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No high profile white guys?
I just don’t like the tone it’s setting.

What precedent is he setting? A white boy that works hard and is in his physical prime beating black dudes that are washed and fighting outside of their sport shouldn't really be something surprising. He's fought white dudes too. He beat Ben Askren. He's put open challenges out there. People like Woodley and Silva just happen to be the ones that take him up on those challenges. He called out Diaz and Canelo, so we'll see where that goes.
What precedent is he setting? A white boy that works hard and is in his physical prime beating black dudes that are washed and fighting outside of their sport shouldn't really be something surprising. He's fought white dudes too. He beat Ben Askren. He's put open challenges out there. People like Woodley and Silva just happen to be the ones that take him up on those challenges. He called out Diaz and Canelo, so we'll see where that goes.
None come on man you know its nonsense
They need to fix this fucking economy.

I spent 300 fucking dollars in one day getting basic shit.

I brought some fucking eggs and milk and soup, that bitch said 300.

Tired of these fucking ivory tower economists and politicians lying to people about the economy. This shit is fucking rigged. With all the bullshit economic wars going on. All the bullshit price fixing and price gouging.

Fix your fucking shit. I could've brought some model pussy with $300. Fuck you mean?!

This is why people need to vote. I understand why a lot of black people are disenfranchised with the system, and I don't expect any of these politicians to do anything specifically for black people. That said, we've gotten to the point where the Dems are at least trying to do the bare minimum and the Reps are doing their best to prevent even that much.
I want to know what people get out of being conservative?

I never been a conservative person, I never cared for traditions and superstitions. There is no such thing as timeless, eternal truths or concepts to me.

So when I come across people that proclaim to be conservative and have these ideas, I'm like why?

Everything is going to change whether you like it or not. People gonna find new ways of living. New ways of doing shit. New moralities.

It's gonna happen, there is nothing you can do about it. The forces of change is beyond human control. You should be skeptical of changes but you should meet them head on.

But entirely opposed to changes and desiring for things to go back the way they were and promoting the old ways as the correct way is fucking dumb.
I want to know what people get out of being conservative?

I never been a conservative person, I never cared for traditions and superstitions. There is no such thing as timeless, eternal truths or concepts to me.

So when I come across people that proclaim to be conservative and have these ideas, I'm like why?

Everything is going to change whether you like it or not. People gonna find new ways of living. New ways of doing shit. New moralities.

It's gonna happen, there is nothing you can do about it. The forces of change is beyond human control. You should be skeptical of changes but you should meet them head on.

But entirely opposed to changes and desiring for things to go back the way they were and promoting the old ways as the correct way is fucking dumb.
Sometime you be missing but when you hit

I want to know what people get out of being conservative?

I never been a conservative person, I never cared for traditions and superstitions. There is no such thing as timeless, eternal truths or concepts to me.

So when I come across people that proclaim to be conservative and have these ideas, I'm like why?

Everything is going to change whether you like it or not. People gonna find new ways of living. New ways of doing shit. New moralities.

It's gonna happen, there is nothing you can do about it. The forces of change is beyond human control. You should be skeptical of changes but you should meet them head on.

But entirely opposed to changes and desiring for things to go back the way they were and promoting the old ways as the correct way is fucking dumb.
Same reason why crips are crips, crimson tide fans are fan, and cowboys fans are cowboys fans. When you grow up in it and it’s what you know, identity with, and see life through that lense. It’s less of an ideology and more of a way of life. You see it as an ideology which is why you don’t understand it. It’s why fighting against it doesn’t work. It’s not an ideology to them.

To people who grew up in gang territories. It’s more than just banging. Their mama a crip, their auntie a crip, old man Johnson who runs the corner store a crip. Lisa who works at the air port a crip. There are rappers that go to LA and say they get calls from OGs about knowing when they arrived and where they staying and wonder why.

It’s cause cripping ain’t a gang to them, it’s a community. Dude who checked your bag a crip and he ain’t out banging. Chick who turned down your sheets at the hotel a crip, and she ain’t banging. But they tapped in wit crip business.

Conservatism is a community to them, it’s not an ideology.
I want to know what people get out of being conservative?

I never been a conservative person, I never cared for traditions and superstitions. There is no such thing as timeless, eternal truths or concepts to me.

So when I come across people that proclaim to be conservative and have these ideas, I'm like why?

Everything is going to change whether you like it or not. People gonna find new ways of living. New ways of doing shit. New moralities.

It's gonna happen, there is nothing you can do about it. The forces of change is beyond human control. You should be skeptical of changes but you should meet them head on.

But entirely opposed to changes and desiring for things to go back the way they were and promoting the old ways as the correct way is fucking dumb.

I've been come to understand that conservatives is a very broad range people. The shit should really be broken down into different groups. A lot of conservatives don't really give a fuck about all the religious shit a lot of them are talking. They are conservative when it comes to taxes and how much the government gives to social services, etc.

Some of these crazy ass religious conservatives don't really care about money. They want this country ran on religious ideology.

Then you have the racist conservatives who realize the Jim Crow years and further back was white folks heyday. When white people weren't questioned and all minorities and a high majority of white women knew their place.

That's just to name a few. Of course things change but most folks always want things to go back to their heyday when that change fucks up their run on top.
I want to know what people get out of being conservative?

I never been a conservative person, I never cared for traditions and superstitions. There is no such thing as timeless, eternal truths or concepts to me.

So when I come across people that proclaim to be conservative and have these ideas, I'm like why?

Everything is going to change whether you like it or not. People gonna find new ways of living. New ways of doing shit. New moralities.

It's gonna happen, there is nothing you can do about it. The forces of change is beyond human control. You should be skeptical of changes but you should meet them head on.

But entirely opposed to changes and desiring for things to go back the way they were and promoting the old ways as the correct way is fucking dumb.

That's basically the premise behind Octavia Butler's Earthseed books - "God is Change".

Sidenote: she also predicted trump and his followers down to the "Make America Great Again" slogan in the second book although the guy's name was Travis instead of Trump.
I’m pretty sure in politics the word “conservative” doesn’t just mean rigid and “liberal” doesn’t just mean free

You have to look at the current political climate and what’s being presented
I've been come to understand that conservatives is a very broad range people. The shit should really be broken down into different groups. A lot of conservatives don't really give a fuck about all the religious shit a lot of them are talking. They are conservative when it comes to taxes and how much the government gives to social services, etc.

Some of these crazy ass religious conservatives don't really care about money. They want this country ran on religious ideology.

Then you have the racist conservatives who realize the Jim Crow years and further back was white folks heyday. When white people weren't questioned and all minorities and a high majority of white women knew their place.

That's just to name a few. Of course things change but most folks always want things to go back to their heyday when that change fucks up their run on top.
"Religion" is used as a white supremacist vehicle they dont believe in god or less government yadda yadda they want to eradicate the social safety nets any semblance of progress.. because we breathe the same air
Irvin is a cowboy for life, his love for it is hyperbole, and he knows it, but it’s a sense of community for him. How hype he is for the cowboys no matter what the reality is, is how hype conservatives are for the RNC. The way you approach conservatives and the same way you approach Irvin. Peep Stephen and Keyshawn.

Sometime you be missing but when you hit


I joke and I kid about shit.

Lol but seriously maybe, conservatives be hoping and wishing for a world that has died and deny the world that is living and mutating before their eyes.

If they wanted the typical so called "conservative values" like two parent homes, religious beliefs, small business, small ass towns, pro-life, chasity.

They would embrace the world before them and move with the fucking changes that is happening due to institutions beyond individual control, fucking with shit.

They would want people to have more time off from work, they would embrace LGBT people in the church, they would embrace raising a minimum, they would embrace sex education and family planning, you know the shit that keep society together. But they don't, they exacerbate the changes in society and then blame progressive people for changing with it and advocating for the remedies to deal with the change lol.

I know it's a paradox for motherfuckers, but if you want things to stay the same, you embrace the fucking changes. You want things to change, you reject the changes.

Rejecting changes in society makes people ideological.

I'm old as shit. I seen changes happen in society that fucked the minds up of some people.

I'm not a feminist, I'm not some trans-rights advocate. All these movements are ideological and non-sensical. But people get that way because people are opposed to them.

If people were like, okay, women can vote and are not mandated by God to give up the pussy in marriage, shit wouldn't have gotten so far the feminism has its own internal logic that nobody can fucking penetrate.

Same for trans-rights. If we just were like, okay, when you turn 18, you can turn yourself into a fucking pony from My Little Pony for all we care, we wouldn't have people unable to define what a woman is and giving hormone blockers to little girls because they like playing football with boys. People been switching genders since the beginning of time. It's not a big deal.

When societal shifts happen you fucking go with it or you gonna turn people ideological and they are gonna go to the extremes to make the changes they need to express their freedoms or whatever in society and it's gonna change anyway because societal momentum is on their side.

It's not on the side of conservatives and it never will be and entrenching themselves in conservative ideology accelerates changes in society.
I've been come to understand that conservatives is a very broad range people. The shit should really be broken down into different groups. A lot of conservatives don't really give a fuck about all the religious shit a lot of them are talking. They are conservative when it comes to taxes and how much the government gives to social services, etc.

Some of these crazy ass religious conservatives don't really care about money. They want this country ran on religious ideology.

Then you have the racist conservatives who realize the Jim Crow years and further back was white folks heyday. When white people weren't questioned and all minorities and a high majority of white women knew their place.

That's just to name a few. Of course things change but most folks always want things to go back to their heyday when that change fucks up their run on top.

That's true.

But even these small government, low taxes, low regulation conservatives be tripping me out because they just wanna off-load key governmental functions to private corporations, that will somehow be more accountable and responsible due to the "market" (pseudo-religious economic bullshit).

But when the "market" causes a recession or a depression, the government has to step in and fix shit. Then it makes rules to fucking prevent economic catastrophes and the conservatives go back to dismantling the rules and the cycle repeats.

If conservatives wanted small taxes and maximal economic freedoms, they would embrace regulation. Because regulations prevent economic disasters that causes harsher regulations and penalties against speculation.

I'm trying to help conservatives win here. Lol, if I was an advisor they would never lose an election.
I've been come to understand that conservatives is a very broad range people. The shit should really be broken down into different groups. A lot of conservatives don't really give a fuck about all the religious shit a lot of them are talking. They are conservative when it comes to taxes and how much the government gives to social services, etc.

Some of these crazy ass religious conservatives don't really care about money. They want this country ran on religious ideology.

Then you have the racist conservatives who realize the Jim Crow years and further back was white folks heyday. When white people weren't questioned and all minorities and a high majority of white women knew their place.

That's just to name a few. Of course things change but most folks always want things to go back to their heyday when that change fucks up their run on top.

I think you pretty much summed up most of them with those three categories. There might be a few that have some valid ideological differences with how people on the left propose to fix the problems in the country, but for the most part the people on the right are either greedy elites, religious/cult of personality zealots, or bigots yearning for the days where they could be prejudiced in peace.
That's true.

But even these small government, low taxes, low regulation conservatives be tripping me out because they just wanna off-load key governmental functions to private corporations, that will somehow be more accountable and responsible due to the "market" (pseudo-religious economic bullshit).

But when the "market" causes a recession or a depression, the government has to step in and fix shit. Then it makes rules to fucking prevent economic catastrophes and the conservatives go back to dismantling the rules and the cycle repeats.

If conservatives wanted small taxes and maximal economic freedoms, they would embrace regulation. Because regulations prevent economic disasters that causes harsher regulations and penalties against speculation.

I'm trying to help conservatives win here. Lol, if I was an advisor they would never lose an election.

Conservatives are full shit because they say the love capitalism but when the your business has failed and is being ended or like you said starts fucking things up shows up to their door. They want the government they said they hate to bail them out. Yet hate when the government bails out other people.

We on the same page its just that there are different factions in the name "conservative" and most on some bullshit.
Conservatives are full shit because they say the love capitalism but when the your business has failed and is being ended or like you said starts fucking things up shows up to their door. They want the government they said they hate to bail them out. Yet hate when the government bails out other people.

We on the same page its just that there are different factions in the name "conservative" and most on some bullshit.

The rich corporate conservatives are just plain evil. They know conservatism is bad for the nation in general and they know they things they advocate for will hurt most of the people in the nation, but they push those things anyway because its what best for them.

The religious and bigotted conservatives are just dupes. They are conservatives by and large because they are being lied to by the rich. They are aware of the problems they face in the world. They just believe those problems are caused people that look, think, act, or believe differently that them, when in reality those problems are caused by the rich people that use them.
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