If this is the results of millionaire family...then that millionaire family failed. None of their kids were better than their parents.
These are the results of upper middle class families.
Will did nothing, not shit, the entire show besides go to school.
Hilary was a college dropout that tried everything and lucked her way into a talk show. That's not because her parents did anything.
Ashley rebelled against her parents because she found out how terrible they were and she wasn't a superstar model or anything, she just had a regular modeling contract. Any pretty face can get a modeling contract.
Carlton had a gambling addiction and an identity complex. Rich kids go to Princeton. Him going to Princeton isn't anything special given the social status of his father.
If you were an aspiring Black middle class person and you watched this show...yeah that looks like good parenting because you don't know any better. You watch your kids to go Princeton, have a TV show, and finish college.
But the Smith's family was like a basic Northeast/New England White family with a networth of 5 million because their father owns their own practice and now their kids end up local TV news host, middling lawyer, and an Air Force officer.
That's not a win. That's a failure. That's how most millionaire families end up upper middle class and eventually back to middle class. They raise aimless children like you see on Cosby Show and Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. We think that's aspirational but we really watching the decline of two elite Black families.
lol so pretty much if they not making millions they are failures.