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The Official 2024 Presidential Election Thread

1) You don't know what I am as an educator. Talk to the students I've taught and their parents, then come back. I wouldn't have earned a new title and basically supervisor of the Special Ed dept of my school if I sucked as a teacher, so FOH with that horseshit.

2) I said the old system was DELIBERATELY rigged towards minorities and poorly educated. THIS test, which can have a final approval by an independent voting council, can ensure its clarity and relevance to the population.

3) If the questions are given out TWO MONTHS to a YEAR in advance, you telling me that people can't educate themselves on simple facts about the US government?

On second thought, maybe you shouldn't teach.

1. Based on what you present here you probably shouldn't be allowed around kids. Especially since you like being on creep mode snapping random pictures of teenagers "with all that ass" as you once said. Your comprehension skills alone show your lack of ability.

2. You admit the old system was rigged yet think the new system won't be to keep certain demographics from voting? Voting rights are literally being stripped away already and you think a test will make it better?

3. Back to point #2. They can but you think there won't be other obstacles put in place in addition to the test?
Maybe genuine but surely this is obtuse In a perfect world people would be able to answer all these questions. For whatever purpose knowing this accomplishes

But here we are we are in a world where people vote based who they believe are closet to their ideal based on what they say .. and what they have done .. an imperfect but a reality based excercise
That's fine. I get that part. But explain to me how knowing or not knowing those simple facts about the government is equal to "voter suppression."

That's no different than a citizenship test. In fact, I'd argue that those test are WAY harder than this...
That's fine. I get that part. But explain to me how knowing or not knowing those simple facts about the government is equal to "voter suppression."

That's no different than a citizenship test. In fact, I'd argue that those test are WAY harder than this...

let you tell it if they cant answer it they cant vote lol.. that is voter suppression. What safeguards you think are gonna be put into place to not allow states to CHANGE those questions or put in loopholes to where they apply it differently to some people over others? How many chances do they get? Can they come back 5 minutes later and try again or if they fail they banned from voting for the year?


Doesnt seem like youve thoroughly thought this out
1. Based on what you present here you probably shouldn't be allowed around kids. Especially since you like being on creep mode snapping random pictures of teenagers "with all that college ass" as you once said. Your comprehension skills alone show your lack of ability.

2. You admit the old system was rigged yet think the new system won't be to keep certain demographics from voting? Voting rights are literally being stripped away already and you think a test will make it better?

3. Back to point #2. They can but you think there won't be other obstacles put in place in addition to the test?
1) We still on that, huh. Me being on a COLLEGE campus with adults (both young and older, I might add), posting pics of my HOMECOMING and all the people on the yard is creepy? Just say you don't get pu$$, OK. And I fixed your quote. Quote me right next time, dickwad.

2) How are BASIC literacy questions rigged, especially when I said they would have to be approved by an independent voting right commission?

3) Once again, see 3. Independent mean devoid of bias or favoritism. You don’t think checks and balances can be put into place to ensure the integrity and equity of those questions?
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Literacy question don't mean anything and will just be gamed by districts to restrict opposition votes.

The reality is most voters are uninformed politically in many ways. Whether it be who their local reps are, or knowledge of actual policy and not just what some TV host or celebrity told them. Most voters are useless drones who don't understand economics, but run around acting like they know it all. Especially women, and yeh I said it, the vast majority of women vote based on emotion or single issues. No real stakes, just opinions but what else is new there.
1) We still on that, huh. Me being on a COLLEGE campus with adults (both young and older, I might add), posting pics of my HOMECOMING and all the people on the yard is creepy? Just say you don't get pu$$, OK. And I fixed your quote. Quote me right next time, dickwad.

2) How are BASIC literacy questions rigged, especially when I said they would have to be approved by an independent voting right commission?

3) Once again, see 3. Independent mean devoid of bias or favoritism. You don’t think checks and balances can be put into place to ensure the integrity and equity of those questions?

1. Yes you in your 30s creeping on teenagers is creepy. That's widely agreed upon. And you immediately going to "you don't get pussy" shows you spend too much time on the internet again. You in your 30s right? Act like a grown man and not a child.

2. If you're not creating the questions then you can't ensure the integrity.

3. There's no independent body that would be able to create that. How many chances you giving people to pass? You stripping voting rights away if they fail once? Twice? They gotta sit an election out if they fail? Your idea isn't well thought at all. And it puts trusts into people and institutions that have historically harmed those who are less educated. It's not smart.
I'm not even going to entertain #1 anymore. You need attention it seems. Stay on subject.

Why couldn't voting literacy test work in the same capacity as a US citizenship test? What's the criteria for those?

And you didn't answer my original question: do you think it's a good thing that citizens of this country should be ignorant to the basic functions of their government when CHOOSING said government?
Literacy question don't mean anything and will just be gamed by districts to restrict opposition votes.

The reality is most voters are uninformed politically in many ways. Whether it be who their local reps are, or knowledge of actual policy and not just what some TV host or celebrity told them. Most voters are useless drones who don't understand economics, but run around acting like they know it all. Especially women, and yeh I said it, the vast majority of women vote based on emotion or single issues. No real stakes, just opinions but what else is new there.
Don't you think that's part of the problem?

If citizens are more informed politically, then wouldn't they be able to make overall better choices?
I'm not even going to entertain #1 anymore. You need attention it seems. Stay on subject.

Why couldn't voting literacy test work in the same capacity as a US citizenship test? What's the criteria for those?

And you didn't answer my original question: do you think it's a good thing that citizens of this country should be ignorant to the basic functions of their government when CHOOSING said government?

I don't need attention from you nor anybody like you.

2. You do realize that the average US citizen also would fail the citizenship test right? You're once again putting the hands of voting into the power of a few small groups of people. The same problem that exists now. You just giving them more ammo to exclude people legally.

3. No it's not good. But your solution is even worse as it disempowers more people. It's a bad solution to the problem.
As a nigga who took the citizenship test not too long ago

It’s not that hard lol

Actually the lady asked me like 3-4 basic civic questions was basically like fam you are good and we spent the rest of the time chatting
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fuck all that test nonsense. There should be an effort to make election days national holidays so people dont have to worry about skipping lunch to exercise their right to vote and I bet that alone would increase voter turnout off the rip
Because there's early voting and mail in voting also not everyone even gets off on national holidays
Because there's early voting and mail in voting also not everyone even gets off on national holidays

Sure. but the rules for early and mail-in voting vary from state to state though dont they? Adding the option to go in physically if possible on a national holiday wouldnt hurt imo. And yeah I some folks of course work on holidays. Im just thinking the more options available will drive up participation overall which is good