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Halloween is for kids
You've never gone to adult Halloween parties or go downtown in your area and see adults dressed up?

I was downtown this weekend and saw some cool costumes. Even saw some that made me feel really old because I was the only one to recognize it lol

Like someone was dressed up as this guy

Sometimes I wonder why people these days infantilize teenagers and shit. I'm starting to think it's like a middle class liberal thing.

I always talked to my niece and nephews like they were adults, starting at age 8.

I thought childhood is preparition for adulthood, they need to know what the adult world is like because they are gonna be adults longer than they are children.

So like, they didn't have any illusions and kid beliefs.

Lol, like I told them Santa Claus wasn't real and people actually brought gifts with money. I told them they were gonna die one day. I told them that there most likely no such things as God or an afterlife. I told about them sex. I told them how much money I make. I told them about drugs. All this before they turned 12.

So they didn't really have a teenage rebellion stage because I told them the truth about shit. Teenage rebellion is because parents lie to their kids until about 16 trying to keep their innocence and then remove the veil and thus they feel betrayed by their parents.

There was nothing for my niece and nephews to feel like I betrayed them because everything they found out on their own, I already told them and they had 4 years to process the shit.

So when at 16 when I found my oldest nephew was moving pounds of weed because he wanted to be rich or whatever, I could have an adult conversation about the ramifications of his actions because I never insulted his intelligence.

I never told him not to do it, I was just like, " This shit dangerous, good luck".

When my other nephew joined the Crips because he was getting picked on, I never told him to leave the gang. We just talked about the ramifications.

Ain't no secrets going on in my house anyway, I was all up in their rooms, cars, computers, phones. I knew everything.

Eventually they stopped the shit on the own and moved on because I said it's your life and you gotta decide how you want to live it. You are not a child. At this point, I'm just here for advice if you need it. You are own person, which means the consequences of your actions, you will have to bare alone. I can't help you if you get in trouble. I can't advocate for you.

All that rebellious energy died by 18, because there was nothing to rebel against. Everything I said was true, everything I said that would happened to them came true.

Now my youngest nephew thinks he's the most attractive man in the world and my other one is a fucking simp. Regular lightskin shit.

My niece is a fake bitter reformed ex-fat girl ex-thot.

I can live with that.
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@Dwayne and @deadeye i think are conservative I don’t think politically but socially


I used to consider myself to be a fiscal/economic conservative.............but a social libertarian.

Now, I no longer consider myself a social libertarian.

Simply because things have gone too far to the extreme.

So, I'm definitely more socially conservative than I've been in the past.
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This is the smoothest brown liquor i ever had. No burn. Probably wont see it again though. Cant bring myself to spend $80 on alcohol, lol. I dont drink like that and dont really care for it that much. When I do drink, I usually stick to whiskey. The below is a bourbon

Niggas is different nowadays. That nigga said he don't take care of his kid because the BM hurt his feelings. I legit can't believe he admitted that shit. Other dude overreacted though. I wouldn't have blamed him for cutting dude off, but leaving his ass out in unfamiliar territory is a bit much.

You cant be talkin all kinda shit tellin somebody to get the fuck outa here while you in the passenger seat.. nah nigga..

YOU get the fuck outa here lol
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