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The Lesbian Duo Oprah & Gayle Mission To Kill Black Men Thread

call me out idc
this aint the only soical media platform im on where niggas get tight over my ideas.
Your "ideas" aren't yours tho. They're fuel by feminism and hatred of men in general

Bottom line, Kobe didn't rape that lying nasty white whore. She had 3 or 4 different semen samples in panties. She was bragging about Kobe's dick at a party. She recanted her story multiple times. She refused to testify. I could go on...

Facts matter Race Jones. Facts should change your opinion..
all this does is reveal people’s lack of a holistic view of themselves and their own actions. The excuses you make for others you also make for yourself.

“Why can’t we just forget the mistakes and terrible things?”

Rules ain't different. The respect of my name is more important than some endorsements. All that he lost still would've came back to him after a period time like they did even if he didn't make that "apology".

Celebrities don't have to make statements. They're advised to make statements by people who are thinking more about the money than the actual person. IMO that is where shit gets fucked up.


--Marlo Stanfield, aka "Black", The Wire
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Your "ideas" aren't yours tho. They're fuel by feminism and hatred of men in general

Bottom line, Kobe didn't rape that lying nasty white whore. She had 3 or 4 different semen samples in panties. She was bragging about Kobe's dick at a party. She recanted her story multiple times. She refused to testify. I could go on...

Facts matter Race Jones. Facts should change your opinion..

lmao im not a feminist and i dont hate men. im aware of the case. ive read it thorougly. my feelings on what happened still stand. idk if he did or didnt do it, ill admit but its a part of his life. he didnt shy away from it so why idky yall would expect journalist not to bring it up ...its just foolish lmaoooo

its nonsensical
all this does is reveal people’s lack of a holistic view of themselves and their own actions. The excuses you make for others you also make for yourself.

“Why can’t we just forget the mistakes and terrible things?”

There's a big difference between making a moral mistake that you regret and being found guilty of a felonious criminal act. Making a regrettable mistake =/= being a rapist. Having an untrue rape allegation dismissed by the court =/= making an excuse. Come on @Race Jones you're supposed to be better than this.
lmao im not a feminist and i dont hate men. im aware of the case. ive read it thorougly. my feelings on what happened still stand. idk if he did or didnt do it, ill admit but its a part of his life. he didnt shy away from it so why idky yall would expect journalist not to bring it up ...its just foolish lmaoooo

its nonsensical
I get it you'd rather be wrong and loud than right and humble, cool.

But what I don't get is why you are not giving black men the benefit of the doubt knowing full well the history of white women lying on black men in America????

How does a superstar a family man with everything to lose turn into a rapist in your eyes because a white slut says so????


Emmitt Til frowns on you
Ill say this.

Kobe shouldnt have settle out of court with her though.
The rules are way more lax in civil court...experts said he paid around 2 million to make that shit go away .....honestly what’s 2 million to Kobe
Thats nothing.

But he didnt rape her and got fleeced for 2 million
True.....and u see why niggas is always looking at those rape accusers and etc....w one eye up.....but he prolly didn’t have to personally pay for it so it’s all good
you can't tell the kobe bryant story without eventually talking about the colorado situation. i have no issue with it being discussed b/c it is a part of the story that can't be ignored.

with all that said if you claim to be a journalist being fact based and telling the truth is a part of your job. when kobe's colorado situation is a bought up as it eventually will be an honest and fair journalist will tell the complete story which includes the fact that the accusers story didn't hold up and the charges were dismissed. if you're gonna tell it tell it all. if you're not willing to tell the whole story you need to do for kobe what you have decided to do for weinstein and sweep it under the rug. if you're not willing to be do either you need to do us all a favor and STFU.
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I think women/men who get caught lying bout rape should be sentenced to do the maximum time that the falsely accused individual were to do if they were found guilty....that's just me though. I know rape is a real issue, but so is people losing years behind prison over some "he said/she said" shit. I just seen that Brian Banks story and the fact that he had to do 8 years in prison while shorty n her mom got 1.5 Mil w/o any legal repercussions is crazy. Bitch shoulda been sentenced to 8 years too. Fuck that. Girl do time, mom pay the money back.

TK Kirkland did an interview discussing this about a fake rape allegation he faced some years back in GA where he could've faced a DUB in the Pen if found Guilty.


He fought it and succeeded and the Accuser did time for filing a false report. Here's the interview:

I get it you'd rather be wrong and loud than right and humble, cool.

But what I don't get is why you are not giving black men the benefit of the doubt knowing full well the history of white women lying on black men in America????

How does a superstar a family man with everything to lose turn into a rapist in your eyes because a white slut says so????


Emmitt Til frowns on you

I dont give Black men the benefit of the doubt because Black men perpetuate harm, sexual abuse and rape in my neighborhood. I work with abused Black women. I dont have time to coddle the feelings of Black men.

be better, do better.

you do absolutely nothing for yourselves, the community and each other by constantly defending abusers.

it is what it is
Cosby was a star he raped women
kelly was a star and he raped women
many Black men sadly, have these mistakes in their past, so its not lost on me that Kobe could also perpetuate harm.
I dont give Black men the benefit of the doubt because Black men perpetuate harm, sexual abuse and rape in my neighborhood. I work with abused Black women. I dont have time to coddle the feelings of Black men.

be better, do better.

you do absolutely nothing for yourselves, the community and each other by constantly defending abusers.

it is what it is


I squeezed the real deal out of her...

Her feelings on Kobe have nothing to do with Kobe...