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The Official 2020/21 NBA Thread

You never said make Kobe the logo before you knew about the anniversary?
Afro Kobe Logo 2021

Fuck what yall talmbout
Yall scared lol

you know what would be the perfect thing to change the logo to if they did change it?

a basketball going through the hoop with the same color scheme.

That is the perfect logo in my opinion because it isn’t about a person, It’s about the game. It’s way harder to find fault in an inanimate item than it is a person. People can and will always be fallible and these days folks more than ever are trying to find ways to take anybody down or expose faults of others in the public eye.

I brought this up awhile ago in this thread and the playoffs about Atlanta. I’ve been looking at their roster for a bit and wondering who the odd man out would be as far as getting paid

I know most don’t think Collins should get the max but I wouldn’t mind my Spurs trying to get him this off season. Yeah, it could potentially be an over payment but it could also turn out to be a good deal. He is a good player who scored the ball efficiently and he isn’t terrible on defense. Lol. Not too mention he will only be 24 at the start of the new season.

Atlanta has to worry about teams like mine because we have a ton of cap space, talent deprived at many positions, and potential to muck up their books by offering crazy deals to make them overpay for decent talent or letting them walk which could potentially screw up their continuity as a team.

Woah is the life of a up and coming young team who drafted consistently well
I brought this up awhile ago in this thread and the playoffs about Atlanta. I’ve been looking at their roster for a bit and wondering who the odd man out would be as far as getting paid

I know most don’t think Collins should get the max but I wouldn’t mind my Spurs trying to get him this off season. Yeah, it could potentially be an over payment but it could also turn out to be a good deal. He is a good player who scored the ball efficiently and he isn’t terrible on defense. Lol. Not too mention he will only be 24 at the start of the new season.

Atlanta has to worry about teams like mine because we have a ton of cap space, talent deprived at many positions, and potential to muck up their books by offering crazy deals to make them overpay for decent talent or letting them walk which could potentially screw up their continuity as a team.

Woah is the life of a up and coming young team who drafted consistently well
Sign Collins but trade Gallo
Sign Collins but trade Gallo

then the season after that what does Atlanta do? Lmao.

they will then have to pay Trae Young and Huerter. Then the season after that they will have to pay Hunter and Reddish…..

if all those guys play really well but don’t win the championship it’s no way Atlanta can keep them because it’s always going to be another team trying to over pay them in free agency to get them.

Atlanta should strike while the iron is hot and figure out who they feel their most important core guys are and then try and package some of those other really good players for a legit star before those other guys luster fades or they are stuck in a position where they might lose them for nothing via free agency.
then the season after that what does Atlanta do? Lmao.

they will then have to pay Trae Young and Huerter. Then the season after that they will have to pay Hunter and Reddish…..

if all those guys play really well but don’t win the championship it’s no way Atlanta can keep them because it’s always going to be another team trying to over pay them in free agency to get them.

Atlanta should strike while the iron is hot and figure out who they feel their most important core guys are and then try and package some of those other really good players for a legit star before those other guys luster fades or they are stuck in a position where they might lose them for nothing via free agency.
Trade Collins? 🤷🏾‍♂️

They should at least dip their toes into the luxury tax at least once.

Josh Smith ain't walking through that door
then the season after that what does Atlanta do? Lmao.

they will then have to pay Trae Young and Huerter. Then the season after that they will have to pay Hunter and Reddish…..

if all those guys play really well but don’t win the championship it’s no way Atlanta can keep them because it’s always going to be another team trying to over pay them in free agency to get them.

Atlanta should strike while the iron is hot and figure out who they feel their most important core guys are and then try and package some of those other really good players for a legit star before those other guys luster fades or they are stuck in a position where they might lose them for nothing via free agency.
See post below and then you have to decide between 2 of huerter reddish or Hunter


Capela will be jettisoned in two years