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And today, women are embracing their sexuality as empowerment. But the lane is still there if they choose not to.

If Beyonce.... Right now... Decided to reinvent herself and start only focusing on vocals... Steps away from the ass shaking. Promise you the industry follows.
The point is, there are plenty of talented black women who don’t do the ass shaking and sexually explicit content, but they don’t get the push.

All you have to do is look around at the black women at the top versus the white women at the top to see which direction each are getting pushed.

You can’t even definitively say black women want to be like this. They may see that only those type of black women get the push so they feel like they have to be that to get to the top.

I bet people would say Chloe’s sister is just as talented as her, but she don’t have the sex appeal so she’s not getting the push. You think she doesn’t want to be at the top? Or that the industry won’t push her to the top?
I think a bunch of waitstaff is finna get fucked out of their jobs.

No different than the kiosks at a bunch of the McDonald's spots out here. Counter all small and shit with one or two registers 'cause the frontline has been reduced to one or maybe two people.

Automation like this = job loss.

There's a McDonalds around the corner from where I live that just recently got remodeled and now has only 1 actual cashier inside with a bunch of self serve kiosks and 2 drive through lines and consistently the drive through lines are literally spilling into the street and the inside has the slowest service you can imagine.

That's what may end up being the counter to places using kiosks is that the actual wait times for things will increase and cause customers to stop going places due to linger wait times.
There's a McDonalds around the corner from where I live that just recently got remodeled and now has only 1 actual cashier inside with a bunch of self serve kiosks and 2 drive through lines and consistently the drive through lines are literally spilling into the street and the inside has the slowest service you can imagine.

That's what may end up being the counter to places using kiosks is that the actual wait times for things will increase and cause customers to stop going places due to linger wait times.
They’ll figure that part out.
There's a McDonalds around the corner from where I live that just recently got remodeled and now has only 1 actual cashier inside with a bunch of self serve kiosks and 2 drive through lines and consistently the drive through lines are literally spilling into the street and the inside has the slowest service you can imagine.

That's what may end up being the counter to places using kiosks is that the actual wait times for things will increase and cause customers to stop going places due to linger wait times.

so it's spreading eh? We've had those kiosks for a few years now and, just like yours, shit is slow as fuck. There's still a handful of McD's that don't have 'em and those are the ones I prefer to go to.
so it's spreading eh? We've had those kiosks for a few years now and, just like yours, shit is slow as fuck. There's still a handful of McD's that don't have 'em and those are the ones I prefer to go to.

Yeah we've had places with kiosks for a few years now but this is the 1st place I've seen where they've basically eliminated the whole front line staff. And the people in there were not happy at all with the wait time.
We not bout to act like the push of sexualization of black women in music ain’t real in 2022
Apparently we are, lol. And any black woman that sexualizes herself isn’t conforming to industry standards to make it to the top, but is just a sexually liberated woman. She enjoys being half naked and shaking her ass and promoting sexually explicit content. They don’t mind that their talent is overshadowed by this image. Every one of them.
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