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These 8k tvs are a waste of money at the moment. The entertainment has not caught on to this technology yet. There are no streaming platforms, that i know of, that offers 8k. Technology is too new.

There is a lot more stuff available in 4k but you usually have to pay a separate package for 4k content. Just got my new 4k TV and started realizing that.

Anything over 1080p is a waste of money.

Simply because you can barely tell the difference in quality.

I mean, it's better..........but not that much better.
chapter im completing in my diversity class...smh, shits written bruh

Cross (1995), whose work is exemplary, hypothesizes five such stages of development. It is assumed that each person of color can be located in one of the five stages depending on his or her level of racial awareness and identity:

  • In Stage 1, called Pre-encounter, individuals are not consciously aware of the impact that race and ethnicity have had on their life experiences. They tend to assimilate, seek acceptance by whites, exhibit strong preferences for dominant cultural values, and even internalize negative stereotypes of their own group. By de-emphasizing race and distancing themselves from other group members, they are able to deny their actual vulnerability to racism and sustain—so long as they are able—the myth of meritocracy and the hope of achievement unencumbered by racial hatred.
  • In Stage 2, Encounter, some event or experience shatters the individual’s denial and sends him or her deep into confusion about his or her ethnicity. For the first time, the person must consciously deal with the fact of being different and what this difference means. At this stage, people of color often speak of “waking up” to reality, realizing that ethnicity is an aspect of self that must be dealt with and the enormity of what must be confronted out in the world.
  • Stage 3, Immersion-Emersion, is characterized by two powerful feelings: first, a desire to immerse oneself in all things “ethnic”; for example, to celebrate all symbols of “blackness” and to simultaneously avoid all contact with whites, the white world, and symbols of that world. The result is at first an uncritical descent into blackness, where everything black is beautiful and everything white is abhorrent. During this more separatist period, people of color seek information about ethnic history and culture and surround themselves exclusively with “their own kind.” The enormous anger that is generated during Stage 2 and lingers into Stage 3 slowly dissipates as the person grows increasingly focused on self-exploration, creating attachment within his or her ethnic world, and less in need of lashing out at the white world.
  • Internalization, Stage 4 of the model, begins as the person of color becomes increasingly secure and positive in his or her sense of racial identity and less rigid in the attachment to group allegiances at the expense of personal autonomy. Pro-ethnic attitudes become more “expansive, open, and less defensive.” Although the person feels securely connected to his or her ethnic community, there also emerges a greater willingness to relate to whites and members of other ethnic groups who are able to acknowledge and accept their ethnicity.
  • Stage 5, Internalization-Commitment, represents a growing and maturing of the tendencies initiated in Stage 4. People of color at Stage 5 have found ways of translating their personal ethnic identities into an active sense of commitment to social justice and change. According to Tatum (1992), the Stage 5 person is “anchored in a positive sense of racial identity” and can “proactively perceive and transcend race.” Race has become an instrument for reaching out into the world rather than an end in itself, as in Stage 3, or a social reality to be denied or avoided, as in Stage 1.
read that and consider Kanye West...is he just a projection of what it means to be black in America..what stage would you say he's in?
eye opening shit..feel me tho

Gordon (1964) distinguishes several forms of assimilation:

  • Acculturation involves taking on the cultural ways of another group, usually those of the mainstream culture.----Black Captilism
  • Structural assimilation means gaming entry into the institutions of a society. Gordon also refers to this as “integration.”----Deal with Adidas
  • Marital assimilation implies large-scale intermarriage with majority group members.----Marrying Kim K
  • Identificational assimilation involves developing a sense of belonging and peoplehood with the host society.---Maga Hat

How ill is that play book exists...dude aint crazy, he's just going through racial puberty right before our eyes...
This nigga gay and uncomfortable

Nah, it's just disrespectful to see the bitches that can't deadlift 100 pounds with they ass and abs they brought take up all the gym equipment.

I just need to go back to hardcore gyms where all the rides up, classic hard rock men be at.

This commercial bougie shit ain't for me.
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