were people in the WH who basically thwarted his insane decisions. Those guardrails won't exist in a second term.

You do know, for example, that he actually wanted to bomb drug labs in Mexico, arguing that no one would think that America did it?

You do know that he's an inveterate liar, right?

If you think Trump is fit for office, you have been not paying close enough attention.

Trump literally considered declaring martial law and seizing voting machines as judge after judge were threw out his election challenges after the 2020 election, but he's no more a threat to democracy than politicians who work for their donors? That's crazy, but OK.
The sky didn't fall in part because there were people in the WH who basically thwarted his insane decisions. Those guardrails won't exist in a second term.

Why won't those guard rails exist in a second term?
You do know, for example, that he actually wanted to bomb drug labs in Mexico, arguing that no one would think that America did it?

As opposed to past presidents that allowed the bombing of what, innocent women and children?
You do know that he's an inveterate liar, right?

Lol not even gonna bother with this one
If you think Trump is fit for office, you have been not paying close enough attention.

I said he's not any more unfit than the status quo establishment, slightly different statement
Trump literally considered declaring martial law and seizing voting machines as judge after judge were threw out his election challenges after the 2020 election, but he's no more a threat to democracy than politicians who work for their donors? That's crazy, but OK.
This is what I'm saying, ppl keep worrying about the threat of democracy when it's been attacked before Trump ever considered running. As I've always said, he's just the low hanging fruit.

If the politicians we elect do the bidding of corporations at the expense of their voters' interests, by definition we are not in a democracy.
Why won't those guard rails exist in a second term?

As opposed to past presidents that allowed the bombing of what, innocent women and children?

Lol not even gonna bother with this one

I said he's not any more unfit than the status quo establishment, slightly different statement

This is what I'm saying, ppl keep worrying about the threat of democracy when it's been attacked before Trump ever considered running. As I've always said, he's just the low hanging fruit.

If the politicians we elect do the bidding of corporations at the expense of their voters' interests, by definition we are not in a democracy.
Just to address the guardrails point, Supreme Court has already given him immunity for official acts, so that’s one gone.

The establishment folks he had in his cabinet kept him from doing certain shit, they won’t be there. They’ll be replaced with sycophants who will do whatever he says. Imagine Vance in Pence’s position on J6. That’s another guardrail gone.
Just to address the guardrails point, Supreme Court has already given him immunity for official acts, so that’s one gone.

If the supreme Court ruling has u thinking "Trump can get away with anything now" u misunderstood the ruling.
The establishment folks he had in his cabinet kept him from doing certain shit, they won’t be there. They’ll be replaced with sycophants who will do whatever he says. Imagine Vance in Pence’s position on J6. That’s another guardrail gone.
Presidents don't have unilateral power.
Y'all just read up on corporatism and corporatocracy. Tell me if that sounds like our system, and whether that contradicts democracy.

And notice historians and economists refer to its influence in America as early as the late 1800s and ask yourself if it is fading or getting worse, regardless of a trump presidency.