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It's hard to really criticize Deion. He put in his time at Jackson State. I guess it really comes down to how long people think he should have bee committed to that school. If he's done enough to bring some extra attention to HBCUs and convince some higher ranked players to give them a shot, is that good enough for him to move on make what is probably a better career move for him personally?

Deion wasn't committed to the school, he was committed to his own career and White folks shut him out as a head coach.

Deion went to the White schools and said "I am HOFer Deion Sanders, give me a head coaching job."

And White schools said "So?"

That's what all this comes down to. Deion Sanders didn't have any pull with White schools but he has pull with HBCUs because they are understaffed and underfunded.

There's absolutely no reason for any 5 star prospect to go to an HBCU. The competition and facilities are inferior. Universities are dropping 50 million dollars into facilities. That's an endowment for some HBCUs.

Deion Sanders after 3 seasons just proved that there's no reason for them to go because any coach that can recruit 5 and 4 star players to an HBCU and win will ultimately leave to go to a White school.

And the only coaches that could recruit on that level is a charismatic, legendary HOF player that can leverage his professional experience and pro-Blackness into a recruiting pitch.

That's the only advantage an HBCU can have over an Alabama.

Travis Hunter ain't going to JSU without a Deion telling him that him going JSU changes the landscape of HBCU football vs. going to Florida State and just being another 5 star recruit.

Like I said, if you care about about Black people having Black institutions and being on par with White people then you must give up your own individual ambitions and aspirations. You can't just leave when you become successful.

Using Black people and their plight as your stepping stone to White institutions just proves that Black people and Black institutions are not worth investing in and they should die.

Black people largely just don't find any value in having high level functioning Black institutions and use Black people and Black institutions as gateways into White ones and nobody wants to say that out loud.
Sooooo....white coaches can be wit a school for 3 or 4yrs and go to another one wit no issue...but Prime can't??
Finally on the road back to MI y'all. Stopped in Kingman, AZ for the night. As soon as everyone gets out of the shower we're back on the road. Should be stopping in Amarillo for the night tonight.

I thought about saving this lil native American waitress at the Denny's in Amarillo some years back. The last couple times we're drove through there she was working. May be driving through there for Christmas weekend again🤔
Sooooo....white coaches can be wit a school for 3 or 4yrs and go to another one wit no issue...but Prime can't??

Do White coaches convince 5 star players to sacrifice their individual ambitions for the pride of their race?

Like I said, either Black people see value in Black people and Black institutions or they see Black people and Black institutions as stepping stones to White money and White institutions.

Lol everyone wanna forget that Deion said this about Travis Hinter coming to JSU when Nick Saban accused them of paying him a million dollars to go to JSU.

Do White coaches convince 5 star players to sacrifice their individual ambitions for the pride of their race?

Like I said, either Black people see value in Black people and Black institutions or they see Black people and Black institutions as stepping stones to White money and White institutions.

Lol everyone wanna forget that Deion said this about Travis Hinter coming to JSU when Nick Saban accused them of paying him a million dollars to go to JSU.

Bruh PLENTY of white coaches have convinced recruits...whether it 3...4...5 star to come to their school...only to haul azzz to coach elsewhere.

So what are you truly mad at? Let's get to the meat & potatoes of this. You tell us how long was he suppose to stay at JSU?
Bruh PLENTY of white coaches have convinced recruits...whether it 3...4...5 star to come to their school...only to haul azzz to coach elsewhere.

So what are you truly mad at? Let's get to the meat & potatoes of this. You tell us how long was he suppose to stay at JSU?

INB4 posts gets moved to the CFB thread
Bruh PLENTY of white coaches have convinced recruits...whether it 3...4...5 star to come to their school...only to haul azzz to coach elsewhere.

So what are you truly mad at? Let's get to the meat & potatoes of this. You tell us how long was he suppose to stay at JSU?

This is why Black folks are loss.

If you cannot see the difference of a older Black man, who is a HOFer NFL player, promising talented young Black men, that he will guide them and mentor them to be as great as they can be, and that they don't need to go to White institutions to become a professional then Black folks are damned to be at the bottom.

You wanna know why Black people do not have faith in Black people and Black institutions? It's because of motherfuckers like Deion Sanders.

White people and institutions do not betray Black people like Black people and Black institutions do.

And when Black people and Black institutions betray Black people and Black institutions, it's motheruckers making excuses like...

"Well White people do it all the time..."

If that's the case, then why the fuck I need or anybody else need Black people and Black institutions for? If you gonna do me dirty like White people do, then I might as well deal with White folks over Black folks. And that's the math that Black people do every fucking day.

If I make the commit to serve my people and institutions on the word of motherfuckers like Deion Sanders and he runs off to the White man as fast as possible, what does that say about Black people and institutions? The person that convinced me to sacrifice for my race leaves as soon as I get here.

White people and institutions have never ever told a Black person to sacrifice their individual ambitions for their race, Black people and Black institutions have.

White people actually tell you not to give a fuck about Black people at all and look out yourself.

This ain't about Deion Sanders really, it's about how Black people view themselves and they institutions they create. It's about politics. It's about teaching young Black Americans to have pride in their legacy and trust in their people to not betray them when they sacrifice for the better of their people.

And the fact people don't see that is why 99 percent of us rather go to White dominated institutions and beg for inclusion.
2 years ago during the George Floyd shit it was we need to prop up HBCUs and redirect black talent to HBCUs

Today it’s what do you want Deion Sanders to do not take the CU job lmao

niggas and their lack of focus is outstanding

2 years ago, Black Internet was demanding athletes create their own leagues and don't play. Celebrated when NBA players decided not to play during the bubble or whatever.

Deion Sanders, being all pro-Black and shit, goes to JSU. We celebrate. Black excellence. Motherfuckers that never went to an HBCU prepping HBCUs.

Lol, Deion Sanders decides to leave after 3 years, some us say, "Hold up, I thought you said you was gonna fight for equality and shit? What about all those five star recruits and their parents you promised that they can go to an JSU and go pro?"

Lol majority is like, "Congratulations Coach Prime!"

If I had the Infinity Stones, I would Thanos snap every single Black celebrity from existence.
I'm not familiar with the situation so maybe there's context I'm missing but isn't this kinda messed up? Ok he brought light to that school and HBCUs in general but he's leaving for a non HBCU and destabilizing the one he's leaving at the same time.

That's my main problem with it. I don't have an issue with him going to a PWI if it was a better career opportunity for him. I just feel like he should have done it in a way that wouldn't have torpedoed what he built at JSU. That might have meant having to sacrifice whatever offers came his way this year as he prepped the team to move forward without him.
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