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Ahhh ok

Was watching first 48 in Alabama and this dude snuck a gun in the boot and security didn't check so... You see where this is going

Over a damn $5 pool game. Smh

Would also depend on the establishment I'm working at. If I'm at a regular spot it's probably not that deep, If it's the afterhours I might make you bend over and cough. Idc. Too many times you search a mf and they still get in with it somehow.

Smmfh. One time my boy found a gun on dude tried to get him to put it outside but he was kinda shook so he tried to keep it low key cause it was busy at the door. While he trying to talk dude outside he passes it off to one of his niggas that already got searched and they playing hot potato with the strap and it gets inside. Hour later some dude gets shot in his head. Bartender catches a stray.

Hard lesson.
Let's get shit started early. I believe I've said this before in regards to this movie.

Black people overhyping Get Out as this great movie when it was just decent to me has given rise to other shows and movies that follow in Get Out footsteps and making those movies and shows not even decent.

I watched this movie over the weekend and the shit was completely and absolutely trash IMO. If Get Out doesn't get overhyped I feel the Master movie never gets made.


Get Out is 10x better than this movie.

I couldn't believe that was the end of the movie, there was no conclusion! I was PISSED cause I had almost cut it off like 2-3 times but figured I was already a hour or so in and might as well finish it.
Get Out is 10x better than this movie.

I couldn't believe that was the end of the movie, there was no conclusion! I was PISSED cause I had almost cut it off like 2-3 times but figured I was already a hour or so in and might as well finish it.

That says a lot about both movies
I've never paid lesser attention to a war than I have with this Russia vs Ukraine war. I don't even read news articles about let alone listen to the news segments in the morning or nightly news.

Word. I basically poke my head in the thread on here every few days and take in the tweets. That's about it. Not really even a war just a slow burning hostile take over.
I've never paid lesser attention to a war than I have with this Russia vs Ukraine war. I don't even read news articles about let alone listen to the news segments in the morning or nightly news.
Kinda hard for me to care when my people over here still not free

As far as I'm concerned, this is white on white crime and ain't got shit to do with me
How is it possible that you give someone a copy of ur ID to write your name down and they manage to misspell it on 2 separate forms
Id rather just go on the internet and I just so happen to stumble across files of content i want to watch.

Sounds great but everyone ain't that plugged into the internet for all of that. For most its pretty easy to do but for some they ain't trying to figure that shit out.

I've done Terririum and cinema app, etc. Some times I ain't trying to pick a movie, press play then it's a totally different movie than the one I picked.
Sounds great but everyone ain't that plugged into the internet for all of that. For most its pretty easy to do but for some they ain't trying to figure that shit out.

I've done Terririum and cinema app, etc. Some times I ain't trying to pick a movie, press play then it's a totally different movie than the one I picked.

Yeah real-debrid solves that and other problems like it for a small fee.
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